Chapter 19- Christmas Eve

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Christmas was fast approaching and with the preparations that were going on at the school, the excitement was still rising. The words that Cameron had left me on yesterday were still buzzing through my mind...

"We would have been if you hadn't broken it off." Just thinking about it made me feel a bit sick inside. Did he still have feelings for me? He had, to be very honest, been doing weird things that couples do like holding my hand and stuff but I hadn't really thought properly about it. Maybe a few times I'd wondered what was going on in his mind but not really properly.

I hadn't done anything to provoke him to do these things. Oh well...

My dorm room had a window which faced the quad where all the students met up, had lunch in the summer etc. So, I could hear what was going on outside pretty well if I had my window open, which I rarely did.

Except, on this occasion I did. It was a very warm day and I'd been stuck in my room revising for my upcoming exams when I heard a sort of chanting of "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" and as any normal, curious person would do, I went to my window and jutted my head out to see what was going on.

And to my utter shock and disgust, it was Cameron and another boy I had never seen around. I could only barely see the tops of their heads as they fought but the crowds seemed to separate every now and again to get out of the way.

I sprinted out of my room, not bothering to lock or shut it properly. Unfortunately, my body was moving faster than my mind so I managed to trip over my own feet while trying to get to the fight.


My mind was racing with thoughts. Why would he want to get into a fight, I mean what was the fun in it? I hoped that he would answer that question when I got to him.

"CAM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, FOR GOD'S SAKE?" I screamed, trying to get his attention while shoving my way through the crowd that had formed.

Once I finally got to the front and was facing the boys, I went ahead with my mission, which I was not totally sure of now that I was here.

I grabbed Cameron by the arm and tried to pry him away from his opponent. Catching a glimpse of his face, i saw the pure hatred and anger flashing constantly across his eyes. What had gotten him so worked up and in this state?

My body was then suddenly jerked back my two hands wrapping around my arms. I looked back to the mysterious person who had done so.


"Mia" his voice was serious, which made him sound like a different person compared to normal. "Leave it. Come back to my dorm with me and wait until he comes back. Seriously."

I sent a sour look of disbelief his way before addressing him directly, "You really think I'm going to leave this? Come on! Look at him."

Ignoring Logan's protests against my future actions, I stepped into the battle field in the middle of the crowd.

This caused a few quiet whispers and confusion but the shouting of encouragement never died down.

My arm reached out and took Cameron's lightly. Even though it got shaken off a few times, I never gave up.

I needed to stop this.

I couldn't believe that I was actually doing this right now.
Maybe I cared more than I thought.

Finally I managed to pull Cameron off his culprit, although his body was faced away from me.

He spun round in fury and his eyes met my own. At doing so, they immediately softened and he stopped struggling against my grip.

Instead of ignoring me and going back to his fight, he just stared into my eyes.

I could see the anger slowly dying away in his eyes and being replaced with guilt.

"I'm sorry, princess." He confessed as Logan and I led him away from the crowd. "He said... Some stuff... About you... I couldn't let it go, it made me angry, okay?"

He fought this guy because of me?


It was around 9 pm and I was in my room contemplating life. I hadn't felt like going to my classes that day.

Teachers had come and tried to get me to come back, but I would simply sit there and look at the hopelessly until they left.

Eventually, they had given up and left me alone.

I couldn't be bothered to sleep because I knew that I would be kept up by my thoughts.

What a way to spend Christmas eve, eh?

You're lonely, you need Cameron.

Normally, when I felt like this, I would go to the dance studios and just let my emotions out through dance but I had no energy to do anything.

A knock of my door smacked me back into reality. I dragged myself off my bed and I sauntered to the door, ready to moan about how it was 9.30.

I opened it to find the one and only Cameron Davies standing there, giggling quietly at nothing in particular.

Just then, my nose was attacked with the stench of alcohol.

Oh great, he's drunk.

I let the poor idiot in anyway, not wanting to leave him to roam the school and get into some pointless trouble.

He slouched on my bed and looked sheepishly up at me.

"Miaaaaaaaa!" He slurred, "Sit." He grabbed my hand and pushed me to sit on the bed, roughly.

I didn't say anything.

"Look, I need to tell you something important. I reaaaaaaally like you, Mia. Heckkkk, I mayyyy even llllove youu." He barely got any words out, flat out drunk he was.

"I really do. I prooomise. I can't help it. I keep coming back to you when I try and think about something else. I still love you."

I didn't want to believe it, though my heart was wrenching for him.

He's drunk, I told myself. But then again, don't they say that a drunken man's words are the sober man's thoughts?....


First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVELIES. I finished writing in the car on my phone coming back from France.

Anyway, do you think Cameron really meant it or was he just talking drunk- nonsense.

Till the next time<3

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