Chapter 22- It Must Be

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It feels like I get a weird feeling every day when I wake up. Today, it was that a grown boy was laying next to me.

My brain hadn't fully woken up so as any other normal human being, you could tell I was pretty freaked out. But as the warm scent of sweetness filled my nose, I knew it was Cameron.

The memories came flooding back as I began to realize that I had slept in the same bed as him.

I slowly sat up, trying not to wake him from his slumbers. Being me, I peered over at his sleeping body. Not creepy... Who doesn't do that?

Cameron Davies. Looking so innocent. CUTE.

Um... Right, that was not meant to come out.

I leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Just to be grabbed by the waist and pulled into a kiss. Ah so he was awake. Awkward!

I was in pure shock at the sudden movement for all of a few seconds before kissing him back. Finally I was able to. Even though we weren't officially going out, we could be friends with benefits for a while.

Not those types of benefits... Stop thinking that.

I sunk into his arms, enjoying the moment. I could feel him smile against my lips but just as I thought he was going to deepen the kiss, he pulled away, grinning.

"So, you think I look cute when I sleep, do you?" He said with the bliss of a morning voice, gah he was killing me!

Oh... He heard. Nice going Mia, nice going.

I shyly looked away, usually I would come up with a comeback straight away but somehow, I couldn't.

"Aw, has my lil princess gone shy?" He cooed, dragging me by the waist so that my head was on his chest as we lay."

He stroked my hair back, occasionally kissing my forehead.

"Oh and by the way, everyone's gone back. I told them to leave you to sleep and I would get us a cab or something."

This woke me up fully. I sat up as fast as lightning and my head snapped round to look at him.

"WHAT? W-what?" I knew it wasn't a big deal but my brain didn't agree. My breath quickened and I couldn't control the shaking in my body.

Why now? It was fine. Probably the thought of being alone was what freaked me out. I hadn't had a panic attack since, well since my brother died....

My body was violently shaking, uncontrollably.

I could hear the quiet cursing of Cameron in the back ground. But then all I could hear was loud screams at the back of my head. Screaming. Footsteps. Heavy Breathing.

No. Not again.... I shut my eyes tightly, trying to push the memories away.

Arms wrapped round me pulling me close to a warm body. I struggled, unable to get out of the grip. No, no this couldn't be happening, not again.

Then all the screaming and sounds in my head stopped. Suddenly. And Cameron's voice came back into proportion. Soothing me back into reality.

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay." He kept repeating to me softly.

My breathing slowed back to normal and my body stopped shaking. Exhaustion overcame my body.

Once I had calmed down, I was faced with Cameron's beautiful face.

"What was that? Are you feeling okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

I couldn't tell him. No. I couldn't. No one could know. That was the other reason I moved here. To England, to get away from it all. Not so I could be left alone again, somewhere I didn't know.

I simply shook my head in reply and hoped that he wouldn't ask any more questions, which he didn't.

"Let's get going and find a car to get back." He slid off the bed and started walking towards the door.

I followed suit but didn't have to change as I had nothing to put on last night.

By the time I had departed the room and met Cameron in the lobby, he had already found us a car and was chatting to the receptionist. Probably feeling my presence he turned around and grinned at me.

Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, he thanked the receptionist who looked pretty jealous, hah, and led me outside. I'd never really realized how cold England was until now.

The grass was frosted over, the sky was seemingly pale and it wasn't as lively as normal.

"Jack Frost has visited us...." Cameron muttered under his breath, looking at me for a brief second before slipping off his jacket and settling it on my shoulders.

I looked up at him questioningly.

"You're going to get cold..." This was such a cliché moment but I didn't care.

"Nah" He wrapped both his arms around me, facing my body towards his and placed his chin lightly on my head, "you keep me warm, princess."

I nuzzled my head into his chest, embarrassed as we waited for the car to arrive. And when it did, I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay like this forever.

Reluctantly, to my distress, he pulled away and walked towards the cab, pulling me with him.


The cab drive had taken longer than we had wished.

First, the driver drived extremely slowly and claimed that it was to do with the icy roads. This nearly caused me to shove him out of the way and drive the car myself. I would have done half a year ago.

Second, there seemed to be never ending traffic. But when I say traffic, I mean choca block no one moving traffic. Urgh...

Knowing that we weren't going to arrive back any time soon, I took out my phone and texted Logan where we were before switching it off and laying my head on Cameron's shoulder.

The darkness of my shut eyes over came me and I fell into a deep slumber once again, even though I had only just woken up...


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