Chapter 1

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Aly's POV

Hey! My name is Alyssa, I don't have my last name. No one remembers it. No one even knows it. I'm fifteen years old. My favorite thing to do is skateboard, Play a guitar, Write songs, Dance,I dunno.. Sing? I have blue eyes. . My hair is blonde but half way to the end Is dyed in Blue and Violet. I know I'm to young to dye.. Who cares? I don't have parents. I have an irish accent, I dunno where I got it. My mum and dad is straight english. Anyways.. Wondering why I'm here? Well.. I'm here because, The door opened. "Amy? Why aren't you outside?" Betty asked, "Not interested." I said looking at the window.  "Some one may adopt you.." She tried. "Betty.. Who would want to adopt a thirteen year old girl?" I asked rolling my eyes. "I'm sorry. I just want you to be adopted.." She said looking down. "Me too. I want to be adopted but.. No one wants thirteen and above. I said  

We stayed in silent for a moment then she talked. "I'll just go now." She said. I said goodbye. Betty is our helper, Also my bestfriend. As I was saying .. I'm here because..

Radio: Here's a song for the girls.. 
"You're insecure don't know what for, You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or.."

Louis's POV

I'm at the back of an orphanage. Simon told us we need to be responsible.. I don't know why. We are responsible. "Hey. LOU. Look at the girl." Harry told me. We moved a little closer to hear her. "Baby you light up my world like no body else, The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground ain't so hard to tell, You don't know! OH! OH! You don't know you're beautiful.." She's good. She paused and sat down on her bed. "I wish someone will adopt me. I don't care if it's a popstar or just a simple person." She said, Her eyes filled with tears.. "Someone who'll love me.." She sobbed, "Someone.. W-who W-W-Will N-ot send M-me back H-here." Her eyes closed as she sobbed really bad. I frowned. "It's her." I said to Harry,  "Let's tell the others." Harry said as He ran away from me. When I catched up with him, We were there.  "Lads, We found the one." I said. "C'mon then." Zayn cheered.

Aly's POV

I breathe in and closed my eyes tighter.


"Stay here okay? Don't go anywhere. Remember that I love you . Ok? Y-Your father too." Mum sobbed out. "Yes mum. I love you too mum. M-My fat-ther? That monster?! I will never love him?!" I shouted as tears formed on my face. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I'm going now." Mum Said and kissed my forehead before standing up. "Mum, Wh-ere are Y-you going?" I asked, "Somewhere sweetheart." Mum answered. I just nodded And she left, I turned around and read the sign "Betty's Adoption center"


My door opened. I opened my eyes and looked at her. "Betty ? What do you want?" I asked her, "Well. I'm very happy for you. YOU'RE GETTING ADOPTED!" Betty cheered smiling widely. "What?! BY WHO?!" I stood up. "I LOVE YOU ZAYN!" Someone shouted from the outside. "By.. ONE DIRECTION!" Betty cheered again,My jaw dropped in happiness. They went in. "Hey love." Liam.. LIAM PAYNE !


"Hey, Are you Alyssa?" Louis Tomlinson asked, I nodded still speechless "We are adopting you!" Niall screamed. Is these true ?!? One direction is in front of me! "Really?!" I shouted running to Louis Tomlinson. I hugged him. I don't care if he's in a famous boy band. I'M HAPPY CUZ SOME ONE IS ADOPTING ME ! He hugged me back. I whispered. "Lord, Thank you for answerng my prayer." Louis let go of the hug. "I'll sign your papers and they will help you unpack." Louis said as he push me slowly away. "Thank you so much!" I cheered.

While packing

"Do you eat a lot?" Niall asked me, I looked at him. "Yes." I said with a smile. "We'll get a long pretty well. Sometimes I guess." He winked and I smiled widely. "Wait, Where's the screaming fans? Why aren't they in here asking for your autographs?" I asked them, Liam looked at me, "Well. The gaurds is infront of the door. So, Yeah." Liam said with a small smile. "I'll just get my toothbrush and we're done." I said with a nod.

I went in the bathroom and heard a scream, I jumped. "What are you doing here?!" I screamed. "Arranging my hair. I mean, when you're twenty you need to fix your hair a bit to be more attractive." Zayn said with a wink. "Excuse me. I'll get my brush" I said with a blush. He went out, fangirl moment. I'M LIVING WITH ONE DIRECTION?!?!?! OH MY GOSH! AHH! OKay. StoP! I went out with a poker face and I put my toothbrush and sketch book in the bag. "Done." I said and laid down. Is this really happening? I'm adopted by One Direction?!  "Guys?" I asked while my eyes are closed. "Yes?" Niall asked back, I recognized it because of his STRONG Irish accent. "Nothing. I just want to know if it's just a dream living with One Direction."I said. They all laughed.

The door opened and some shouted, "LOUIS!" "Louis! WE LOVE YOU!!" "All packed up?" Louis asked. "Yeah.. Just going to grab my guitar and skateboard." I said and grabbed it. Okay. C'mon." Louis said. Then something popped up in my head. What if i'm not good enough? What if they'll bring me back here? What if they'll turn into my dad? "Hey? Are you alright?" Zayn asked. "Yes." I whispered. We went out of the room and everything went silent, "They're adopting her?" Anna asked. The room was filled with murmurs and whispers. "Louis. Wait." I said, "Take your time." "BEN!" I shouted, "Aly!" Ben shouted. He ran to me and I hugged him, He hugged me back. "I'm so happy for you." Ben whispered to me, I smiled a little. "Thank you. I'll visit you okay? Bye. I'll miss you." I whispered back, "I'll miss you too." He said and did our secret hand shake. "Betty. I'll miss you so much." I Said and hugged her, She hugged me back too. "I'll miss you too. Take care okay?" Betty smiled at me. "I will. Take care and Take care of ben too. He's thireteen but he's a bit of a kid." I said with a smile. She nodded.

"Um.. Al." Anna said, "Yes?" I asked and faced Anna. "Al. I'm sorry for being mean to you. I'll miss you. Take good care .. And send me a letter on how's your life with 5 stars." Anna smiled, "I'll miss you too. Take care. I will." I said and walked to Zayn. They said their goodbyes and we left. 


Chapter one done
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