Chapter 11

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Zayn's POV

"Alright. Where's the dress?" Louis asked. If you're wondering why he asked that, It's because we want Aly to wear a dress, but remember she hates it? Well.. We'll  bring the dress to the studio. The management said she looks like a boy more than a girl but we tried to convince them BUT they don't listen to us. "Uh. Right here, hide it." Harry said. "Her shoes?" I asked "Uh.. Erm, her extra Vans. The black one? We all know she'll hate us because of heels." Niall said with a laugh. "Hm. Great idea." Louis stated and got the shoes. "And we are done." He added. Minutes later she came down. "Ready?" She asked. We all smirked.  "Uh.. Guys?" She asked again. "Oh god.. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS UP TO?" She asked AGAIN.

"Just get in the van. Let's go." Liam said and we ran. Apparently, she got the passenger seat first. "How come she got to sit there?!" Niall whined and Aly looked at the mirror. She smiled and chuckled. "Because you guys are slow! That's why I get to sit here." She said as Niall smirked. "I forgot to tell you something." Niall said, pausing. "You'll have to wear different clothing for the meeting." Louis was the one who said it, who's waving the bag where we put it all in. "What's in there?" She asked as their smile got wider. "You'll know."  I said.

-30 and a half minutes later-

"We're here!" She she sarcastically said. When we got out, there was no papz. No fans. That's weird but great also. "Don't tweet anything. Okay?" Liam stated. We all nodded. We went inside and Aly turned to us. "What am I going to wear?" She asked. We all braced ourselves while Louis handed it over to Aly. "Here." Louis said. I counted to three and well. "A DRESS?!? Guys! You know I hate them! Why?!" She screamed while we cover our ears. "The management said." Liam said, but was cut off when Aly stared at us. "Screw management." Aly spat. There was and awkward silent then she broke it. "Do I have any choice? And you didn't even brought that thing they use in some models." She groaned. "My feet are going to hurt when I use it." She complained. We chuckled and smirked once again. "Don't worry babygirl. We've got a better idea." Louis said and brought out the plastic. "Change now." I said and smiled, She smiled back then she walked away.

"So. Where's the beautiful girl who'll meet our winner?" Simon asked as we jumped four feet in the air. He just came out of no where. "She's changing. She hates it you know?" Liam asked scratching the back of his head. "Yeah. Good thing she understands us. Um, Uncle Si. Is it okay if she wears.." Louis faded and his eyes drifted to the room where Aly was. "She's.. Beautiful.. The black and white striped dress that's just above her knee.. Is wonderful and her shoes is perfect with it. "That?" Louis asked Uncli Si. "Yes." He answered. I walked up to her with a smile. "You look beautiful." I said, looking in her eyes. "Thank you but I feel like I'm naked." She said loud enough for everyone to hear, we all laughed. "Alright. I'm going to call the little girl and her brother." Uncle Si said. We nodded and sat down.

-15 minutes later-

"Okay. So here's the band and their adopted sister or daughter." Uncli Si said while walking to us. "Hwi." The little girl said and Louis smiled. "Well you are a cute little princess are you?" Louis asked and picked her up. "How old are you?" He asked. Louis is really good with kids. "Um.." She thought for a while and counted her fingers. "5 ywears owld." She answered and we chuckled. Well for Aly, she's staring at the guy. "Um.. Aly. Why are you staring at him?" I asked. She looked away and pulled me to god knows where. "The winner is Jake's sister!" She looked mad. Maybe she is. "Jake? The lad out there? How'd you know him? Are you telling me something that no one know except me?" I asked. She looked me straight in the eyes like she's going to kill me.

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