Chapter 10

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Zayn's POV


"Uncle Zaynnn." I know it's Aly, who else is a girl here? "Hm?" I asked. I'm still sleepy. I'm not a morning person. "Wake up, they're all asleep and I'm hungry." She whispered in my ear and I sighed. "Cook your own food, I'm sleepy." She huffed when I said it. "Okay, fine. I f I burned the house down, don't blame me." She told me and I just nodded. When I heard my door closed I sat up. I don't want the house to burn so I had no choice but to go down with my BB shorts and tank top. I saw her trying to get the pan and I shook my head. "Hey princess, let me cook." I told her and she nodded, sitting on the counter. "Don't call me a princess, I hate it." I looked at her when I brought the bacon out. "Why?" She sighed. "Princesses are.. sweet, kind, gentle and girly. I'm not." I shrugged and I nodded. "Aryt." I told her and I started.

Fifteen minutes later

"Here." I said and she ate some. The boys came in one by one. They looked at me with amusement as I removed my apron. "What?" I asked and they shrugged. "You cooked." Niall smiled, hugging his side. "Yeah...?" I asked, sitting beside Aly with my own food. "Were's ours?" Liam asked and I shrugged. "Cook yours." I stated and ate my bacon. Harry sighed. "Let me cook." He stated as the others sat down beside them. Niall sat next to Liam,  then an empty seat, then Louis. At the other side of the table is me and Aly.

"Good morning Princess." Niall greeted with a smile and I sighed deeply. "Don't call me a princess." She stated, "Please." She added. "Why not?" Louis asked, tapping his fingers on the table. "Because she hates.. girl things, I dunno." I told them while eating my last bacon. "Are we going somewhere?" She asked. "Um. To the studio YOU are meeting the winner in the 'Get to know One Direction'" Liam said as he placed the foods down. "Why me?" She asked. "You're our little sister. Slash Niece and louis's daughter slash sister." Harry said and smiled showing his dimples as Aly smiled. "What time are we leaving?" She asked. "About 5 hours. We got a lot of time." Louis said and ate his breakfast. I looked at Aly. She smiled evily and I laughed quietly. "What?" She asked and looked at me. "Nothing.. You're just so cute when you smile evily." I said and laughed even more. "Oh well.. I'm goiinnn tooo ddaaa lyyyvviinng roaaamm." She said like she's drunk. "Seriously? What's wrong with her?"

Aly's POV

I sat on the couch and looked at the T.V  I did something that they will be happy about. I chuckled as Liam sa next to me. "Why did you chuckled?" Liam asked me. "Uh.. Nothing." I said and chuckled again, biting my lip after that. "If you chuckled or laughed witn NO reason, you're called CRAZY!" He yelled as we laughed loudly.  "ALY'S CRAZY! ALYSSA TOMLINSON IS CRAZYYY!" He shouted. Then Louis and Zayn came out of the kitchen. I laughed while I'm holding my stomach. "Whaaat?" Niall said coming out of the kitchen. "What?" Louis and Zayn asked at the same time. "Aly chuckled for NO reason." Liam said and Louis' eyes widened. Trying to play along, I guess. There's no big of a deal here so. Yeah. "Oh lord! Please help my loving daughter.. Sister.. Niece.. And Best Friend to recover." He overly dramaticly said while biting his lower lip holding his laugh. He cupped my face and I smiled. Harry came out of the kitchen with a hotdog. I stood up and went to him, grabbing the hotdog and eating it. "Geez, you're like Niall. He doesn't even have to ask for permission." Harry stated and I laughed. They all rolled their eyes.

"I'll be in my room." I said and ran upstairs. The good thing in the house is when you're going upstairs they will not see you roaming around the hallways. Okay. I'm soooo happy a while ago because I will give them surprises. A thank you surprise.

First was Niall's room, I bought him new shoes, of course, they gave me money, spoiling me but I didn't want to waste it so I bought them stuff.  Next was Zayn's room, I gave him new spray paints and paint brushes. Next was Louis', I gave him two new vans and a shirt. Liam's was three new Iphone cases and some ballers. Lastly, Harry's, I gave him new boots, hoodie and a pair of scissors, just a joke of course. After leaving those in their rooms, I want to my own. I heared them went up and each door closed. One by one the doors opened again. "ALY!" They shouted and I chuckled before walking out with a smile. They ran to me and hugged me,  making me fall on the ground with them. "THANK YOUUU!" They all screamed and I only laughed. "Thank you too." I stated and hugged them back. They all stood up and Louis helped me stood up. "Let's go, we're going to be late." He told us and I went in my room.

I wore my I KNOW I'M IRRESISTIBLE tee and an I'M ADDICTED TO FOOD Sweater. My black skinny jeans. Well for my shoes I wore my violet vans. (A/N: I forgot to add it in chapter 7. MY BAD. T.T )


Chapter ten done

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