Chapter 27- Happily Ever After?

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"Well. I never thought I'd see the day! This is a joyful day full of joynessnessness." Logan squealed as he learnt the news of Cameron and I.

It felt right to tell him but I didn't expect him to jump up and down like an excited girl who'd just got a puppy or something.

But it's Logan so what do you expect?

Cameron snaked his arms around my waist and hugged me from behind. He rested his chin on my shoulder and laughed at his best friend.

"You're mad, bro. I don't even know why you're my friend." He joked.

"Ouch. You bruised my poor pride." He mocked pain as he clutched his heart dramatically.

Cameron just shook his head with amusement and straightened himself, spinning me in his arms so that I was facing him.

"You're beautiful, you know that?"

I could feel my cheeks heat up at the compliment.

"Well, if you count the hm, countless times I'd say, that you've told me..." I pretended to think, "I'd say that yes I do!"

"I have to say, you're too cute for your own good." He said and then pecked me on the lips.

I pushed him away from me. His abs could be felt underneath his thin, white tee shirt.

How did God make such a hot guy?

"I don't know, maybe he thought, 'hm, this baby looks like the type who will end up being so popular that he needs to be so unbelievably hot too?"

My cheeks heated up in realisation.

Did I just say that aloud?!

"Yes you did, princess. Don't even try to deny it! I heard every. Single. Word." Cameron approached me slowly.

"I uh... I didn't... Oh god." I stuttered.

"It's okay, you're my girlfriend, you're allowed to say that." He winked at me.

I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment and he came up to me and wrapped his arms around me protectively, kissing my forehead.

"Come on, who wants to go to the beach? I'm feeling the beach." Cameron suggested.

We all agreed and separated to get our things together. It ended up being Cameron, Logan, a few other people from our classes and me going.

I reached my room and turned to face Cameron.

"Go to your room, get your stuff together and then you have my acceptance to come back here and help me." I laughed.

He looked at me like a sad puppy. "Oh don't do those eyes. Now go before I chuck you out." I pushed him down the hall and he just laughed and went to his room.

"I'll be back before you know it." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face and went back to my room to pack my bag.

Right, it wasn't that hard was it? Full swimming costume or bikini?

"Bikini." A voice behind me said. Oh Cameron's back already!

"I packed! I didn't have that much." He put his hands up in surrender.

"Sure." I laughed, "come on we only have a half an hour to get together."

I got my things together in the bag and went to the bathroom to change into the bikini underneath my denim shorts and white, simple tank top.

I stripped of my top and my eyes caught sight of the scar on my back.

Damn it was still there...

It was from ages ago but was still there. I couldn't take my top off with that, could I?

I decided to make up an excuse that I had fallen and scratched myself on a bush or something.

I knew it wouldn't go down with everyone but I'd make something up later. I slipped my bikini top on and my tank top on over the top and the bottom too.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I earned a whistle of admiration from Cameron which made my cheeks heat up with colour evidently.

"Come on, let's go before they start wondering where we are." I said, before he could make a remark on it.

"Sure. But I saw that little blush you have, princess." He smirked at me and walked out of the room downstairs to meet the others.

I rolled my eyes with amusement for what seemed like the 100th time today. He drove me mad sometimes.

I walked to him and he slipped his hand into mine and held it protectively. I squeezed it in happiness and he looked down at me with a genuine smile.

We got downstairs to meet the others and climbed into the cars. They were both full so I sat next to Cameron in the front seat of his car as he drove.

Music was played in the back from someone's phone as they, not surprisingly, couldn't decide on which radio station to play out loud in the front.

Unfortunately, they couldn't decide on one song to play either! How hard was it?

The constant bickering and changing of songs led to me turning around and shouting,

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, no more. You are giving me a headache. No more songs you may talk silently from now on." I stated. I must've sounded very moody and bossy because they all looked at me weirdly.

"Joking, just play it quietly please." I concluded.

This outburst earned a pretty dramatic laughing fit from Cameron beside me.

"You... You..." He couldn't even speak a whole sentence without breaking out again.

We finally arrived a few minutes later and unpacked the car to bring everything to the beach.

I was loaded with towels, bags and shoes. How much did these people need to bring?

"I'd help you, but you look too hilarious trying to bring all that." Logan told me while taking a picture. I didn't even try and stop him because I felt too mean.
Especially after shouting at the others in the car.

We got to the beach and settled ourselves in a sweet spot. I scanned the beach to see how different it was to America.

My eyes then settled on one particular person. It was him.

Tom.... The boyfriend from ages ago. He couldn't be here, he wasn't allowed anywhere near me and he knew that I moved here.

Please say he wouldn't see me. I was too late, his eyes caught mine and he smirked evily and started walking towards us...

Ooh, early update mwahaha.

I was in France for the weekend seeing my amazing family. I never knew how funny people could be!

Anyway, I'm planning on finishing this boom around chapter 30 :'( I know it's sad.

But I am writing another one which I am planning on publishing after I have finished this one.

It's not the same, though. I'll let you know when it's up and you can go and check it out?

Thank you all, but it's not over yet;) still more drama and craziness to come...

See you lovelies, till the next time<3

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