Chapter 18

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Aly's POV

-Forest near the park-

"We've been here for 30 minutes or more. They should be here. I mean, they are you know, wolves and stuff." I complained. "Maybe they are walking. They don't use their powers so much." Jerome stated. I nodded as Moriss looked at the big tree. Did he heard something? "Well. Hello there, I see you brought a sexy lady?" A guy with a bonnet said.  EEYYYY!!! SEXY LAYYYDEEE!!! OP! OP! OP! OP! OPPA GANGNAM STYLE! I shouted in my head.  I looked at Moriss, James, Matt, Jordan, Jerome and Luke. They were so red and they are biting their lip. I just want to laugh. Breath, in and out, in and ou- Okay. I can't take it anymore. I laughed, they all waited for me to calm down and when I did, I took a look around the enemies.

Uh. Guys. Are you sure these guys are wolves? They are freaking hot. Oh gosh. Girl hormones. Stop it. Now. I stated in my head. They looked at me wide eyed while James and Luke chuckled. "You guys lost it." Some guy said. "Really now? Why? Have you guys been serious when you fight before?" I asked Jordan. "Yeah. This is our first time laughing at our fight." He explained and I nodded. "Well. Are we going to do it?" Another asked. Holy smoke. H-He's not wearing ah shir- STOP GIRL HORMONES! GOSH!

"Yeah. Let the fight begin." I said and my eyes became red. The actual red, my fangs came out. The wolves got shocked so I took it as my chance I got the guy with a, red hat? Oh who cares. "AHH!" He screamed. I laughed as I got on top of him.  I was about to punch him on his beautiful face when, his eyes widened in realization. "Woah." He said. I stopped.  "WHAT?! I WANT TO PUNCH YOU! GHA!" I screamed. Take note. I'm still on top of him. I don't know what the others are doing though.

"You're beautiful." He said slowly. My eyes got redder but not red enough. "Stop lying to me. I'm not beautiful nor pretty."  I said and punch the side part of his head. Which means I punch the ground not him. "I didn't realized that I'm on the ground. He's now on top of me. "FREAKING LET ME GO SO I CAN SCRATCH THAT ANGELIC WOLF FACE OFF OF YOURS!" I yelled as I struggle to get out.  DAMN! THIS BOY IS HEAVY! "F*CKING BELIEVE ME!" He shouted back and my eyes became normal..

Why will I believe a wolf who killed my friends parents. - When I said that.. He's eyes looked sad.. I can see my eyes are spreading blue..
I wasn't with them.. I didn't know.. - He told me.. My eyes turned gray.. Is this color .. For embarrassed? This is what I felt a while ago in the house..

Erm.. Can you uh.. Get off me.. It's so awkward. - I said.. He smiled and got off me.. He sat beside me..
Look at 'em.. Fighting for no reason. - He said.. I looked at him confused..
No.. Reason? - I asked.. He nodded..
Yeah.. My bestfriend said they want a fight. .So.. Yeah.. This happen.. - He explained.. I nodded..

-Few minutes later(still fighting)-

Do you think they'll stop? - I asked him.. He shrugged.. Suddenly.. I saw jordan looked at us and stopped the fight.. Him and who ever this is looked at each other..

Aly.. Why aren't you beating the crap outta him? - Matt asked..
I don't know.. He's.. Different from the guys you are fighting with.. And he said.. You're fighting right now for no reason.. Stupid.. I know. - I told him..

What's your name? - He asked.. I looked in his eyes..
Alyssa.. Call me aly.. - I told him.. He's eyes went big..
Tomlinson's daughter? W-Wow.. I-I'm mike.. - He introduced himself..
You know me? - I asked him back.. I can feel it.. All of their eyes are on us..
Yes.. Hehe.. I'm uh..Slight guy directioner.. So.. Yeah.. God.. This is so
embarrassing.. - He admitted

That's so cute.. I think we should stay in contact.. - I said and reached out for my phone and handed it to him.. He gave me his.. I type mine and my name is "VampireAlyssaT."

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