Chapter 26- You are my Sunshine

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Having been locked away in my dorm room for about a week without having gone to any lessons or having let anyone in, I had grown to become lonely, depressed and even angrier than I had begun.

I'd had people constantly knocking on my door to try and get me to talk but I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

After about 2 days of trying to get me out, they'd given up. I wasn't about to start talking and and answer the truck load of questions that I knew were going to follow this.

"ARGH!" I screamed as I threw my shoe at the photo frame on the wall.

Some people would probably say that I was over reacting but if they'd been through what I have, they'd know that I wasn't exaggerating at all what I was feeling.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on the text icon and started typing.

"I know I haven't been the best person recently but I really need someone to talk to. Could you come up to my dorm, please?"


Hm, maybe that wasn't the best idea but I had send it and it had to make things better. I had to.

Waiting for the knock on my dorm room door was a tense moment. A sick feeling inside my stomach started to erupt every now and again.

I chucked a tennis ball against my wall and caught it again whilst I waited.

And waited.

I hadn't got a reply back but I was sure that the message had been read.

Okay, maybe I was exaggerating the truth of how long I was waiting for.

5 minutes...

There it was the dreaded knock on the door to face the person I only recently realised I loved.

I whipped it open and when I saw who it was, my eyes snapped open again as the reflexes to my head took a double take.

"Logan? What are you doing here? I thought I was expecting-" I managed to get out as I was still in complete shock of him having the guts to face me in this state.

"He has detention but he'll be here later."

I nodded in understanding.

"Well, what are you standing there for? Come sit I need someone to talk to I haven't been socialising for what seems like years!"

I dragged him in and pushed him to sit on the floor, leaning onto my bed.

"I have your homework that you missed too. I wouldn't have brought it up but you know how the teachers are..." He said passing the pile of books and paper towards me.

I simply took it from his hands and shoved it in the bin beside me.

"No need to do over due work, eh?" I laughed.

Logan smiled, "I missed hearing you laugh, you know. We all miss having you around."

I didn't know how to answer. But I just felt the urge to give him a hug.

My best friend. I'd missed him. The best friend of my love.

Stop being so cheesy Mia, Oh God...

I heard the rattle of some keys and the door opened slowly.

"Hey guys" Cameron said. Then turning to me, he continued "I got your text. Sorry I didn't reply, my phone got taken away as soon as I received it along with a detention."

He said it with such ease. Like nothing had happened. I'd be the same if I had a detention, I don't really care but talking to him, it just seemed so different.

"Yeah sure, it's fine." I smiled weakly.

Logan kind of took the hint and stood up from his spot.

"I'll leave you guys to it, then." He turned to me, "you're okay, Meemo. You are."

And with that, he walked to the door, giving Cameron a friendly slap on the shoulder in doing so.

Cameron walked over and took Logan's space, shoving his shoulder against mine.

"Hey, what was all that about?" He asked, indicating what Logan had said before he had left.

I looked into his worried eyes and replied.

"Nothing, I've had a rough week. I needed someone to have around."

It was true. I wasn't in the mood for talking. I simply needed someone to be there with me and take my mind off of everything.

What are you doing, Mia? You need to tell him how you feel or he'll never know and then he'll find someone else and then it'll all go wrong...

"Actually, there was something I needed to tell you. Um..." I started.

"Yeah? I'm here."

It had to be said. I had to put it out there no matter the consequences. I knew he liked me and I liked him.

This was really starting to turn into some cheesy chick flick romance film the way my mind was working.

'Miss Mia Anderson The Bad Girl of American Schools' she was gone.

A part of me was reluctant. Okay I need to stop 'faffing around' as my dad would say.

"I like you, Cameron. You're funny, we're so similar in so many ways. I love being with you and the past week, I was adamant that I wasn't going to think about you but my mind keeps slipping back to you." I confessed.

"I-I like you a lot."

His eyes were now as wide as ever. He was staring at me like never before.

"Oh Mia." He smiled and pulled me into a hug to his warm body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself even closer to the warmth he was radiating.

We finally pulled away before he kissed me. This time was different. The electricity was zooming around my body and I felt like I was on cloud nine.

I could feel him smile against my lips before breaking apart from me.

"Would I be able to call you my beautiful girlfriend again, then?" He asked.

My cheeks flamed with red as I answered,

"Yes, a million percent YES"



I know it's been ages! My conscience has been killing me with guilt of not updating.

Well, since we last met I went to China, I had my birthday and I have revised my butt off for exams.

But I am here. Better late than never? *laughs awkwardly*

Anywayyyyyyy, I'll see y'all soon, love you guys.

Till the next time <3

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