Chapter 2- Goodbye Miami

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The movie night ended up with us sneaking out to go to a party. I wasn't in the mood for soppy chick flicks or to pretend to be scared of the Annabelle film.

So we decided, well I decided and told the others that they were coming too, to go to a party.
And we got completely wasted.

Today was the day I would go to England. The effort was too much to pack my suitcase, thanks to my head splitting hangover from the night before. Beth was over to help me with pack too.

"So, t-shirts, jeans, trackies. What else?" Beth listed as she went through my wardrobe. I wasn't really listening, I was spread across my bed moaning endlessly about how pointless this was.

"Ahh. CBA to do this. What is the fucking point in going to a fucking boarding school in England for some stupid reason?" I was tired and hungover. There was only 10 hours before my flight and I had to arrived 5 hours before.

"Mia, let's just finish this and then you can spend some quality time with your favorite people for the last time you leave. That's me and Harry by the way." She told me.


An hour later I was packed and ready. Beth made me change my lazy, bedtime ugly clothes (Beth's words not mine), which I found very comfortable, into a white cropped top, black high waisted shorts and my black air max trainers. She had some sort of color scheme going on here, she was really into art, textiles and fashion so I didn't really mind if she chose my outfits.

I messaged Harry on the group chat to let him know our plans.

MammaMia1: Heey Hazza. Me and Beth were thinking we could drop by and have our last moments of fun before I depart on my journey.

He replied immediately.

GoCarryHarryBarry: Heey MooMoo. Yeah that sounds grrrreat.

MammaMia1: Give us 10 minutes.

BethIsWalkingInTheAir: Why can't we just meet at 'the wise ol' tree'?

The wise ol' tree was where we all met. We went there whenever something big happened or simply if we just wanted time alone.

MammaMia1: You guys make me such a softie. I mean, why exactly did we call it 'The Wise Ol' Tree'? But yeah let's meet there.

I logged off and went to my mirror to apply my daily makeup and do my hair.
I wasn't like most of the girls in my school who literally painted themselves with makeup so they looked like clowns.


"The time has come to say goodbye by friends" Harry sung. Don't ask me why he sung it.

"Mia. Come here." My mum said pulling me into a warm yet uncomfortable embrace. I could feel Beth's laser eyes staring at the scene with hate. She hasn't really taken this very well.

I pulled away and then looked at my dad.
"Good luck kiddo. Stay out of trouble, I don't want calls at midnight telling me that you're on the roof smoking weed." He joked but I could see that part of him was worried that that would happen. What trusting parents I have. Even with the things I've done. He patted me awkwardly on the head before going back to join my mother.

I soun around to face my best friends and then time just seemed to stop. The world seemed to have stopped spinning. But my heart was beating fast.

"So, this is it" I said, silently praying that no one would cry. As much as these cliché moments in films had endless crying,
2. I need to keep my reputation as a bad girl and not cry.

Cue a group hug. A tight, sweaty and meaningful group hug. As my flight was called, we pulled away and I grabbed my things. I walked towards the flight attendant who was supposed to show me where to go and to make sure I was comfortable etc. I didn't need a flight attendant, I'd been on planes loads before. What were they thinking, ugh.
I turned around at the last minute and waved to my friends and family before disappearing into the boarding control.


There is one reason why I, and a lot of people, hate aeroplanes. 2 words, 4 syllables. Little children.

You know, the ones who constantly kick the back of your chair. Yep, that was pretty much the only thing that happened on the journey. Freaking kid, I just wanted to rip his legs and-

"Mia Anderson?" A voice interrupted my thoughts of what to do with that kid. The voice had a thick English accent and was quite posh and well-spoken.

"Mia Anderson?" The mystery voice was nearer now and was wandering around aimlessly trying to find my ride to hell.

"Ah, Miss Anderson." A hand touched my shoulder and spun me around and I scowled at him. He was a middle aged man in a grey matching suit and black, shiny shoes. An A4 card with my name on it was hanging in his hand.

"Sorry." He said, clearly aware that he had freaked me out. "Charlie Waters" he held his hand out to me, presumably wanting me to shake it. I grunted in response and put my headphones on, my music blasting loudly and resulting the voices and background noise to be blocked out.

I didn't want to deal with anyone at the moment. Seeing that I had blocked him out, Charlie put his hand away with a sigh and signalled me to follow him.

We arrived at the car, well more like a limousine. What was this school? Like a major boarding school for rich people? How did my parents afford this school?

It was only when I had gotten in the car that I could really experience England. I'd never been to London before so I guess I should make the most of it? Nahh, I'll just sleep off the jet lag. This was going to be a very, very long trip...

Hey guys!!
Shawn Mendes- sometimes it all gets a little too much at the top/side. Personally I am in love with his songs❤ comment if you're fan
More action will be happening later on, I promise.

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