Chapter 17- Skater girl

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I slid around the rink pulling Cameron along with me. He was starting to get the hang of it and once he had regained his balance, started going back to his old cocky self.

"You know, princess, I really think that I can go around alone. We've been here for about 10 minutes and I think. No I know that I am doing great on the ice. I'll show you my skills." He smirked at me before detaching himself from me and clinging onto the edge for a moment.

I looked over my shoulder at Logan knowing that we both shared the same thoughts at this moment and chuckled a bit before turning back to Cameron. Who obviously fell straight onto the ice the moment he let go. The scream or should I say shriek that he let out caused the staff to have to skate over and check to see if he was okay.

At this point I was doubled over with laughter along with Logan, holding onto the side for support. Once he was checked over to see if he was okay, he skated over to us, a dim look on his face.

"Right, let's go. I think this is quite enough ice skating to last me until I die." He laughed a fake laugh before proceeding to get off the ice. But before he could, I laughed evilly to myself grabbing his arm and pulling him back towards us.

"No, no and no. We are staying here and you WILL have a good time, understood?" I stared into his golden specked eyes waiting expectantly for an answer to emerge from his mouth.

Instead, I got a good starting at as if I had just announced that I had gone mad. But after about 30 seconds, he did manage to stifle a small, "Yeah, whatever....".


"So you managed to fall over how many times, then? I lost track after about the 12th time." Logan asked.

We were seated in the sports centre's cafe after 1 hour of amusement for Logan and I and an hour of torture for lil Cameron.

"Hmph, 27 times for your wonderful information. And this day stays between us doesn't it?" Cameron warned.

"Huh?" Logan lifted his head from his phone, his expression changing from neutral to as to say 'oops I did exactly what you just said not to do'. "Does putting it on my snapchat story count? Or sending it on the chat to Beth and Harry count?" A high-pitched, nervous giggle escaped his lips and he slapped his palm against his mouth in shock.

"NO! YOU DID NOT YOU LITTLE *BEEEEEEEP**BEEEEP*" Cameron exclaimed in very near to anger but more embarrassment that everyone now knew how the 'bad boy' could seem so vulnerable. Hah, that would be used someday else.

We weren't really bothered to go back to the school and we did have about half an hour to arrive back. Probably wouldn't end up happening that way even though I didn't really care anyway. So, we just decided to sit in the cafe until we got told to leave. This time was consisted of just chit chatting about the most random stuff and now, we were going to play truth or dare as that was the last resort of amusement.

"Princess, truth or dare." A sly smile was forming on his lips as I pondered over the possible outcomes and consequences of choosing either a truth or a dare. But, deciding to be adventurous, I chose dare.

"Dare." I responded, making Cameron's smile grow into a grin.

I was worried now.

"Go over to that table" he nodded over to the table in the corner, eyes still training on my facial features, "flirt with the guy there for 5 minutes and then run out of the building." He smiled innocently, a hint of mischief in his features.

Logan then ushered me out of my seat and towards the table. I closed my eyes for a second before pushing my chair away form the table and proceeding towards the poor soul who was about to get completely freaked out by this, I know.

I turned around to see Cameron and Logan leaned to towards each other talking quietly together occasionally turning towards me to see how I was doing. I advanced towards the victim and sat down opposite him with a flirtatious time ready to put my dare into action.

"Hey, what are you doing in such a place like this? Come out with me. Anywhere you want." I winked at the unnamed guy my heart beating faster, waiting for his answer.

His eyes trained on my face as he just thought over the words I had just fired at him unexpectedly. The corners of his mouth curved up into a small, mocking smile. "2 things, 1: I have a girlfriend who's at the counter and when she sees you she will explode and 2: I know your boyfriend and other mate set you up for this. Cameron and Logan, yeah?" He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest.

I quickly got up from my seat across from him, suppressing a mumble of a 'sorry' and walked quickly walked back to Cameron and Logan who were trying to hold back their laughter. I was so embarrassed at how I could have possibly fallen for this stupid little dare.

But instead of doing the expected actions, I forced a smile onto my face and stood by our table and said with a jolly voice,

"Right, boys. It's getting late we should head back. Come along." I grabbed my bag and started walking towards the exit, leaving both Cameron and Logan to sit there confused.

They'd face the consequences later. They'd regret that they'd ever played that dare on me.

Once they had both caught up with me, Cameron slipped his arm around my waist and led me towards the car park. And to my pleasant surprise, he pressed his lips against my temple before getting into the car next to Logan in the front and said no more to me all the way back to the school.


Hey my lovelies!

How're you all this fine day? Thank you all for your support during my writing. Even with only 17 chapter I can't believe how many reads I have right now.

Till the next time<3

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