Chapter 14

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Aly's POV

"We're here." Paul said as he park the car. "Thanks Paul." I said, he nodded then we left. Weird. No paparazzi and fans. Once we went in, drinking people everywhere. people making out. Dancing, is this why they want Paul to come? So if they're wasted Paul will carry them? AND I'm fifteen! I shouldn't be here! "Okay. No one tweets anything." Dad said. A loud laughter erupted and we turned our heads, it's them. "Are you Alyssa? You're pretty." The guy said.  "Thank you. You guys  look awesome." I said. They chuckled. "Thank you." The other guy said and we laughed. "This is Mike, Calum, Luke and Ashton." Dad introduced within the loud music. "HI!" Ashton screamed, he was the one who told me I'm pretty. Cool. "HI!" I yelled back, laughing. Pretty soon, they went to dance and I was left alone with Ashton. Dad said he should stay with me just to make sure I don't drink,

"I CAN'T BE HERE! - I screamed because of the music. "WHY NOT?" He screamed back. "I'm too young to be here!" "WHAT?" He looked at me and I shook my head. "I'M GOING TO THE TOILET." He nodded and I left, I wasn't really going to the toilet, I went at the back. Woah, no one is here. I sat down the dirty grass and a thought popped in my head. James, Luke. Come here. Please.  They then popped in front of me, floating. "Why?" James asked. "Help me prank people?" I said unsure. Luke landed on the ground and they looked at each other then smirked. "Where do we start? I mean, it's only for one night right?" Luke asked. "James. Get the un-blown balloons. Luke you get the jelly doughnuts and I'll find our hiding spot. I'll speak in my head and you go there. Okay?" I told them. They nodded, with one blink they're gone. Now. Act simple and find a hiding spot. FIND . FIND. FIND. F-Oh! That's perfect.

I climbed the ladder where people don't see. It have this long wide tiled wood. It looks like a balcony but no railings because the half part of it don't have a roof. Oh well. This works. I chuckled. I saw them wandering around. Luke found the jelly doughnuts then started to find me. James got the balloons. How come people don't notice the flying object? Oh well. They looked at each other then shrugged. Hey guys. Might want to look up. They saw me and laughed. "I think I want to be a spirit for a day." I said,  joking. They rolled their eyes. "What? I want to fly and go through walls you know? Anyway, gimme some." I said, they gave me the jelly doughnut and the balloon. I tied it and found my first victim. Some dude in a 17st century clothes. I laughed and let the balloon fall.  "WHA!! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THIS?!" He screamed and looked around. Then up to me, then he looked away. "Wait. He didn't see me?" I asked them. I saw Luke's hand on my shoulder while laughing and so is James on the other side. "DID YOU SEE HIS FACE?" James asked while laughing. Aw. What a cutie. Shut up mind! Ugh!

"Did you just call him/me cutie?" They ask at the same time. "Dammit. Well, you two are cute when laughing. So please, it's not a big deal." I said looking down at the people dancing. "Oh. The answer to your question is, when we touch you. People with NO THIRD EYES can't see you." James explained. I nodded and spotted-wait-Is that the girl I slapped? Oh my gosh. "You slapped?" Luke asked. I smiled evily and ignored his question. I tied the LARGEST and SLIMIEST jelly doughnut in the balloon then I let it fall. "Hold me." I said, they held their hands on my shoulders. "Watch this." I added and waited.
"EIIIIIKKK! AAHH! WHO THE  HELL?! WAAA! WHAT IS THIS!?! HELP ME! DON'T LAUGH AT ME! COME ON! TISSUE PLEASE!" She screamed. We laughed and moved a little  to the back so we can lay on the ground laughing. You're a little late! and I'm alre- "Ye-haha-up?" I asked between laughs. Oh. It's uncle Harry! "Having fun pranking people?" Uncle Harry asked. "Y-you s-saw-A..A..Ahahaha! All-o-of I-t?" I manage to say between laughs. "Yes. I'm having fun watching but be careful. Okay? Tell James and Luke to take care of you. Okay?" He said. I finished laughing and sat straight.

"Yeah. Spirits will look after me. Okay." I started laughing again. "You ARE Louis' kid. Okay. Gotta get a girl tonight. Haha. Just kidding. I'll see you later." He said. I ended the call. I grab one jelly doughnut and ate it. Oh gosh. SUGAR! At the same time, ANOTHER WORLD  blasted to the stereo. They must've saw One Direction. I stood up and started dancing, jumping up and down. "IT'S NOT ME IT'S NOT YOU, THERE'S A REASON!" I sang loudly and danced with James and Luke, I laughed when they danced with me as I started bobbing my head to the music and shaking my hips, my breathing started to go fast as Luke tackled me on the ground, his face, inches from mine. "I love you.." I whispered and I fell down. This is just amazing.

