Chapter 24- Hiding Away

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I hadn't really been keen on talking to Cameron after that. I know that avoiding him wasn't the way to go but it seemed right at the time.

He noticed this pretty quickly and I thought he was going to give up after a few days but he never did.

I couldn't help but feel happy inside. He cared about me but I didn't know how yo act around him after he told Harry and Beth about that night.

My temper was getting harder and harder to control. As I was walking down the corridor after school to go and meet my friends, I felt someone push past me rather roughly. Probably by accident.

The smallest things at this moment were causing me to go off the rails.

I grabbed the persons collar and pulled them round to face me.

"No appologies? Oh no, I get it. Just nearly shove me over and that's okay. Oh sorry. I'm wrong." I said sarcastically. Maybe I was over reacting a bit...

The guy was just gaping at me.

"Leave him alone, Mia." A familiar voice behind me sounded.

I spun around to see who had told me to do that, a frown set on my face.

My gaze set on Cameron. Oh great, I was sure that whenever I was trying to avoid him, he was always there.

We just stood there and stared at each other, I could feel the anger seeping out of me.

Meanwhile, the boy who I had been harassing before had somehow scuttled away without my knowing...

I'll get him again someday that scumbag.

"Come on. Let's get you..." Cameron started.

I cut him off. "No. We're not going anywhere. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm off to go meet some actual friends who don't tell others what happened when they were asked not to." I spat.

His face fell a little but he covered it up immediately.


The average name. He wasn't calling me princess... This was not good.

"What?!" I snapped back. I wasn't in the mood for talking. My temper was short.

He simply sighed and looked down at his shoes in defeat.

"Fine. You win. I'll leave you alone." And with that, he left.

Something inside me hurt. Like I'd lost something that I never knew meant so much to me...


"You can't keep pushing him away, M. He cares about you and you know that."

I had met up with Harry and Beth and we were just talking about my current situation.

"He's eventually going to give up. You need to go after him if you like him. He said he loved you for Gods sake." Beth said.

This earned a strange look from Harry.

"What? He said he loved you? Why did I not know about this?" He asked, almost frantically.

But then he turned to face me directly.

"D-do you, um, love him back?" He asked me. Leaning forward onto the table.

Ever since Harry had told me he liked me and then Cameron said he actually loved me, my life had become one huge mess.

"I don't know. I really don't know. Maybe, yeah?" It came out more as a question than a true answer.

"Okay. Have you seen the way you act around him? Your face immediately lights up when he is around. You are always happier when he's here. Of course you love him. This is mad!" Beth exclaimed.

I stood up knocking my chair over while dong so.

"Just stop telling me how I feel. You don't know me!" I shouted before storming out and pushing past the customers in my way.

I stood on the street and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

I could just scream.

No one had followed me out, thank God but I knew that the owner of the place was probably not very happy with me...

I didn't care. My life was too messed up to care.

"Oh, Joe, why can't you be here with me. You were there when he did things to me. Why can't you be here now?" I whispered to my brother.

I hated that he had had to be the one who could no longer experience his life. Dead. Dead. Dead.

The words kept replaying in my head as I tried to shake them out.

I hadn't realised the tears that were already journeying down my cheeks. I let them fall.

One after another, the flood came.

Why did I have to go through this, I was the bad girl. The girl who didn't care and didn't cry.

Maybe that girl was gone...


I know this chapter is way shorter than normal and I apologise. I had a writers block... Urgh hate them.

I just wanted to update for you guys before I go to China!!!!!

Yeah. I'm off to China with the school during the Easter holidays and there's no internet... So I won't be updating for about 2 weeks while I'm there:(

Hope you all have a fab Easter if you celebrate it and if not have a fab holiday;)

Till the next time<3

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