Chapter 20- A Very Merry Christmas

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A/N just a little message to say, yes I know it has been a very long time since I last updated and I am so so sorry about that. I have so much revision as I have my GCSEs coming up (they're very important exams, for people who didn't know) and I just haven't had the time:( Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this chapter<3

I had no classes today. It was Christmas, after all. But after last night, it really didn't feel like it.

I was enveloped in my blanket, waiting for my body to allow me to get out of the land of sleep. I had called my parents the night before and promised I would this morning. I slipped my arm out of the blanket and reached for my phone, dialed the number and put it to my ear.

After 3 rings, my mum, picked up and moaned down the phone, "Mia, do you know what the time is? It's 3 am for goodness sakes."

"Well merry Christmas to you too, mum..." I grinned to myself because I knew my mum was a fanatic when it came to Christmas and she had probably been so busy being moody at 3am, that she forgot all about it.

We chatted for a bit after she had calmed down from her excited squealing, waking Dad up in the motion before she persisted that she just had to go downstairs and open presents, leaving me to wonder when Logan and Cameron were going to burst through my door singing Christmas carols and yanking me out of bed because, guess what, they were as mad about Christmas as my mum was...

And speaking of the devils, they did so just as the thought went through my mind. I was attacked by two elves, yes they were dressed as elves.

I couldn't take the seriously dressed like that and when they dragged me off my bed and onto the floor, I couldn't help but laugh even more.

A sack was propped up against the wall next to my door, full of presents and things for today. I had already had my breakfast and so had the boys so they wanted to get straight to opening the presents.


I knew that it would take less than 5 minutes for them to open their gifts so I insisted that we open them all one at a time, earning defeated glares from my best friends. But they agreed anyway, like I gave them a choice... I grinned evily to myself, I could get them to do anything!

Shut up, Mia. It's christmas. Be nice.

Logan wouldn't stop grinning every time he opened each present. It was normal that everyone had at least one present that they didn't like but they would cover it up with a fake smile. You saw them on all of the lame, desperate adverts who were always going,

"Avoid giving a present that they hate, go to *the shop name* and buy them the best present of the year." Seriously, though?

Cameron was ecstatic when he opened his present from me and was crying with laughter when he saw my reaction to what he got me: lingaree from Victoria's Secret.

"Wow, um, thanks?" I laughed.

"Nah, that's just a joke, Princess. Here's your real present." He said as he reached into the sack, revealing a tiny, black velvet box.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Logan smiling like a proud mother as he watched the scene unroll in front of his eyes. I was so confused, was he going to propose or something? I was too young to get married!

I took the box delicately out of his hand, our fingers brushing against each other briefly as the sparks soared around me.

Wait, what?

I opened the lid, to reveal a beautiful chained necklace with the letter 'M' dangling on the end of it. I was definitely not a girly girl at all so normally I would not feel very satisfied with this but, for some reason, coming from Cameron it made it feel so much more special than anything else.

I lept up and flung myself into Cameron's arms.

"Thank you" I whispered, "so so much."

He chuckled with his deep voice and pulled away from me, looking into my eyes.

"Let me put it on for you. It's hard to do it by yourself."

And I handed it to him, waiting for him to place the cold metal around my neck. I ignored the electric sparks floating around me as he put the necklace on me and simply smiled.

"I just need to pop back to my room, I need to check something." Logan's voice broke my thoughts and I turned him and nodded.

This just left Cameron and I sitting in a bit of an awkward silence. Well it was awkward for me, anyway because I was still thinking over what he said to me last night... 'I still love you'. I mean, he was drunk, yeah but did he mean it?

I looked over Cameron to see what he was doing and found him staring at me. I couldn't quite read the expression on his face, though. But that was when he opened his mouth to speak.

"You know, I do remember everything that I said last night." My eyebrows raised without my meaning to.

"And I meant every word of it, Mia." His voice turned serious all of a sudden and I felt my body tense.

I looked down at my folded legs and wished inside that he would say something else. To release my worries. To tell me he wanted me again, to my face, when he was sober.

All of a sudden, my mind raced to the past, when I first arrived and how I was set on leaving and not staying. Making friends, losing friends. Meeting my best friends and falling in love.

I hadn't fully realised it before, but I was falling no, I had fallen in Love with Cameron Davies. And he was changing me. For the better.


Aloha, I did a change of whatsit called um, stating that I had ended the chapter? Because I'm on the laptop and not my phone etc....

ANYHOOO I'M BACK I'm so sorry once again that this is like uber late.

I have mocks soon... I hate school and exams, why do they have to put us young innocent people under so much stress? AHH

Sorry, releasing my annoyedness out there, I can't speak today...

I have to go to tutor... yay.

Till the next time<3

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