Harry's POV

I was drinking when James popped in front of me, I spat it. "Bloody hell James. You scared the life outta me." I said clutching my heart. "Sorry dude, but Aly, she's.." He trailed off. I looked at him. "What happened?" I asked sternly. "We were laughing our butts of then she ate a jelly doughnut. She went crazy sang and danced then when I told Luke to calm her down. He SOFTLY tackled her on the ground. When Luke asked what's wrong with her, she passed out." He stated, rubbing his face. "Wha-What happened next?" I asked as I slowly walked where they were. Luke is beside Aly. "Can you take her?" Luke asked. I nodded. I carried her and found a stairs at the back.  "Paul. She-um, she was tired. Can you open the door please?" I asked, he nodded and opened it. I let her lay on the seat. Guys. Look after her. They soon popped in the car, I smiled and left.

James' POV (Thought spirits can't have a POV? Ha! You thought wrong! (: )

I've never told anyone the fact that, I'm still in a hospital. Luke is the only one who knows it. You know why? He's still there too. The same hospital as mine, we met there when I was eight. I lied to Aly and her uncles that I died. So they thought I died but my dad hurting me and my mum not knowing. Is true, this is what happened.


Blackness is all I see but I can hear. What's happening? MUM?! "He's twitching." I know mum said that. Okay jameyy. Open your eyes.. 3.. 2.. 1.. "JAMES!" Mum shouted and hugged me. "What happened? Mum? What happened? Where's daddy?" I asked. "Hun. He's*sniff*  in *sniff*  jail. I put him *sniff * there. You're safe now b-but*sniff*  w-when yo-u get out of *sniff* here. I'm g-going somew-here*sniff* okay? A-and y-you're staying *sniff* w-with y-our aunt Cindy. O-kay?" She said while crying. "No. Mum! Don't leave me! I-I-Mum-" I stopped since my eyes is all watery and I can't speak a doctor came. "Ma'am. He can go today if that's alright?" The doctor asked.  My mum nodded. I wiped my tears away before the doctor see it. 

Mum moving away

5 years later

"Aunt Cindy! I'm going out!" I screamed. "Yeah!" She shouted back as I sat under a tree. Thinking that my mum never came back. When I saw this beautiful girl I've ever seen, she was skateboaring. She's from the orphanage across our house. She so-beautiful. I studied her face. As always, she have blue eyes, her hair is blonde and she have this colors half way to the end. I never got her name though but I know that I'm a year older than her. I just know what she looks like. "Okay. Now's the time West. Come on. Ask her name." I told myself. When I was crossing. My body just flew away in mid-Air.. That's when I me the darkness.


Another blackness. I remember the day mum and I are in the hospital. It's like me and my dad all over again. "He's going to be fine. He's in a coma, he's strong. Don't worry ma'am. He'll be up maybe in days."  The doctor said. I heard my aunt Cindy sigh and sniff. Suddenly. I saw some light. "Hey there sleepy head." An Angel? For real? Okay. I'm seriously dead. Goodbye aunt Cindy. Goodb- I Was cut of. "Yes. I'm an angel. No, you're not dead. I'm here to say that you are not supposed to be dead. I'm going to give you some time to find this girl of yours BUT, you need a helper. Two helper." She said but before I can answer. I was poofed in some house. I don't even know where I am. Dammit.


I found Aly and Luke as my helper. "Ugh. What happened?" Aly asked sitting up. We looked at her. Dang. Do I really need to wake up with this angelic faces?  Luke and I looked at each other and laughed. "Really Al? ANGELIC faces? We're not that handsome." Luke said and smiled cheekily. She rolled her eyes. "Ugh. Just please tell me what happened?" She asked. "You ate jelly doughnuts." I said and chuckled remembering the girl she said she slapped. "Then you went crazy." Luke finished. She rolled her eyes and laid back down. "Ugh. SWEET!" She shouted. "Where's Paul?" She asked. "Outside." I said. She went off the car. We followed her. "Paul. Can you drive me home and come back here for my uncles and dad?" She puppy-eyed. Paul smiled at her. "Go inside. I'll drive." She went inside. How long have I been out? She asked in her head. I looked at her. Maybe a couple of minutes. Harry carried you though. Luke answered. Did I say or d-doing something stupid? She asked. Luke seemed uncomfortable. 


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