Chapter 16

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Aly's POV


I'm sitting on the couch surrounded by my dad and uncles with my SPIRIT best friends. "You look pale, Aly." Dad said touching my face. He's eyes widened. "And you're cold. Care to tell me why? Are you okay? Do you feel something different. You know? Anything?" He asked fastly. I breathe in. He needs to know and besides. It already happened. "Okay. First, I need you to see this," I showed them my bite but Uncle Harry and Zayn. "Ho-" I cut him off. "Let me answer your questions first. Yes I am, I feel AWESOME." I squealed, they sighed in relief. "How?" Uncle Liam asked. "Uh. W-we were at the park and well.. I explored the forest near it. Some kid about my age, he's a vampire and erm, well, he bit me because he likes me?" I explained, confused as them. He freaking what you know?! Luke shouted in his brain while their eyes widened. He kinda likes me. I told them.  I LIKE YOU A LOT! Another voice joined in.

Who are you?! James asked. Um. Aly, I think I'll talk to you next time. Luke said. Matt?! Uh, Why are you in OUR conversation? Just.. Please leave my thoughts alone. I asked them. Then no one talked. "Um. You're making faces, Hun." Uncle Harry told me. "Oh. Sorry. Communicating with spirits over there." I said pointing to my two best friends. "Who now?" Uncle Liam asked and I face palmed myself. "Um. Uncle Harry, Uncle Zayn and I have third eyes. We see spirits or ghost or whatever. I became best friends with two spirits." I told them, I looked at each and every one of them, my eyes landed on Niall. I have to tell them about Niall too. "Are you going to bite us?" He asked. "No. I'm not going to bite you. I prefer animal blood instead of human bloods." I said and smiled. "Oh.. Uncle Niall. I need to say something." I said then I frowned.

Niall's POV

"In your room. I saw a third box of pictures and albums under your bed. You said there's only two but you're wrong. In that third box. It's.. The label said "Your Sister"" She explained. "Sister?" I asked. "I'm your sister Niall. Your long lost sister." She said. I laughed then it slowed down as darkness flooded my vision.


I woke up by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to see my niece, Aly. Why is she pale? What's the bite o her ne- She's a vampire. She can see spirits. Two of it is her best friend. She's my sister. Then, HELLO DARKNESS.


"How long has he been laying there?" Someone asked. "About, four hours, two hours for the first. Two hours for the second." Some girl explained, probably Aly. I opened my eyes to see my sister in front of me. My vampire spirit seeing sister, I hugged her tight, as tight as I can. "Y-You're so cold." I said and let go of the hug. Oh.. I forgot. "I'm a vampire Niall." She said like it's the obvious thing in the world. "Sorry. I forgot. How 'bout your real mum and dad? Ya know, the ones who, um, put you in the adoption center? Are they really your birth parents?" I asked her. "That.. I don't know. I'll ask you-our mum? Tomorrow? Okay?" She asked. I nodded and hugged her. She hugged me back. "I love you Nialler." She said. "I love you too hun." I said back.

Louis's POV

She's a vampire. She can see spirits and NIALL'S SISTER?! SAY WHAT NOW?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!

One Hour Later

"I still can't believe ALL of this is happening to a beautiful fifteen year old like you and I thought VAMPIRES is.. a myth?" I said. "Yeah. Me too dad and NO it's not a myth. I thought it was too but I was wrong." She admitted, I looked at her. "Just remember, what ever you are, who you want to be. I'll be supporting you and I'll love you no matter what. Remember that." I told her. "Yes dad. I will. I love you more than anything." She said and hugged me. She's so cold, well, I might have to get used to this. We both heard a click. "Awww. Isn't this cute?!" Harry cooed looking at his phone with Liam who smiled. "Yes, yes it is mate." He said and looked at us, we both smiled. "Alright, no one will tell ANY of this in public, well, except that she's Niall's sister" Zayn said.

One hour later

"It's been two hours! ARE WE REALLY GOING TO WAIT FOR NIALL?!" Zayn whined. "Yes. Now hush or I might drink ya." Aly threatened.  Zayn rolled his eyes then he shut up. "Can you shake him please?" I asked, Aly nodded. She shook him, then she shook him again. It's more than seven shakes then he woke up. He looked at Aly confused, then his eyes widened then, BOOM! He fainted again. Zayn and Aly groaned, pulling their hair out.

