Chapter 17

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Aly's POV

It's 12:00 in the afternoon though. IT'S SO HOT! Last night was just, plain weird and somehow, creepy. I don't know. I was going downstairs when Jordan burst in my room. Which cause us to fall on the ground, him on top of me. "Oh gosh Jordan. Lay of the blood will ya?" I told him as he stood up followed by me. "Sorry." He mumbled as I stood there waiting, he just stared at me. "DUDE! Are you awake? Stop staring at me or I'll melt." I told him before I laughed, he chuckled. 

"Nice clothes and hair. Well, um, I-I- We, erm, I think you're not ready but Moriss told me I should tell you, erm, we-Are-Going-To-Fight-The-Werewolves." He finished quickly, my jaw dropped. "Are you serious?" I asked trying to find my words. "Yes. Later tonight. We will fight four of the strongest there." He told me. "FOUR FREAKING STRONGEST WEREWOLVES?! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" I shouted. An unfamiliar color spread in my eyes. He's looking at his shoes so he didn't see the change.

"Yes Aly. Now calm down and let me expl-OH MY GOD! Your eyes! I-I need to call Moriss, NOW. I'll see you later!" He yelled and ran off. I shrugged and my normal eyes went back. I ran downstairs and saw all of 'em were there. Is JAMES AND LUKE WRITING?! "Are you guys writing?!" I screamed and ran towards them and they smiled. "Yes. So your father and other uncles can communicate with us." Luke told me before I slowly smiled. "Why are you screaming with Jordan a while ago?" Dad asked.  "I'll explain later." I said softly. 

"Nice clothes and hair by the way." They threw in a couple of compliments. "ALY!" Some boys yelled outside our house. I closed my eyes and I saw.. Moriss and Jordan? "COME IN!" I shouted back and a fast second, they were there. "What was Jordan babbling about my eyes changing?" I asked Moriss. "Changing? What color?" Uncle Liam asked as I looked at him. "Yeah. Something like, a mixture of excitement and anger. What color is it?" I asked. "O-Orange. Aly, you need to know something." Moriss said and I nodded signaling him to continue. 

"Erm. You're a vampire and you know that but, when Matt bit you. He didn't know that, you were, erm, uh, the strongest vampire that has ever lived. Y-You were bitten when you were a child but the good thing is. It didn't spread ALL OVER your body. So, that makes you a half vampire. I'm sure you didn't know you were until now. The one who bit you then is weak but he's blood and instinct is strong, reflexes are fast. He just passed it to you. So, let's go back to Matt. Matt bit you and you turned. More stronger than any of us. More color spreading in your eyes when feelings is combined. Reflexes are fast. Smelling of blood is clear in your nostrils." He finished breathing heavily.

We were quite. Eyes wide and jaw slightly dropped. "Are you freaking kiddin' me?! How was I bitten!? Who bit me?!" I screamed. "No Aly. I think your mum and dad are out and your big brother is well, watching a "Movie" You don't wan't to know what kind." Moriss said and I smiled a bit, Niall blushed. "I remember it now. So you were that baby girl I always dream about." He mumbled as I just smiled. "Um. You forgot about the fight." Jordan reminded Moriss. Moriss smirked and look at me.

"Ready for a battle?" He asked as I smiled widely. "I'm not going to waste my vampire gift. Yeah, It'll be fun." I said. They smiled and sped off to get ready but Moriss came back. "Nice hair and clothes." He said and winked before leaving, I rolled my eyebrows. "You're fighting tonight? On your second day being a vampire?" Dad asked. "Yes dad. I can do this." I said and hugged him. Luke wrote something and held it up.

Aww. Father and daughter moment. Come here James gimme a hug!

Then they hugged. "Let's eat shall we?" Uncle Harry suggested. I sat beside uncle Zayn. Awkward. Let me see what's in his mind. Oh gosh. It's so awkward. I hope Lou and the others don't find out. I smiled and shook my head before I whispered to him. "If you act like it really did happen. Of course they'll get suspicious then BOOM!" I screamed as he winced in pain. I smiled and ate. "Aly. Why'd you did that?" He asked. "No reason." I said with a small smile.

-8:00 at night-

My uncles are asleep. Well. That's what I know. I took a shower and put my green-ish shirt and my black leather jacket or blazer. Whatever you call it. Then my blue pants. I slid my gray shoes on and looked at the mirror. Perfect. "Dad?" I asked sitting on the couch beside him. "Yes hun?" He asked coming out of the kitchen. "I just want to say that. Thank you for all of this, for sticking up with me, for supporting me, for loving me." I said as a shade of blue spread in my eyes.

"Don't be sad darling. Come here." He said waiting for me to hug him, I immediately ran to hug him.  "You're welcome. I maybe not your real father but I still love you as a daughter." He said, kissing my forehead. Jerome and the others walked in and we separated. "Al. We need to go." Jerome said. "Yeah." I said and turned to dad. "I love you so much." I said. "I love you too." He said and followed us to the door till we got out.

"Let the fun begin." I said to myself.


It's a short chapter but I promise the next one is long.. ;) Thanks for reading! Vote .. Comment.. Or whatever.. Fan me? :)

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