Chapter 11- New New Start?

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Before I start, I just want to dedicate this chapter to @DanielittaKompus for leaving such lovely comments on my chapters.

I'll be editing my story when its completed.

I don't usually have deep chats or thoughts with others. Or really talk to other people about my feelings. It's none of their business.But, for some reason, I really felt as though I should just talk to someone who knew Cameron better than himself.

Yeah, my lil Logi was here.

Obviously Beth wouldn't be able to help. No offence. Although I had left a little message on the group chat to let them know the gossip. An hour after I had sent it, I had gotten about 13 messages from the recently absent Harry, asking for the details. What a great friend I had....

Anyway, around half way through my little dmc with Logan, I had gotten a text from Cameron and Joe.

ElderJoe: I talked to my brother. I don't know if you still want to date him or not... He made a mistake, he's stupid, he's dumb. He understands. It didn't happen.
Hope you're okay. Speak soon.

Hm. Cam's not going to get off that easily.

LyingCheater: Mia, princess. Words can't express my apology. Nothing happened between us. She's just jealous of me and you. The perfect two. Come home so we can talk?xx

I'd changed his name the minute I saw that, that, that dirty, dirty sticky note.

Sure I'd come home, why not? I mean his family were lovely. But hell no, I wasn't talking to that boy.

I probably sounded like a spoilt little girl who didn't get the doll she wanted. Yes, maybe it didn't happen, maybe it didn't. But that didn't explain why that note was there did it? It didn't explain why she had been calling his phone for hours when I'd been there.

It did, on the other hand, explain why she'd been acting so bitchy and two-faced around me and clingy around Cam.


I decided to spend the day with myself just at the park.

I hadn't talked to Cameron all that evening even when he tried to grab my attention.

Nope, he could get the satisfaction of the back of my head and silence.

School started again tomorrow. So that meant no more Cameron. I could just stay in my room between lessons and keep to myself.

Who needs friends anyway?

You do.

My thoughts flickered to Harry and Beth. I still didn't understand why Harry had been such a bad friend recently.

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