Chapter 15- Cameron Three, Chad Zero

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"What's up guys? It's Cameron, and today I have my beautiful other half joining me on this video. Tina, say hello to the people," he says, motioning towards the camera.

"Hello," I smile and wave at the camera.

"I know it's been a while since I've made a video. I've been really busy. But all that's going to change. Every Monday I'll be putting up a new video for you guys, so expect those every week. Also, Tina's starting a channel and she'll be posting videos on Tuesdays, so be sure to check those out every week." He turns his head to face me. "Are you ready?"

"Yep," I smile.

"So as most of you know, for this week's video I decided to do a girlfriend/boyfriend tag. I tweeted you guys, asking you to give me some questions you want to know about us. So here we go!"

I scroll through the replies on Cameron's last tweet. Some of them are a little rude, but I'll just skip over those. "Okay, first question... What's my least favorite song?"


I hate that song with a passion. "Correct."

"I knew it." Cam picks up his phone and scrolls through some replies. "What's my favorite sports team?"

"Green Bay Packers."

"That is correct."

"What's my favorite cereal?"

"Lucky Charms?"

"Yes," I say, cracking a smile.

"What are three things I'm good at?" he asks.

"Dancing, modeling, and vining."

"That was too easy for you," he smiles.

I look at the next question and grin. "Exactly how many days have we been together?" We've been together for exactly twenty-six days, but I don't think he'll get this right.

"Twenty-six if you count today."

"Damn, you're good."

He scrolls through more tweets until he finds one he likes. "What's my favorite TV show?" he asks.

"Oh this one's easy. Family Guy," I answer.


"What? You watch Family Guy all the time."

"But that's not my favorite show."

I look at him with a confused expression. "Then what is?" I ask.

"Modern Family."

"Oh! You do watch that a lot," I remember.


"Okay guys, that's it for this Taghi Tuesday! I hope you all enjoyed this video. Give it a thumbs up if you did. If you want me to keep making videos, tweet me using the hashtag '#TaghiTuesday'. If you have any suggestions on the next video, leave me a comment below. Also, don't forget to subscribe to my channel. If you want to see Cameron's video from yesterday, click on his face right here. And if you want to follow us on any social media sites, our usernames are down below in the little description box. Once again, please like this video and subscribe to my channel. Peace out, beautifuls! See you next week."

"You did it!" Cameron shouts.

"It took me long enough," I say. It took me about eight tries to realize that it's Sunday and this video will be posted on Tuesday.

"You'll get used to it."

I sigh and stand up, making my way to Cam's bathroom upstairs and he follows right behind me. I decided to do a 'My Boyfriend Does my Make-up' video for Tuesday. It actually doesn't look too bad, except for the fact that I have eye shadow on my cheeks and blush on my forehead. I have no idea why he thought that blush went there, but whatever. Everything else is in the right place.

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