Aly's POV

IT'S BEEN TWO FREAKING HOURS AND HE DIDN'T EVEN WOKE UP! Well, he woke up but in just 3-5 seconds. "I'm going outside. HARREH! COME WITH MHEE!" Dad whined and I rolled my eyes. Oh dad. "Okay." He said, then they left. There was this silence, we are laying on the ground though. Uncle Zayn looked at me. "Why?" I asked. "I-I-Uhhh.. N-Nothing." He stuttered. He's sad and depressed. "You are sad and depressed, tell me." I stated. "I thought I'm going to be okay when I break up with Perrie, but I think I'm not." He said and I frowned, we sat up and I hugged him. "Have you talked to her yet?" He shook his head. An unfamiliar voice said that they're going here so I formed my lips on a straight line.

"Harry Styles from the boy-band One Direction has been called a womanizer. Last week, some haters said that they saw him with a group of girls. Not just any girls but club girls. These are some pictures that the haters had shown us." The reporter said. Then some pictures were shown on the screen. I saw a vision.

"Are you sure that this editing or photoshopping photo of harry styles and club girls is going to work out? Why are we even doing this anyway?" A blonde girl said. "It will. It always work. I'm well, we are doing this because I hate that curly flirty dimple retarded singing whale." A red haired girl said.

"Aly." Uncle Zayn said, trying to calm me down. I can feel my fangs going out and I can see a little red thing spreading in my eyes. "MY UNCLE HARRY IS NOT A WOMANIZER OR A MAN-WHORE!"" I growled. He backed away. This time. All the boys, I MEAN ALL THE BOYS, the vampire boys, the spirits and my dad with my uncle Harry. "I need to calm down." I told them and I ran to the pool. Water seems to calm me down. "Matt. You didn't told us she's.." One voice trailed off. Wait, Matt? I turned around. "What are you doing here? You're already here, wow." I told him. Calmly getting out of the pool, I fanned myself then I felt myself get dry? This is so awesome. "I want you to meet my brothers." Matt said and I nodded for him to continue. "As I said. This is Moriss, the oldest. Next Jerome, the second oldest, he's quiet. Next up is Jordan, he's hyper and lastly, me." He introduced. I looked at them one by one. 

"Nice meeting you boys. I'm Aly, I need to go back to my family." I told them and walked away, they followed me. "Hi dad.. Uncle Harry." I said simply as we reached inside. "Why'd you asked that?" Uncle Harry asked. "Um. I-I saw the news saying that you're a womanizer and, yeah. I got angry then I turned into a.." I got cut off when he hugged me. That seemed to calm me down. "Don't worry. It's okay." He said. "Uncle Harry. I got angry because I saw the past I think? They photoshoppe it. They edited it. Why do people hate you? THEY LIED TO THE MEDIA! You're doing nothing wrong!" I screamed. A color blue is spreading in my eyes. "It's okay." He said and stroked my hair. It calmed me down. "Now.Tell me, how the hell did your eyes changed and how did you saw the past?" He asked. "Um. The changing of the eyes is the color of your mood. Normal mood, normal eyes. Dark red is hungry. Red, angry or annoyed. Yellow, jolly and hyper. Blue is sad. Light pink, in love or close to your crush. That's why you need to hide it." Moriss explained and I nodded.

"Your powers so far is seeing the future-past and what will happen later." Jordan explained. I nodded again.

Two hours later 

"How long has he been laying there?" Uncle Zayn asked. "About. four hours. Two hours for the first, two hours for the second." I said. I sat beside Niall. He opened his eyes then he hugged me tight. "Y-You're so cold." He said and let go of the hug.  "I'm a vampire Niall." I said like it's the obvious thing in the world. "Sorry. I forgot. How 'bout your real mum and dad? Ya know, the ones who, um, put you in the adoption center? Are they really your birth parents?" He asked her. "That.. I don't know. I'll ask you-our mum? Tomorrow? Okay?" I asked. He nodded and hugged me. I hugged him back. "I love you Nialler." I said. "I love you too hun." He said back.


Yeah.. A happy ending.. MORE TO COME!!!!! LUV YA !!! xD

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