Chapter 1- Bad News

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Hey guys!! This my first wattpad book so bear with me if it's not very good from the start:) but I hope you enjoy it. Have fun!!❤
I looked back at my 2 best friends messing around, very loudly, in the selected booth at Starbucks as I payed for our drinks. When I sat back down I just watched them, amused, as they bickered back and forth about their favorite drink, for some reason. This was very normal for them to do as they were both as stubborn and as competitive as each other and would never back down without a fight.

"Harry, you know you're going to lose so just admit that diet cherry coke is better." Beth said, leaning on the table as she spoke.

"Nuh uh. Sprite always has been and always will be, by far, the best drink." Harry shot back.

Harry and Beth and I were like opposites in so many ways. Harry was the goofy yet attractive one while Beth was quieter and more hardworking. Well, quiet around new people but when you got to know her, she wouldn't shut up. And me, well, I've been said to be the 'badgirl' of the group. And of the school... I have to admit my life had gone down hill since Joe, my eldest brother, died from cancer a few years ago.
That was the reason I got into so much trouble, rebelling was the only way I could let my anger out. I had tried seeing a therapist, that helped but at the same time didn't. No one understands how close we were and how hard it was. I didn't come out of my room for weeks after I got the news, they wouldn't even let me see him. But I had Harry and Beth. They were keeping my life on track. Sort of.

They seemed to have stopped arguing by the time I zoned back in to reality and were slurping up their milkshakes as fast as they could. I laughed at the pair of them, picking up my phone and taking a few pictures of them for memories. I had to tell them soon but I just didn't know how. Everything seemed to be so happy at the moment, I didn't want to ruin the day with my news that I knew would break them.

"Guys" I laughed but they were too engulfed in their 'competition' to notice that I was trying to get their attention.
"Guys!" I shouted, yes shouted, a bit too loudly. That earned me a few weird looks and my best friends' attention. Woops.
They were looking at me expectantly mid-sip of their half empty milkshakes.
I took a deep breath before saying,
"You may want to sit down for this it's going to get deep." I warned them, taking my first gulp of the caramel cream.

"You know how my parents have been getting really wound up about my arrests and the last 5 schools I've, um, been expelled from..." This was harder than I thought, I was meant to be keeping my reputation, get a grip Mia, I told myself.

"Well, I'm getting sent out of the country by parents, too..." I continued trying to keep my 'it's not a big deal' voice and a straight face. That was hard seeing as though Harry and Beth were looking at me as if I was telling them something really dramatic. Like Michael Jackson dying dramatic.

"WHAT?!" They both shouted at the top of their lungs. Cue more stares and the manager kicking us out. Great, the 8th café I've been kicked out from. Woops.

"Who would do this to you? I mean what did you do to get kicked out of the country? I mean school's bad enough but COUNTRY?!" Beth questioned to herself more than me.

"Not literally Beth. My parents are just 'fed up with my uncontrollable behavior' so I'm being sent to..." I trailed off unable to finish my sentence without feeling more guilty than I already did.
I hated school, life... Cancer. But I hated the idea of not being with my best friends.

"England. A boarding school. I'm so sorry guys" I finished, I didn't know what to say.
The look on their faces told me that they were disappointed in me and broken, like I predicted.

"Mia..." Harry started, walking towards me and taking a seat on the pavement next to me.

"I don't know what to say, I mean maybe this could be a fresh start but you had reasons Mia. I'm going to miss you. So much." He managed to choke out before dissolving into tears. I held him close while he cried, kind of shocked. The thing is that Harry Church never cried. Ever. Not even at Joe's funeral, he just stood there with no emotion on his face, his brave face.

Beth on the other hand, was still standing there opening and closing her mouth, as if she wanted to say something but she couldn't seem to form the words.

"I, Bethany Clara Hamilton, promise to never to talk to Mia Hannah Anderson's parents due to this hell they are putting us through" She said with her head, literally, held high and her hand on her heart. I couldn't stop myself but burst out laughing at her "promise".

"After all these years too. Pah, they are a disgraceful pair of parents sending their own daughter off to a boarding school half way across the world from her own home town! Disgraceful. Disgraceful. Disgraceful." She kept muttering the word under her breath. I know Beth was passionate about other things and could go on rants for hours about them but this? Was it really this big of a deal?

Sure, I was going to miss them a ton but... Oh I don't know, maybe they were over reacting. Maybe I was under reacting.

By now, Harry had stopped crying and was sitting up his head still on my shoulder.

"Sorry about that. What will happen to the 3 musketeers though? You know, us." Harry asked slowly, still a bit choked up.

"Harry, we'll still be best friends. She's not leaving our friendship is she?" Beth reasurred him. "Are you?"

I was a bit wierded out by this pointless question. They should know the answer.

"Course not you dumbos. Why would I? Were the 3 besties. The 3 musketeers. Look to make it up to you, we'll have a massive movie night. How does that sound? There'll be ice creaaaaaam!"

Their eyes lit up immediately when they heard the words 'movie' and, of course, 'ice cream'. They were like moths to a flame with that stuff.

I was going to miss this place.

"I'll be back" I suddenly said, interuppting their new argument over the best film. They never stopped bickering, did they? "I'll be so rebellious, they won't know what hit them." I smiled evily.

This was going to be one hell of a trip.


Helloo everyone! Thank you for giving this a go. This kinda dragged on but I really hope you like it. A very special thank you to OreosAndMilk07 (who's one of my best friends) or making the front cover. It's amazing


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