Chapter 3- Attempting a new start

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The school was more like 2 mansions out together. I'd been given my room number, schedule and to my very great surprise, note the sarcasm, I had a roommate...

"Heyy! You must be Mia, I'm Lara Simmons. Well, welcome to Bridge Academy." She introduced herself a bit too excitedly.

"You should totally join the book club, gardening club and cloud watching club! Don't worry, I do them so you won't be alone."
Great, well done Mia, you have a club geek as a roommate.

I just smiled at her politely and went back to my packing. Gotta make a good first impression, eh?


I had decided to look around my new school and at least make a new friend so that I would be the 'outsider' on my first day.
As I walked out of the dorm, I walked into a rock hard wall. Woops. Looking up, I realized it was a guy. A very attractive guy. Get yourself together, you probably look like a hot mess staring like that, get a grip.

His dirty blonde hair gelled up into a quiff and his ice blue eyes sparkling. Who wouldn't stare?

Anyone but you maybe?

"Watch where you're going, cupcake" He smirked at me. He didn't seem annoyed in the slightest, well that's new.
He then walked down the hall without another word.

"Jerk." I muttered after him. Attractive jerk, more like.


"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" After that encounter with the never ending and unwelcomed noise, my eyes were attacked by a blinding light.

I groaned as I attempted to open my eyes, when I was then greeted by a, WAY too close, Lara. So, on instinct, I may have slapped her... Woops.

Mumbling a quick and quiet sorry I rushed into the bathroom and took a shower. And got a nasty surprise...

"Oh by the way, don't use the shower it still has food colouring from the other day. Don't ask." Lara called out to me.

Watch out Lara, I'm going to get you.

Towel around my now red food coloring splattered body, that looked like I'd been attacked by wild animals, I walked out into the room. It was decided, I was officially going on a war path.

As soon as Lara saw her jaw dropped to the floor and she seemed to be frozen to the spot.

"Are you going to help at all?" I asked, impatient to get the sticky liquid out of my hair.

"Oh yeah, sorry." She said, still in shock. "You may, uh, have to, uh, wait a, uh-"

What was it with this girl and all her 'uhing'.

"Few days to get the food colouring out of your hair. It is, uh, permanant?" She finished, unsure of what she was saying.

I didn't bother saying anything, my anger already taken over. I would just have to use this as a 'fashion statement'.

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