Chapter 6- New Boy in Town

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The project hadn't really gotten anywhere, so, we had planned to carry on, well start, the project about our 'past lives'. Well, this was going to be easy, seeing as though I was from the USA.

Well, that obviously means less work for me. Good.

Cameron had insisted that we do a kind of video diary about eachother and visit the families and make it kind of like a documentary. Yay... And guess what, Little Miss Goody-Two Shoes head over heels in love with Mr. Bad Boy, was totally in with the idea. Which just left me...

"So, you in?" Cameron asked, having walked freely into my dorm, positioning himself on my bed. Nelly was here too, she had called a group meeting to discuss what we were actually going to do, as she had been freaking out these last few weeks.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged.

A smile broke on both of their faces when I said this.

"This is going to be so much fun!" A voice at the door literally shouted with excitement at the door.

We all turned around at this but Cameron just bolted out of his seat and jumped into the still unamed guy leaning against the door frame.

"Logan, bro! You're here!" The deafening sound of the two excited boys filled the room, and maybe even the whole corridor.

Once they had calmed down, I cleared my throat. Succeeding in getting the boys attention, I spoke.

"Okay, uh, it's great that you guys are happy to see eachother but, who the hell are you?"
This may have come out a bit harsher than expected. That seemed to happen a lot. Woops.

"Logan." He geld his hand out to me. Gentlemanly? Geez. "Cam's bestieeeeee!" His voice hitched up an octave at the end and he coughed, trying to cover it up. "Buuuuut, I'll let you call me Logi if I can call you Meemo. It can be our thing." He winked at me.

"Well, Logan, great to meet you but we have a very important project to be working on. So if you would excuse us..." Nelly butted in, clearly annoyed by the interruption.


It turned out that Logan and Cameron were the type of best friends who were complete opposites. Cameron was the 'chilled, laid-back' one with a Badboy reputation and Logan was a crazy but surprisingly nice guy, who was seriously childish and cute.

Logan had ended up staying for the project and just sat annoying us and just being typical Logan.
By the end of it, I had had enough and had decided to meet Beth and Harry, who were staying in a hotel nearby. God knows how they got here. They had demanded their parents to take them to England as it was their easter holidays already.

We were sitting in the local cafe, 'Coast Coffee', just catching up, again.

"Turns out that his best friend also attends the school. Hooray for me!" I leaned back in my seat, sighing. How did all our conversation topics end up being about Cameron?

"Oh, Cameron has a-" Harry got cut off when the dynamic duo asuntered into the cafe.

Great. Just great.

I tried to hide myself from his view as he scanned the room but, unfourtunately, I was too late.

As his eyes landed on me, his mouth turned into a sly grin. He nudged Logan and nodded towards us before walking over and sliding next to me in the booth we were seated at. Logan did the same but sat the other side of me, so I was sandwiched between the two of them.

"Talking about me?" Cameron asked, sliding an arm around me, causing me to flinch.
"What do I have that gives you the great desire to share it with your friends? C'mon, sugar, you're making me curious." He whined.

"Ignore him, he's feeling a bit cranky after he got rejected last night." He whispered in my ear quietly, but not quietly enough for Cameron not to hear. This resulted in a slap being sent towards Logan but as he pulled me infront of him as protection, I felt a sharp pain in my cheek. Sucking in a breath, I shut my eyes tightly.

Arms wrapped around me and hugged me close.

"Oh, Mi, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Logan cooed in my ear a bit too loud for my liking.

I wriggled out of his grip and glared at Cameron who was barking with laughter. I then gave him a good jab in the stomach with my elbow and did the same to Logan.


"Bloody idiots." I chuckled to myself, watching them clutch their stomachs in pain.

I had completely forgotten that my best friends were sitting infront of us, as the scene played out.

"Meemo," Logan gasped, clutching his chest, where his heart was, "how could you do this to me?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

When I turned to Beth and Harry, to see their shocked yet amused faces. It was a sight.

"Uhhh.. Mia..." Beth started.

That's when I felt myself being picked up and flung over a shoulder. And low and behold, it was Cameron... I began hitting his back and shouting at the top of my lungs.


The whole road and cafe probably thought I was being kidnapped or something.

"Or what?" Cameron laughed. He was obviously enjoying having the upperhand in this awkward situation.

I was unable to see anything but black because, as this jerk was running, my head was bounding off his back and it kind of made me feel sick...

A few moments later, I was relieved to be put down, but when the smell of chlorine hit me, I realised what situation I had gotten myself into.

"Say sorry or you're going for a lil swim." I could hear the smirk in his words as I turned away from him.

"Uh, no." I retorted. Why would he actually push me in? Who does that?

Seconds after I answered, I regreted my words becuase, as promised, I felt a rough shove on my back and tumbled into the water.

Everyone else probably ran after us becuase I could hear a number of choruses of laughter around me as I glared at Cameron who was smirking at me, once again.

Oh, you better watch out, young man.

Dedicated to my best friend LucyCox3 for coming up with so many nicknames for Logan and Mia. I chose Logi and Meemo! Love them!

Can you guys come up with a nickname for Cameron to call Mia? Like a cute perminant one?

I'd love it if someone could make me a cover? Sorry to ask but I'm in need of one:)

Love y'all

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