Chapter 10- Sorta Project Sorta Not

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"Yes, perfect! Now, Cameron come infront of everyone and stay still."

We were finally starting our project. To he honest, I had grown quite excited of this project over time.

Especially being able to tell Froggy here what to do!

I had lined up all of the Davies family so I could do one of those spiral video things? No. Okay...

It had taken about half an hour for everyone to be ready. Anyway, Nelly was out of the project as she had moved schools or something.

Bitter sweet. Now we didn't have anyone to put the whole thing together. Meh, she was annoying, especaily when she wouldn't stop swooning over Cameron.

You almost sound jealous.

Oh great, the conscious has arrived to stay.

"Can we move yet?" Josh yelled, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I need to pee." Charlie agreed.

I sighed loudly. "You had the whole freaking morning, people!"

My patience was a wearing thin with these boys. They wouldn't stop being so, ahhhh. You know?

No, not really.

Go away.

Meh, I think I'll stay.

I mean, it was only one shot. Jeez.

Okay, a bit overdramatic okay.

"Go on, get out of my sight, I think I got it."

"Thank you Miss Anderson." They chorused and I laughed to myself.

I put down my camera I was holding and sat on the little hill in the back garden.

Cameron walked up to where I was sitting, after everyone had left and sat beside me, copying my actions.

"What are you thinking about, princess? You look deep in thought."

I simply shrugged. But my mind was far away thinking about yesterday's happenings.

I had gotten down from the last tree and waited patiently Cameron who didn't say anything when he came down.

The conversations had been anything but that. The eye contact had been limited. Something wasn't right. Usually he would be all cocky about anything but no...

But, of course as usual, this all changed when a certain someone spoke up.

"Have you thought about yesterday?" I processed the words in my head before replying.

"Yes." Simple, yet tension building. *high five to myself* yeah... Hey, I could be a child by myself.


"Yes." I smiled at him.

Hey, why not? I could see how it went? Have a few of his flings get jealous. It's a win-win.

He grinned back at me.



"Miaaaaa!" Charlie's voice closed in on me.

"Charlie!!" I yelled back half heartedly.

Six year olds were cute but occasionally very annoying if you were just visiting a friend. Sorry, boyfriend. You know?

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