Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV

"Before we enter the car. I have to go to the toilets. Okay?" Aly said and grabbed Miggy, One of our security. Paul is in his break so we got Miggy. "Why did she brought him?" I asked and they shrugged. "Maybe she don't want to be mobbed?" Harry suggested. "Let's just wait." Louis said and sat down at the passenger sit. Thirty minutes has passed and finally she came back. "Okay. Let's go." She said. "What took you so long?" Louis asked and she just smiled. "I got lost, Miggy didn't know the way too so we asked." She casually said. I smell something fishy.

We got to the house and we were all hammered. "I'll go to my room, I'm tired. THANKS FOR THE CLOTHES!" Aly shouted running upstairs. What's up with her? Anyways, I'm tired too.  "ZAYN!" Niall screamed at me. "What do you want?" I asked a LITTLE annoyed. "Why are you cranky?" Niall asked with a frown. "Nothing.. What do you want?" I asked CALMLY this time. "Cook please?" Niall suggested with puppy eyes, I groaned. "Why me? You know that NEVER let me cook." I said raising my eyebrows with a smug smile. "Fine. Harry! COOK ME SOME FOOD!" Niall shouted running to Harry. I closed the front door and walked to the living room with them. Louis searching some songs at the end of the couch, Liam playing fruit ninja on the floor, Harry cooking, Niall.. Drooling.. Me.. lying on the floor my head on the couch.

"Guys?" Aly asked, getting down the stairs. "Hmm?" We all asked, I sat next to Liam and sighed. "Bored?" She asked and went down. "FOOD!" Niall shouted running towards Harry. "Niall relax." Harry said. Aly laid down to my side. "Sing to me.." She whispered. "What?" Liam asked, "Sing to me, please?" She asked again. "Lay on the couch." I said, try to calm down Zayn. You know you like her but.. SHE'S fifteen FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

"Hmm.. Hmm.. She's not afraid of all the attention .. She's not afraid of running wild.. How come she's so afraid of falling in loovvee.. She's not afraid of scary movies.. She like the way we kiss in the dark.. But come she's so afraid of f-f-falling in loovvee.."  I sang.

"Lads?" She asked and I looked at her. "Y-Yeah?" I asked. "Sing to me, I like Zayn's voice but please one with all of you together?" She asked and we all nodded. Niall left his food and walked over to Aly. We all sat on the ground, Louis slightly sliding down.

"Don't.. Try to make me stay.. Or ask if I'm okay.. I don't have the answer.. Don't.. Make me stay the night.. Or ask if i'm alright..
I don't have the answer.."
Harry sang.
"Heartache..doesn't last forever.. I'll say i'm fine..Midnight.. Ain't no time for laughing.. When you say goodbye.." Liam sang next.
"It makes your lips.. so kissable.. And your kiss.. Unmissable.. And your touch.. So .. Touchable.. And your eyes.. Irresistible.." I sang after him.

"I've-" Niall was cut by Louis whispering; "Where's her phone?" Phone? O_O What is he talking about? "We didn't buy a phone for her yet." Liam said. "Let's go to the mall and buy her. C'mon." Louis said and we slowly stood up. She fell asleep so fast. We all headed to the car. It was a quiet ride to the mall. When we got there. We got passed Nando's when my stomach maked a sound. "Hungry?" Louis asked looking in my eyes. Why do I feel guilty?  "Uh.. Y-Yeah.. I am.." I slowly said as I scratched the back of my head. "C'mon.. Liam.. Can you please buy Aly an Iphone. I'll get our food." Louis said and Liam only nodded and Niall jumped up and down again. Harry trying to calm him down and then they left. Oh gosh ! I'm so nervous..  Was it because I screamed at him the other day? I never scream at him.

"ZAYN!" Louis shouted at me. I got out of the dream world. "Yeah?" I asked simply. "I asked you if you want a burger or the chicken wings?"  Louis asked calmly.. Hm. "Uh.. Chicken wings."I said while not looking at him. "Okay." He said. Fifteen minutes later. "GUYS!" Liam shouted outside Nando's. Like old times, Niall ran inside and ordered his own food. "Where's the phone?" Louis asked getting ready to go out. "In the bag.. C'mon.. She must be awake." Liam said. We all nodded.

Aly's POV

I  felt my need of releasing my bladder so I opened my eyes, they're gone? They might've just went out for a bit. I got up and walk to Niall's room. They said go inside whenever I want.. Except for harry.. AND zayn.. I dunno why. I went to his toilet and released. I sighed and went out the toilet, I sat beside his bed on the ground. Okay.. I want to look at his pictures.. Or photo albums. They are usually under the beds right?  When I got the 2 boxes of photo albums. There's one more, Hmm..

I got it and it said "Your sister"

Sister? I know he only have a brother .. Greg?

I opened it slowly.

"IT'S ME!" I shouted. How did this got here?! Is that me and Niall? How old are we?! Oh my gosh! Me and Greg! What is this?! "We're hooommee!" Niall's voiced made me jump and threw the pictures back in the box. I arranged the "Your sister" Box and hid it again to where I found it. It was dusty, So Niall don't know about anything. I guess.. I'll talk to him someday..


Chapter eight done 
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