Chapter 29- Oh Dear

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"Care to explain what the hell is going on?" A frustrated voice owned by Logan burst out.

Oh dear... I had completely forgotten about him as I was shouting at his seemingly good friend. Woops.

Cameron seemed equally shocked and bemused as reality kicked in.

"Well?" He urged us. I looked at Cameron for support but at my time in need, he seemed to find his feet quite interesting as his eyes were fixed on them, clearly avoiding the situation before us.

"I-I I can explain everything..." I started but trailed off. I couldn't tell him, it would break his heart and I couldn't do that to him especially when he was friends with Tom.

My mind was running circuits at what to say, I could try and make something up to get him off my case.

"We used to know eachother, just bad friends, you know." I tried.

What was I going on about? He wasn't going to believe that!

"Sure..." Logan muttered, obviously not believing anything I had said.

I knew he dint want a fight so I left it and so did he. Nothing more was said, just an awkward silence.

"We should probably get home. It's going to rain soon." I said, trying to ease the tension between us.

No one replied, it was obvious that Logan was hurt and I understood that but I wasn't ready to share all this with him.

It wasnt fair for either of us.

After a while, I felt a drop on my cheek and looked up to see dark rain clouds forming and water starting to drop from the sky.

We all seemed to have the same idea of going back to the car and we trudged up the beach in silence.

Cameron held back to walk with me and put in arm around my shoulders in comfort.

I was glad I had him now, otherwise I would be fuming at Logan. Whenever he was here, I felt more secure.

Logan slumped in the back seat, sulking and left me and Cameron to sit in the front.

The drive home consisted of Cameron and I making small conversation and avoiding any conversation with Logan at the moment as we didn't want him to get angry.

"Do you think we should talk to him tonight?" Cameron whispered over to me.

"I'd say leave him to think things through at least, but I might just say a small thing as we leave so he doesn't hate me that much?" I said.

"Mm, yeah. See how it goes."


We arrived back at school and as soon as the car stopped moving, Logan was out of the car.

I jumped out after him and saw his retreating body obviously speed walking towards the building.

I ran up to him and grabbed his arm which he shook off immediately. He didn't stop.

"Logan." I called. "Logan please, stop."

He carried on walking.

"Can you just stop for one minute so I can explain. At least I'm making an effort here." I yelled after him.

This made him slow down and eventually stop.

"I know you lied to me. You think I'm okay with constantly being left out the loop. You and Cameron, yeah you're cute, right? And I'm the third wheel who tags along after you and hardly ever gets a say in anything." He snapped. "Look," he said more softly, "I know you've been through a hard time but haven't we all? I just want to be acknowledged as your friend and not as the friend of you, if that makes any sense."

I sighed, "I'm sorry. I should have told you and I'm sorry."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I did so around his neck. At least I had my best friend back, we were never good at arguments, especially with eachother.

"He used to be my boyfriend-" I started.

"You don't have to tell me..."

"No, you have a right to know."

He nodded in understanding. We walked into the building and up to his room.

"He didn't treat me well. Forced me into things I wasn't ready for, I'll spare you the details. I was terrified of him after that, then my brother died and everything got worse, I rebelled in school, got into trouble with the police and had to move. Staying there wasn't the right thing to do, I had to leave it all behind me. That's why I got so upset and angry when I saw him again, I hadn't seen him in so long. I'm sorry that today happened, I'm sorry I never told you, I'm sorry Logan I am." I finished.

Logan's face was traumatised, he looked scarred, his blue eyes staring into mine with such sorrow.

"Oh god. I'm so sorry. I never knew. Oh god." He said.

Cameron walked in then and sat on the bed next to me. I'd texted him before letting him know where I was and what I was doing.

I was so glad I had these two in my life, keeping me in check. I wasn't the bad girl anymore. I had changed, for the better.

And I was happy about it. I could live again. I could love. I could be happy.

As Elsa once said, the past is in the past.

"Thank you both endlessly for being my rocks. I love you to the moon and back a thousand times as freaking cheesy that sounds!"

We all laughed together and chatted for the rest of the night.

If this was in a film, the camera would be panning out of the window into the sky and then run the credits.

I guess this is my story and things in life to get better, you just need to surround yourself with the right people and make the right decisions even though there will be terrible ones along the way.

That's life...


So! This was sadly the last chapter of The Bad Girl's Reputation. Thank you all for being so supportive and amazing. We reached 66K reads so far at the end of chapter 28 which is amazing.

I can't thank you enough and I don't think I realise how much that is! I can't express my emotions enough.

I am writing another story but more will be explained in the next update....

Please post any questions you have for me on this chapter and I am happy to answer them:) thank you again and see you in the next update.

Till the next time <3

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