Chapter 6

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Have fun reading! thank you. <3


Louis's POV

We entered the radio station, I'm the first one who entered then Zayn, then Liam, then Harry, then Niall, then Aly. We all sat down, after about ten min. Stan walked in the room and fixed his headset, Microphone, the buttons and other radio things. "We're on in 3...2...1." Ashley counted with her fingers. "Hey! Having a good time? Well, I'm going to make it a better time for you guys, I'm here with.. ONE DIRECTION!  And their little sis.. ALYSSA!" Stan smiled widely at her. "Hi! We're One Direcion!" We all said except Zayn and Liam, Liam had this 'o' shaped mouth and Zayn just shrugged.  "Soo.. We are going to play question and answers, okay?" Stan asked us. 

"Yeah." We agreed. "Ohhh... First question.. Is foorr, Aly. How is it living with One Direction?" Stan read the question. "Well, I'm happy to say that, It's awesome living with handsome and talented monkeys." Aly said with a wide smile. "Hey!" Niall joked. We all laughed, even Stan did. "Next. For Aly again.. Can you sing?" Stan asked. "Erm.. Um.." Aly stuttered. "She can!" I said and she glared at me, I only smiled and she rolled her eyes and smiled too. "Oh really? Can you sing for us?" Stan asked. "I guess." She mumbled. "What song?" Niall asked and Aly sighed. "Um.. Summer love?" She questioned while tilting her head to the side. "Ok." Stan said and started playing an instrumental of the song. 

"Can't believe your .. Packing your bags.. Trying so hard not to cry..Had the best time and now its the worst time But we have to say goodbye Don't promise that you're gonna write Don't promise that you'll call Just promise that you won't forget we had it all Cause you were mine for the Summer Now we know its nearly over Feels like snow in September But I always will remember You were my Summer love You always will be my Summer love." Aly sang.

"You're amazing." Liam said with a smile. "Oh.. We have a comment. She said, "WOW! You're so awesome! Please sing with the boys sometimes!" Stand read and we all agreed. She just smiled. "Ok.. Next! Niall! How come you don't have any love life yet?" Stan asked. "Um.. I guess I'm not up for a relationship now because I don't want my relationship with food to go away," We all laughed, "Nah. Just joking.. I'm just really not ready for a relationship yet." He answered. Silly niall. -.-

"Next, Louis. How do you feel being a father or a brother to Aly and are you happy that you adopted her?" Stan slowly read. "Okay, Um. First, I'm feeling great to be Aly's gaurdian and second, I'm very  happy that we adopted her because I always wanted to take care of someone except for these boys." I said, I looked at her and she was smiling, I smiled back at her. "Okay. Next, Liam.. How are you and danielle? As friends." Stan catiously asked. "We're doing great, still texting and all, Sophia and Dani are okay with each other too." He said with a smile. I felt someone's gaze on me and I looked everywhere. It landed on Harry and we both smiled before looking away. "Good." Stand smiled, "Okay. Next. Harry, can you stop smiling? Because I always melt when I see your dimples." We all stayed quiet before laughing,

"Well," Harry chuckled. "I don't know what to say, I don't want to look sad in front of our fans so I smile" Harry said and we nodded. "Zayn, How many hair products do you have? And how many artistic things you have?" Stand asked. "Well. I have MANY.. And I almost lost it that other, day." He said and looked at me. I just looked at him. "What? Why?" Stan asked with knitted eyebrows.  "Because, Uh. We were playing hide and seek and uh... Um.. Liam and I hid in her bathroom. We got bored and then I saw a private thing that girls wear. Liam fell asleep and I was playing with the "thing" then Aly opened the door and saw me. T-Then.. She was shocked, she told me to go out of her bathroom.. And if I didn't she'll break my combs.. Empty my spray paint and she will give my hairdryer a vacation in the toilet bowl." Zayn explained, making up a story.

They all laughed, even Aly. Maybe she forgot that she heard it. I know she heard it, Let's forget about it too. "Last question, What are you doing after this?" Stan asked.

Aly's POV

"And she will give my hairdryer a vacation in the toilet bowl.." Zayn explained. I laughed at that. I'm still thinking though, If he likes me. Because It's just soooo.. Weird. I mean, your uncle, LIKES YOU?! Like, Like-like. Let's just.  Forget about it today. "Last question.. What are you doing after this?" Stan asked. The boys looked at me and I looked at them then they looked at each other and smiled. "SHOPPING!" THey screamed and my eyes widened. "For Aly, O-Of course." Harry said while scratching the back of his head. "Shopping?" I asked. I really don't want shopping. "You need clothes." Louis said smiling. I smiled and said, "Fine." I said. "Alright! Thanks for listening guys! Hear me again tomorrow.. At exact time we started." Stand finished.  "Bye!" Stan ended it. "And we're out." Ashley said removing her headset.

"Shopping?" I asked.  "Yes!" They said jumping up and down. Sometimes I wonder if they're really 20-22 years old. "I'll go, but in one condition." I said with a smirk. They nodded. "I'm picking MY clothes and what I'm comfortable with.. Okay?" I asked them. They were all staring at each other. "Fine, but we are going to pick SOME clothes for you.. Deal?" Louis asked and think for a bit.  "Deal." I said as we got out of the building. Then I saw that girl who called me something i don't want to hear. I glared at her but then Zayn bumped me. I looked at him and mouthed, "What?" He mouthed back, "Stop glaring at her." Then I nodded. When we were at the front door of the car, I sighed, I can't hold it any longer. I hate that crayon faced barbie doll. "Uncle zayn.. Can I smack you? I really can't handle myself right now." I said looking at him, I'm still standing outside the car door. 

"Uh.. Aly.. Why? C'mon.. We need to go to the mall." Louis said with knitted eyebrows. "Dad, I want to tell you this.. You know that girl over there?" I pointed to the girl. "Yeah. Why?" He asked. Then I looked at Zayn. Then he whispered it to Louis. His eyes went big. "Go ahead." He said. "Thanks." I smiled widely. "Hey! I want to know your name?" I asked when I reached her. "Well. Nice to see you again, I'm Vanessa." Vanessa said with a smirk. I looked at her face to her feet and I chuckled. "What!?" She screamed. "Don't scream at me or i'll do something you will not like." I said and I looked at her face to her feet again. "Why in the hell are you looking at my face to my feet?!" She screamed even louder. I slapped her. "I told you never shout at a fifteen year old girl. Oh, I was just comparing your face to your feet, looks like your feet is more beautiful than your face!" I screamed and walked to the car. When I looked back, her jaw dropped.

"Nice going Aly." Zayn said with a smiled. I nodded. "TOOOOO THEEE MA-aaAAALL!" Louis screamed, his voice cracking at some point.  We all laughed at him. 


Chapter six done
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I'll update tomorrow ! Thanks for reading .. Silent readers!


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