Chapter 15- Live it out

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This morning, I had woken up to the sound of birds chirping. I lifted my head from my pillow and looked around my room to see that I was alone. Grabbing my phone from the bedside table, I checked the time. Damn, shit, damn. It was already 11 am, I'd missed about 2 a half classes by now. Oh well. No one would miss me anyway...

It was a pretty slow morning. I couldn't really be bothered to eat breakfast or do anything so it just consisted of me lounging around in my tracksuits and baggy t-shirt watching Pretty Little Liars. I had only really started about a month ago, but I was already in love with it.

My back was faced to the door of my dorm room and I had my head phones on and was, obviously, into PLL like everyone would be after 1 season, so didn't notice that I had left my door open and that someone had walked in. To my dumb self's surprise, when hands snaked around my waist, I as anyone would screamed as loud and as long as my lungs would allow.

"Woah there, princess. That's a pair of lungs you have." The voice said, chuckling.

"It's like you're stalking me or something. I was in my room, having a nice marathon of Pretty Little Liars and you have to come in and interupt me. Anyway, don't you have a class to get to?"

He leaned over my head so that I could see his face and he pouted playfully, pressing his lips to mine. After a few seconds, I realised what was happening and shoved him away from me.

"Cameron, uh, what do you think you're doing?" I screamed at his retreating body, which was coming round to sit opposite me on my double bed.

"I could be asking you the same thing. Why aren't you in class? I missed our banter." he whined.

I didn't reply, knowing that I wouldn't win this conversation/ bicker. I just went back to my episode of PLL and lay my head down on his stomach. He immediately responded to my actions by stroking my hair and watching my laptop too. Usually I would shove him off but this position was surprisingly comfortable. Even my instincts were telling me to stay like this, meh.


About 6 hours and 4 films later, we had finished up to season 5, I decided it was time to get out and acctually get some food. I'd been mooching around with my intruder and had gotten bored.
As well as this, unwillingly, my heart had been leap frogging for him a bit. Just a bit, he wasn't worth my time right now. But I had been with him a lot recently, I think.

I did know something I hadn't done since I arrived at this school. And that was dancing. It had been my passion ever since I was a little girl. I started ballet at 3, moving onto a dance school in my local town and here I was, without dance.

Cameron left soon after, making an excuse that he had to go see Logan. Speaking of Logan, I hadn't talked to him in a while either. I hadn't really talked to anyone in a while... I snatched my dorm room key and phone from the desk and started towards the dance studios to release some stress and confusion in my life at the moment. This was really a time when I needed to be alone with my music and feel free.

I already had my earphones in as I walked down the halllway towards the PE department where I could rent out the dance studios for about an hour. I didn't have anyone who I could share this passion wiht. No one had been through everything that I had. I wished that I could go back home, even if it was for a bit. I needed to see my friends. And maybe even my family.

After the whole scene with my parents about leaving, I had been so angry, I hadn't even thought about calling them or going to see them before they left. Of course, they were already back home already.

I had gotten my permission to book the studios and took the access card from the Head of PE. I pushed the doors to the studio and flicked on the light, not bothering to change into any other clothes as I was already in comfy clothes and I couldn't be bothered. Story of my life... Spend my days in either PJ's or trackies and mooch around when I have no classes.

I pressed shuffle on my Spotify and my body just moved freely to the music. It was like a language to me, like the music spoke to me and my body responded. I didn't think of anything other than concerntrating on my moves. Only after the song finished and I went to get some water, I realised how much I missed my old friends and home. But then, I was happy here. This was my new home.H

The hour passed pretty quickly and I gathered my things together and left the room, switching the lights off. The next thing I did was takw a shower. Admittedly, the showers in the changing rooms were gross but I really couldn't be bothered to go back to the dorm room. Just as I was about the strip off, my phone buzzed and I checked it to see that I had a message from Beth on a new group chat.

I sighed deeply as I saw who was in the chat. Myself, Beth, Harry, Logan and Cameron. Surprise surprise. She knew what had gone on between us and I could only believe that she was trying to get us back together. I knew her plans. Her supposedly secret plans that she could never hide from me becuase I could read her like an open book. And I bet the biys were in with it aswell. Those sneeky, sneeky kids...


So this chapter was a bit deep. I understand it may not be everyone's cup of tea;) But, I would like to dedicate this chapter to @KoalaBear389

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