Chapter 8- Family

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"Do you want to come over to my house?" Cameron asked as I stepped out of the dressing room.

"Hmm, I don't know. I have a lot of homework today, and I have to make up work from yesterday."

"We can do homework together."

I giggled. "Cam, we don't even go to the same school."

"Yeah but, we can still do homework together. And it's more fun when you have company."

"Cameron, we both know that neither of us will get anything done."

"Oh come on", he said, grabbing my hands and bringing me closer to him. He hovered a good seven inches over me. "It must be getting pretty lonely at your house. You know, with your mom in San Diego and Chelsea tutoring her cousin later, you must want some company." His fingers interlocked with mine and he placed a light peck on my lips. "Right?" He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.

I sighed and thought about it for a few seconds, like I didn't already know what my answer would be. Whether I wanted to go to his house or not, I had no control over my decision. Cameron's lips were too persuasive. The mere sight of them took over my brain in the moment, and he knew it. He knew exactly what he was doing.

He watched as I gave in, my small protests vanishing into thin air. "I guess."

"Awesome", he said smiling and pulling his keys out of his pocket. "Let's go to your house first so you can get your stuff for tomorrow."

I nodded and grabbed my bag. Putting my hand in his, we walked out the building and to his black car.

I really liked our current state, though I didn't know what to call it. It was obvious we weren't just friends. For the past few days we've been acting sort of like a couple. We've been holding hands and stealing kisses, just because we can. But we haven't made anything official yet, and that's the good thing.

We feel like it's too fast to make anything official, which it is. I just got out of a relationship with Chad a little over a week ago, and Cameron and I have barely known each other for a week. It's complicated though. Because when you think about it, we already rushed things by spending each day with each other right after we met and doing things that couples do. But that's not how it feels. It somehow feels perfectly comfortable and normal. Nothing's awkward between us at all.

In the past week Cameron and I have spent together, we've learned that we're almost the exact same person. He's just like me. I don't have to worry about being too weird or crazy around him because he's the exact same way. And he gets my humor. I can't stand when I say something funny but people just stare at me like a grew another head. That never happens with Cameron. He understands my weirdness, which makes it a million times easier to be me around him.

With every guy I've been with, I've had to think about everything too much. I put too much thought into my appearance and I acted like a girl I'm not. I pretended to be a different person with Chad. I always made sure I looked good and put on a fake smile in my saddest moments. I thought I loved Chad, so I felt like that's what I had to do to be with him. I felt like I needed to be the girl he wanted to date. Which was preppy all the time, pretty all the time, cheerful all the time, and normal all the time.

But that's not who I am and Cameron accepts that because he's the same way. We're crazy, loud, sarcastic, weird, lazy, we're in bad moods some times, and we don't always look our best.

Even when I'm in shorts and an oversized t-shirt with my hair on top of my head in the messiest bun in the world, he accepts it. In fact, he says that he finds it really attractive when a girl doesn't care about her appearance all the time and they can just relax and be comfortable. But I only do that because he doesn't care. Besides Luke, he's the only guy I feel comfortable enough around to be comfortable.

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