Chapter 8- Easter Shmeaster

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"My excitement is over the top! I'm super excited, I don't think I've ever been this excited..." I dead panned.

"Yeah, yeah. No need for the sarcasm, princess."

We were in the middle of packing the car to head off to the Davies household. And his beloved parents had come to pick us up from the school.

I hadn't ever met his parents and wasn't too keen on doing so....

This was going to be a long, awkward drive.

"Come on, dear. We haven't got all day." His mum was very well-spoken and typically posh. "Here, I'll grab a bag from you."

She proceeded to take Cameron's bag and shove it in the little space left in the boot.

"Well in you get then." She ushered me in the car.

Patience, woman, patience.

I rolled my eyes and slid in the back seat next to Cameron, unfourtunately having to sit in the middle seat, ending in me being squished against Cameron, yay.

Plugging my earphones in, I played my music and zoned out the rest of the world.

After a few minutes, I felt a hand on my leg. I jerked up from my slightly slouched position and slapped his hand away.

"Hey! What are you doing, you wierdo." I may have shouted this, my earphones were still in. Woops.

He simply smiled, but I could clearly see his face heat up but he never took his hand away.


What felt like an eternity but was probably just a few hours later, I found myself in my located room.

I didn't even bother unpacking, I was so tired. I flopped on the bed and checked my phone.

No new messages.

Gee I'm popular today aren't I?

"Mia? Cameron! Dinner is on the table." A familiar voice, owned my Cameron's one and only mother.

I felt sorry for him to have such an aggressive mum. His dad never talked much so... Well....

I walked out my room and down the spiral stair case to the entrance hall.

I was expecting his house to be much bigger than this. It was simply an apartment. A fair sized one but still quite small. For some reason, it didn't quite fit his personality.

The small kitchen was off to the side of the house and I had to go through a short corridor.

This house was like a maze. No, it was a maze, and I was the maze runner trying to get out.

I finally arrived to see all the family sitting at the table with their food in front of them talking quietly.

They all looked up when I walked in no one smiled. Except Cameron, who revealed a small smirk then looked down at his food again.

I sat down slowly quite freaked out and intimidated by this family and started eating my dinner.

"So, Mia, why did you move to England?"

I cleared my throat and looked at the man sitting in front of me.

This was the first time he had spoken to me since we met them.

About time.

"My parents made me come." I stated simply.

"Yes, okay. Fair enough. What about siblings do you have any?" He urged.

"I did..." I trailed off, this was a touchy subject even for me.

"You did? What do you mean, you did?" Jeez did this guy ever stop?

"Why is that any of your business?"

He and his wife seemed taken aback by this and I wasn't surprised. My sudden outburst had shocked even myself.

"I didn't mean to intrude or-" Mr Davies started.

"Dad, she's been through a lot recently. Just, tone it down a bit, yeah?" Cameron pointed out.

Who was he to be 'coming to my rescue' and speak for me? I wasn't mute.

But Cameron still looked at me as if to say "why did you say that?". Admittedly, I did feel a bit bad but he asked for it.

"Princess, why don't you go upstairs. It's been a long day and you'll probably be tired."

I gave him a pointed glare but did as I was told. Getting up from the table, I looked back at the family and smiled a small smile.

A few minutes after I got to my room, I heard a small knock on the door.

A small man, also known as Cameron's father, walked in. Head down, fingers busily intertwining with each other.

He looked up at me, a sad smile on his pale face.

"Mia..." He started, "I'm sorry for bringing up your past and family. It wasn't my place."

My face softened a bit.

"I know it can be hard to face the truth but, we all have to at some point. You can talk to me, I'm a therapist. I will help you."

Um, what was he doing still going through my business?

"Yeah, thanks Mr D but as you can see, I'm dealing with my past just fine thank you. I have a therapist and even though she can be crap at listening at times, she's probably a hell lot better than you."

With that I stood up from my bed and stalked out the room. Once at the door, I kicked it and smiled when I heard a satisfying "OW!"

"Great eaves dropping you got there, frog." I bent down so I was at his level on the floor. "Just try to make it less obvious next time, yeah?" I chuckled.

I started walking down the hall but Cameron scrambled to his feet and latched onto my elbow.

"Wait wait. We have to do the project this holidays right?" His voice suddenly dropped an octave, "Well, melady, would you like to accompany me on a nice little picnic after our hard work?" He held out his arm to me so I could, presumably, hold onto it like old people do in films.

"Is this your way of asking me in a date?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Maybe, maybe not. Just a simple spot of tea and scones, if you like them?" He squeaked as his voice was going so high.

"Hm, of course, frog. I would love to accompany you." I laughed at the role play set out.

"Well, it's a date." He smirked to himself.


Yes, I know, I know. I'm sorry. *lowers head in shame*

Thank you so much for sticking with me it's much appreciated.

Tell me what you think in the comments :)

Have a great morning evening or night.

Just about to go to school.... Yay....

Till the next time <3

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