Chapter 7- The Frog and The Princess

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Before I start, I just want to thank @zezelow for giving an AMAZING idea for the story, which I love and will fit perfectly. But this chapter is dedicated to her:)

Easter Break was all that I could think of. We broke up for the holidays tomorrow. During the few weeks we had left together to get the project done, we had, uh, done a rough outline of our backgrounds, not going too deep. We had, not so collectively, decided to go our separate ways during the holidays and film about our families on our own and just put it together when we got back to school. Simple, right?

Simple, yes. Stressful, totally. Especailly when Miss Nelly was around and when Cameron was nowhere to be seen.

Spotting Logan at his locker, I strode up to him.

"Hey Logi, have you seen Cameron? I need to ask that wierdo something." My tone came out as unsure, not sure why. It hadn't been as easy as usual to talk to him. I had just kept feeling sick in my stomach.

"Meemo! My left hand girl." He embraced me in a bear hug. Pulling away, he continued. "and to answer your question, no, I have not seen my right hand boy." He chuckled. "See what I did there? Left hand girl and right hand boy?" Cue the jazz hands from Logan.

I shook my head at his wierd joke but laughed all the same.

He slung an arm over my shoulders and escorted me out of the school doors.

"Going back to our recent conversation, I don't know where he is, but I think I know where he might be." This was followed by a dazzling, white smile from Logan.

I walked in silence while Logan chatted away about his family, pets, movies and a whole load of random stuff.

We finally came to a stop outside the music block. As we walked through the long, narrow corridor, Logan peered through several windows on the doors.

But as he looked through the last door, he suddenly froze, his whole body stiffening.

"Logan? Logi, what's wrong?" I asked, worriedly.

A look of sadness filled his eyes but that was soon replaced with anger.

Usually, I wouldn't really care if anyone was upset, unless they were my family or Beth and Harry, of course. But during the 2 weeks that I'd known Logan, he had made quite an impression on me and was, well, starting to make a soft.

He wouldn't answer me, I knew that. So I had a look for myself and saw the one and only, Cameron Davies making out, not very attracitvely, with a girl in our year.

"She was my girlfriend." Logan finally spoke up. I slid down the wall to sit next to him but stayed silent. "We broke up last week and Cameron was the first person I told and then what does he do? He goes and helps himself to her. Hah, he's done this before, I shouldn't be surprised, I just hoped that he had changed, ya know?" He looked over at me, his eyes sparkling with anger.

We sat in silence for a while, still sitting outside the music room. It was kind of comforting, the silence.

So we just let time slip away...


"Um, Cameron, why are you sitting by a pond? I didn't see you as a 'fish' and 'frog' person." I burst into laughter. Unable to stop.

I knew what was on his mind, when he didn't reply.

"Oh," I managed to choke out once my laughing fit was over. "I have a nickname for you, 'frog' wha'dya think?" I burst into another fit of giggles.

"Well, if you call me 'frog', then it's only fair if I call you 'princess'. It fits perfectly with the film." He smiled lightly and looked up at me weakly.

I stopped laughing and cleared my throat. Shuffling my feet awkwardly.

"I know you saw..." Cameron confessed. "Logan told me everything."

"Yeah... He was quite hurt, you know. Why did you do it? How could you do it?"

"We have history too, Kayla and I, it was a long time ago. But it's not something I like to talk about."

Admittedly, he seemed torn and regretful. He had hurt his friend. His best friend.

"Just think about Logan in this too, yeah?" I said, "I need to go and pack for tomorrow so I'll text you later."

I got up to leave brushing down my jeans.

"Yeah, don't forget, I've still got my surprise for you, princess." He winked at me as I walked away.


Please don't hate me, I know this is shorter than usual but I didn't want to cram in loads of the story at once becuase this was more of a background part. There will be a mixture of long and short chapters but it's just part of the story- promise:)

Right, so the song at the top is 'Secrets' by OneRepublic. It kind of fitted in, well I thought it did, becuase of Cameron and Logan's friendship and Logan's secrets...

Please don't foget to Comment, Vote and Share. I am so grateful for how many reads I have already:)

Till the next time:)

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