Chapter 9- Maybe Maybe Dating

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Around 9am, I heard a loud thump at my door and a rather sleepy Cameron stumbled in.

"Morning princess," he managed to, just, spit out. "Get clothes on we're going out for breakfast hurry up. You have 10 minutes."

Jeez, this boy wasn't one to stay calm was he? Wierdo.

Confused, I spoke up. "Um, why?"

He turned around and looked at me like I was stupid.

"We're going out. Like now." His voice had an edge of urgency. There was something he wasn't telling me.

I just sighed and nodded.

Once alone, I stripped my pyjamas and took a short, very short shower and put on black skinny jeans, a white tank top and grey lace up boots.

My door opened again and Cameron appeared, looking rather flustered.

"Come on! You've taken 10 minutes. Let's go."

Then the doorbell rang and a lot of excited voices filled my ears.

"Who's that?" I asked, confused.

No one had mentioned any guests to me...

Just then Cameron groaned loudly.

"This is why I wanted to get out quickly, man!"

"Okay, firstly, I'm not a man. And secondly, who's here?"

He just gestured me to follow him down the stairs. I saw a crowd of boys aged from 6 to 24 I think...

One looked up at us, he looked about my age.

"Cameron, bro. Long time no see, eh?" He looked behind Cameron and his eyes focused on me.

"Who's this fine lady?" His tone changed and he took a step closer as I took a step back.

"Mia. Nice to me you, uh." I said, determined to come across as at least polite. He seemed decent.

"Ah, Mia. Beautiful name to match a beautiful face." I cringed at this. "I'm Mason." He took my hand and bent down to kiss it. I yanked my hand away, awkwardly.

I looked back at Cameron and whispered "Who are these people? Your brothers?"

He simply nodded. A man of no words today? Hm.

The rest of the clump of about 6 boys walked over to us and I backed onto the stairs. A bit intimidated, even for me.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce yourselves?" I said my thoughts aloud. Woops.

They just chuckled. I couldn't help but notice how they all looked so similar. All well built and, may I say, very good-looking.

Then suddenly, out of the blue, they all stood in a long line, which Cameron also got dragged into.

The first boy, very young, spoke first.

"This is the tradition we do when we meet someone new." He looked at his older brothers and they nodded in agreement.

"Charlie, 6, single."


And it went on...

"George, 8, taken." He said proudly. I just laughed.

"Robbie, 12, single."

"Josh, 16, taken."

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