Chapter 20: The happy ending.. NOT.

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I'm SUPER sad and mad right now.. SOMEONE has been using my wattpad and we.. That someone is reading VERY BAD things here. :( But.. thanks for reading peasants..


Aly's POV

 It's been 3 months.. I changed my style and permanently dyed my hair pink.. Yes.. You read it right.. PInk.. SOMETIMES.. Take note.. SOMETIMES.. I wear  girl clothes.. The wolves and vampires are now like brothers.. Well.. I'm kinda their sis.. Uncle harry and aunt sarah are together.. Aunt perrie is together and we kept our SOMETHING and let it go.. Niall is still.. Niall actually.  James is human again .. I was shocked of what he explained to me but.. At least his human again.. Luke said the same thing.. So.. Their BOTH humans.. OH JOY! Oh.. We now live in one house and it's awesome.. We're many but we're family..

Wow.. - I stated and sat on the sofa.. Followed by them..

What? - James asked

It's been three months since something incredible and well.. Shocking happened.. Now.. We're living with it.. - I said.. They all nodded..

So.. Who wants to eat ? - Dad asked.. 

WE DO! - ME and nialler shouted..

As always.. - Uncle liam said shaking his head and snaking his hand to aunt danielle..Yes.. They are back together.. I said to myself.. I thought I said to uncle liam to be friends with her.. Not back together.. But I'm happy that they are.. 

Chicken or what? - Uncle harry asked pickin up the phone..

Chicken! - I shouted..

PIZZA! - Niall shouted..

POPCORN! - Sam shouted..

SALAD! - JoshyBoi shouted.. I chuckled..

No! - Moriss shouted.. We looked at him.. Then we all burst out laughing..

Okay.. Okay.. Chicken.. Pizza.. Popcorn? Salad. Chinese .. Mcdo? - Uncle harry asked.. We all nodded.. He dialed different numbers and he went out..

I forgot to tell you about me.. Me and Matt are together.. James and Luke have girlfriends.. They met last.. Week I think.. The girls are nice and beautiful.. I love them! ^_^ Luke's girlfriends name is kathryn.. And james girlfriend's name is charlotte.. 

HEY! - Jordan shouted playfully at me.. I smacked his head ..

Don't scream at me. - I said and smiled at the memory..

De ja vu.. - My dad/uncles/bro said.. We laughed..

What? - Luke asked.. We laughed even more.. Soon.. They joined in even though they didn't know what we were saying..

Ding! Dong!

I'll get it.. - I said.. I walked to the door.. Once I got there.. I opened it of course.. Hehe.. >:)

He looks familia-

Aly? - He asked.. Oh my gosh..

Jake?! - I shouted and I tackled him with a hug..

What the hell are yo- Oh.. - Matt said.. I got up and picked the pizza.. 

THIS IS JAKE! MY BESTFRIND! Jake.. This is matt.. My boyfriend. - I said and helped him to stand up.. I grabbed jake's  hand and felt him relaxed..

Hey. Nice to meet you. - He said.. Jake smiled..

Nice meeting you too.. Oh.. I have a date though.. I just helped the pizza shop.. I promise aly I'll let her meet you.. Bye now. - He said then left.. I rolled my eyes and shook my head..

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