Chapter 10- Bucket List

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"Well, I don't know what you two party animals have planned for tonight, but we have to go. It's getting late", Marie said taking a sip of water.

We had been on Skype for about three hours now talking about random stuff with the adorable couple. Marie and I had already exchanged numbers and agreed to text each other.

I looked at the time. 10:15.

"It's not that late. Why are you going to sleep so early?" Cam asked tightening his grip around my waist. I rested my head on his shoulder and slung one arm around him.

"Shawn and I have a wedding to attend tomorrow morning and we should already be asleep right now", she answered giggling.

"Alright well, have fun at the wedding! And Shawn, you're not sleeping in Marie's room, right?"

"Uhh sure Cam, whatever makes you happy", he responded in the most least assuring way.

I stifled my laughter, taking a sip of my Arizona tea. This kid is awesome.

"You two better not be frickle frackling!" Cameron shouted as I had the hardest time keeping the beverage in my mouth, causing me to do a spit take.

"Cameron, shut up! I'm fifteen. You know I'm not frickle frackling", Marie exclaimed.

I was on the floor doubled over in laughter at the fact that they just said 'frickle frackling'.

Cameron was in a fit of laughter too. "Okay, I trust you. But I don't trust you", he said pointing to Shawn.

He threw his hands up in a mock surrender.

"Bye Cameron", Marie grumbled. "Bye Tina! I'll text you tomorrow", she said in a more cheerful tone.

I smiled. "Bye Marie! Bye Shawn!"

"Bye guys", Shawn said smiling.

"Bye", Cam repeated smiling. "Use protection."

"You're so embarrassing!" Marie exclaimed before hanging up on a hysterical Cam and I.

Once we sobered up, I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye and asked, "So what do we do now?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. What can we do?" I asked. I honestly didn't know what there was to do in his house.

"Anything, Tina", he said dramatically. "If you just belie-".

"Oh my gosh, Cameron." He chuckled. "Seriously, what can we do?"

He thought for a second. "What's something that you've never done before, and you want to do?"

"We're going to be here all day", I said. There's so many things I haven't done before.

"Let's make a list."

"Like a bucket-list?"

He nodded.

"Alright. That sounds like a good idea", I said.

We went back to Cam's room and he pulled out two pens and two notepads.

"I'll make one too", he said.

I smiled as he hopped on the bed and sat next to me. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulled me closer to him and kissed my cheek, making me blush.

"What was that for", I asked, biting my lip to try to hide my smile.

"Just because I can", he shrugged with a smile on his face.

"Oh. Well in that case..." I leaned in and placed a soft, sweet kiss on his lips.

I giggled as I pulled back and saw that he had a cheesy grin on his face.

"Would you like some music?" he asked.

"Yes please."

He hooked his phone up to a speaker and clicked shuffle. The first song that came on was Little Bird by Ed Sheeran.

"I love Ed Sheeran!" I exclaimed.

"Really?" he asked smiling, one eyebrow raised.

I nodded in confirmation and he walked to his closet, pulling out something and tossing it to me. Unfolding it, I looked at it and couldn't stop the smile from spreading on my face.

"Merry Christmas!" he shouted. I laughed because it almost felt like Christmas. He gave me a black T-shirt with my ginger god's face on it.

"I can have it?" I asked just to make sure.

"Yeah, I already have a white one just like."

"Oh my gosh, thank you! You're the best!"

"I try", he said giving me a cocky smile. "Okay, let's get started on those bucket lists."

He sat back down next to me and grabbed his pen and paper.

He sighed. "So, number one."

I thought for a little bit. "Well, I've always wanted to meet a famous person. So I guess that'll be number one", I said writing it down.

"I'm famous", he said smiling.

"Okay, I want to meet another famous person", I responded. "So what's your number one?"

He sighed again. "I've always wanted to get married before I'm twenty-six."


He nodded.

"What's the wise Cameron Dallas explanation behind this?"

He smiled. "I believe in happy endings, and I believe in love. I believe in finding someone who makes you happy and a better person. And I also believe that life is short. Too short", he said. "You know the feeling when you're really looking forward to something that you've been spending so much of your time preparing for, and it seems so far away? Like it's going to take ages for that day to come?" I nodded my head yes. "You spend days, or weeks, or months, or years preparing and working hard to get to that day. And you just want it to get there as fast as you can because you're so excited. But then it happens, and before you know it it's all over. And you just wish you could go back to relive it all over again. But you don't get that option, nobody does. You don't get to live something over again. You don't get to live life over again either. You get stuck in bad situations and then find your way out of them somehow. You work hard trying to make yourself and the people around you happy. And you just wish for that day in which you know that you've found true happiness to come already. That day that you're doing exactly what you want to be doing and you're completely happy because you know you worked your ass off and waited your whole life to get there. But then before you know it you're on your deathbed. And once again, it's all over way too fast. And you wish you could go back to the start and relive it and relive it until you get tired. But you can't. Life's a journey. You're highest point in life where you know you've lived it to the fullest is your event. And when it all comes to one big halt, that's when you're journey's long gone and you wish that you hadn't been so eager then", he explained. "And now I've given you my entire spiel on life and I haven't even gotten to the point yet." I giggled. "My point is, I want someone to go on my journey with. I want someone to hold my hand through the bad times and to celebrate with in the best times. And I will need someone who can still love me when my big event is over. I just want that person in my life as soon as possible."

I was speechless. Cameron had changed my whole perspective on life within five minutes. He never fails to amaze me. That made me about ten times more attracted to him, and something told me he knew that.

I stared at him with wide eyes. "Wow", I breathed. "That's amazing."

He grinned. "So, number two."

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