Chapter 16- Get ready....

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My phone wouldn't stop buzzing with messages from my friends who were getting on my nerves. I was trying to revise for once for my psychology exam which I actually wanted to do well in as I could do well in it if I wanted to, and I did want a future after all.

The latest bubbles of speech that had been spazzing up my phone in the last 5 minutes had been plans for us all to meet up, again, and go on a holiday where Logan owned a rather large cottage by the sea. I honestly didn't know how Harry and Beth could come to England so much but I guess that Logan would pay for them to come as his family were quite well off.

Even though the easter holidays had literally just ended a few weeks ago, the half term and British people say, was arriving in like a week so we were planning well the others were planning on us all going there for the week.

I thought it might be time to reply to the messages STILL coming in.

"Right, enough with the spamming people! My phone's going to explode..." I complained through the chat.

"HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" was the only reply I got from Harry. That no-hearted jerk.

"So you read the last messages? You want to come, Meemo?" Logan asked, emojis bombarding his message.

"Yeah, sounds cool. Oi, come to my dorm, I'm bored of revising, let's go out somewhere. I guess Cameron can come too."

Beth and Cameron both sent the messages at the same time:

"WOOOOOOOOO OMG LET'S GO ICESKATING YAAS!" was the excited reply from Cam and "Not feeling left out or anything, nah." was the not so excited reply from Bethyboo.

I didn't bother reply because I knew that she wasn't annoyed.


Logi, Frog and I finally decided to go ice skating at Cameron's request and met up at the front door of the school. Signing out was so frustrating because the school was so overprotective of their students. And especially me. Only because of my past.

We approached Liam who managed the front desk when students went off campus and stuff. Logan and Cameron signed out from the boys' dorms sheet without a problem and I signed out on the girls' sheet before proceeding to go out but I was stopped by Liam.

"Sorry, Mia. I have to do this." He smiled apologetically while I simply rolled my eyes.

I'd never really been off campus so I'd never been stopped like this. "Where are you off to?" Liam asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um, ice-skating with the boys." I nodded towards Logan and Cameron who were sitting a few metres away on the bench in the front porch waiting patiently on me.

"Alrighty," he mumbled writing a note down in the log book "and where is that exactly?" he asked still not looking up at me as he was writing notes down, still.

I sighed loudly not able to keep my frustration in anymore, "Jeez, why do you need to know all this shit?! It's like you're stalking me or something."

"Sorry, it's for the records, it's obligitory." The worry was visible in his eyes but it didn't make my mood die down.

Cameron walked over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, telling Liam the location before appologising on my behalf and leaving with Logan next to him. We got into Logan's Audi and started towards the ice skating rink. I was seated in the back seat with Cameron and I had to feel sorry for the guy because I actually think that he was close to crying sa the journey consisted of Logan and I singing at the top of our lungs to the radio.Numerous times, he had had the nerve to lie on me and groan even more as I whacked his face like a drum as we sung along.

We arrived at the centre and got out of the car. Obviously, Logan geniously decided to park the car about a mile away from the centre. Hooray...

"You know I'm better than you, man. I swear the last time you went was like 2 years ago." Cameron and Logan were bickering about who was the best at ice skating and all sorts of crazy stuff while I was just wandering behind them.

Until suddenly they both turned around and stopped to wait for me. Before I knew it, I was sandwiched between the two boys and was being attacked with demands on who was the best ice skater, which I just replied with, "Well, we'll just have to wait and see. But I warn, you I am truly amazing." I accompanied this with a sly smirk and walked off to the entrance.

A girl around my age asked for Cameron and my shoe sizes and took our shoes. She just chucked my ice skates onto the counter top but smiled flirtily, handing Cameron's skates to him. Even through he smiled slightly awkwardly yet politely, I still felt a pang of jealousy in my stomach.

Just as I had had enough of looking at the scene unfolding in front of me, I felt a hand slip around my waist, escorting me to the benches to put our skates on. I looked up to see Cameron's neutral face focusing on the task ahead of walking towards the benches which were, again, a while away.

Why was everything here a trek to get to?

Once I had mine on, I stood up without any trouble to go and find Logan who was waiting for us. But of course, Cameron had to be the one who couldn't walk around in ice skates.... He latched onto my arm like he was about to drop off a building.

He wobbled over to the rink and I jumped onto it with ease, Logan following almost as easily as me but still clumsily. Cameron was just a nervous wreck, slipping over every second. I had to literally hold him. He was clinging onto my hand and shaking which was cute. I was looking forward to what this day would unravel to become.


Helloooo my lovelies!

How are you all today?

Urgh, I hate school so much rn, why do they have to put us under so much stress?! Anyway, this chapter was more of a build up because the next chapter will be the day at the rink:)

Till the next time<3

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