Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

I've been texting Sarah, I never really met her in person but we skyped, she's real. We started chatting in twitter, she hadn't shared our conversations and I really know she's nice.

From: Sarah<3

Hey. What are you doing now? xx

I texted back.

To: Sarah<3

Nothing. Want to go on a date? xx

"HARRY, you pea brain! Why so fast!?" Louis exclaimed, it made me jump. "Gosh Lou. You scared me half to death!" I screamed and sat again beside him. "Well. I don't want to lose her, she's nice." I said. "Y-You're going to replace me? How could you, Harold?!" He shouted as a joke. "Shh. Lou, you're going to wake up-" I was cut of by Aly walking in. "I'm awake. We're awake actually." She said. "ALY! Your uncle Harry is replacing me with someone else!" Louis cried and hugged Aly. She gasped. "How could you replace my dad?" She asked, playing along. I bit my lip so I won't laugh. "I-I can explain. I love Sarah AND Lou but It's different." I told them dramatically. "SARAH?! So that's what the-the-the-Uh-UM-" Louis got nothing bad to say to Sarah. "What Lou?! What?!" I screamed dramatically again. At the corner of my eye the lads is taking a video of it. "So that's what the mysterious girl's name is."" Lou smirked

So you need to know that when he smirks, he's up to something. "Care to tell what she like?" Louis asked, I backed away. "Uh. She-she's very lovely. She's more than gorgeous. She's a goddess. Her face is soo angelic. She's kind and she understands me." I said and smiled as thinking of her. "Well. It looks like she really is a nice girl. We want to meet her and if she's okay with me. She's okay with us." Lou said and hugged me. "And cut!" Zayn said while Liam stopped the video. "THAT WAS AWESOME!"  Liam shouted. "I'm going upstairs. I'm gonna sleep for a while." Aly said and ran upstairs before we could say anything. "Want to eat guys?" I asked "YES!" Niall screamed. "Come with me. Amamake sausages." I said and walked to the kitchen. "Well guys. A good chef never talks when cooking. Bye!"

Aly's POV

Why am I getting a feeling that someone is staring at me? I looked around. No one is even here. Okay. Relax. Just sleep. "You know you can't sleep because I'm staring at you." Someone said beside me, I froze. "W-Who are y-you?" I asked shaking a little. "Don't be scared. Look at me." He said. He changed the subject, like WOW. Really? I was asking a question and he changes the topic. Rude right? "Hey. Look at me. Come on." He said with pleading voice. I slowly lift my pillow aside to my left .. But I kept, my eyes close. "Please?" He pleaded one more time, I sighed and slowly opened my eyes. "Holy mother of cheeseburgers and meatballs." I said. I'm sure my eyes is falling out my face, he's sitting in front of me. He have brown hair and brown eyes and he just, looks so hot.

But then I came back to reality.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE?!" I almost yelled. He just smiled and laid back down to MY bed. "I'm a spirit. I go everywhere and this is my favorite place because there's a beautiful goddess that live here." He said. I promise that my cheeks is in 50 shades of red. Even if he's a spirit, he sure know how to flirt. What a second.. A SPIRIT?! "A sp-spirit? H-How and w-when?" I asked. For the love of a hyna, I'm talking to a ghost. "Yeah. When I was seven, my dad abused me for shouting at him and not obeying his rules. Everyday was like that. I don't fight back. I was 7 for crying out loud! My mum doesn't know anything. Then one day, he hit my head. So I was brought to the hospital. My mum was shocked that I had a lot of bruise and cuts. When I was in a coma, I heard them talking but I can't move. I can feel. All I see is darkness. The doctor said I was weak and they don't know if I could live. Then When I heard the door close, my SO called dad said I am supposed to die. I was angry at him. Days passed the doctor said that I'm weaker. I grew weaker and weaker each day.Then one day, I didn't hear a thing  or feel a thing. Moments passed as it came to me, I'm dead." He explained. 

I felt a tear on my eyes. "Don't cry. It's over now, It's okay for me. They are happy, they moved on." He said and smiled weakly, I wiped my tears away. "I'm sorry but. How the actual bloody chips do I see you?" I asked. He chuckled and sat down beside me, I touched his cheek. He's cold. "And how can I touch you?" I added to my question, he chuckled, AGAIN! "You can do all that because you have a third eye. It means when you open up. You can see, feel and talk to ghosts or spirits." He said. I nodded, remembering that I CAN see them. "But, when you were cut and have bruises, why is that you still look perfect?" I asked. Did that really came out of my mouth? "Well. If you die, every wrong thing in your body, heals and well, it will be fixed." He said and I nodded again. "Oh wait. I don't know your name." I stated. "James, James West. Fifteen years old." James said and smiled showing his white teeth. I smiled back, someone knocked. "Aly. Dinner is ready." This Irish guy said. "Coming!" I yelled back to him. I looked at James.

"Do THEY see or hear you?" I asked. He shook his head NO. I shrugged and dragged him at the door. I slowly opened it. Niall is NOWHERE to be seen. I ran downstairs, they stared at me like I killed someone. "Remember they don't know I'm here." James voice popped in my head. I smiled and sat next Niall and Zayn. "NIALL'S YOUR BROTHER?!" He screamed in my head and I closed my eyes. "Dude. Hush up. Don't scream and yes, he is." I talked back to him, in my head. "Aly. Hun. Why are you closing your eyes?" Niall asked. I opened my eyes again and looked at his blue ones.
Praying..?" I said, unsure. "Oh.Okay. Now, dig in!" He screamed and ate his sausage. I ate mine, I'm not really in the mood. Since I just talk to a spirit called James here, I lost my appetite. "Don't blame it on me. I didn't even thought you could see or hear me." He defended himself. "Oh! So you didn't know that I can and you knew that my brother is Niall. EVEN if I didn't tell you, Wow." I said to him and pouted. "Aly? You're scaring me. Something wrong? You didn't ate much." Zayn whispered to me, I leaned to whisper in his ears.

"I'm fine. I'm not in the mood. I'm going upstairs, I must be tired." I said to him. "Excuse me guys, I'm not in the mood. I'll go upstairs. Good night." I said and ran upstairs before they could say anything. Notice I do that lately? "So," James said beside me, I jumped HIGH in the air. "Oh my gosh! Don't do that will ya?" I said in a hushed tone at him. "I'm sorry. I thought you saw it coming." He said and sat on my bed. I sat beside him. "So where are you staying?" I asked, I hate silence. IT KILLS ME! "Here, I guess, because someone understands me and well, someone who I can talk with and don't worry. I won't bother you next time." He said and smiled, I smiled back at him. "Just, go and sleep. Just not on MY bed. It's weird to lay next to a, spirit." I said. I don't care if he stays. I'm just happy I met someone new today. 

Woah. I met a spirit.


Chapter twelve done.

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