Chapter 5

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I went under my bed and sighed, Harry and Louis went in my closet, Liam and Zayn went in my own bathroom. "GUYS?!" Niall shouted again. I can see his feet, wait. I have a hidden talent, and since I'm Irish It's easier. "Huh?" He asked and turned around. "Where is that coming from?" He asked, "I'm your voice." I rolled my eyes at how stupid that was. "Oh, okay." I sighed in defeat and just grabbed his foot and he screamed, like a girl. Trust me. I chuckled and Louis fell out from the closet followed by Harry who were both laughing. "GUYS!" Niall screamed as I climbed out of the bed. "Aly?" He asked and I nodded. "Were you the one talking using my voice?" I smiled. "Well, uh. Yeah. I guess you can say that." I used his voice again doing funny hand signs. They had wide eyes. "How do you do that?" Harry asked, "Hidden talent." I winked and we chuckled. I went to the bathroom and opened the door. "Zayn!! Get ou-Is that my bra?" I asked as I eyed the thing on his head. "Yeah." Liam casually said. "THAT'S MY BRA!" I freaked out and rushed to them, I removed the bra on his head.

"WHA.. WHY?" I asked and the boys at the back laughed, "We were looking around and saw your bra and placed it on my head on time when you opened the door." He only laughed. He was still shirtless and damn those fine abs. What? I'm fourteen! I'm in a hormone stage. Besides, he doesn't know I like it. HE DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW. "Like what you see?" He smirked at me, I gulped but put my game face on. "No." I crossed my arms. "Like what you see?" He asked I narrowed my eyess but my chest is rising. He moved closer to me and his nose near my nose. "Are you sure? Why are you staring?" He asked again and I huffed. "Get out." I rolled my eyes. "No." He said rubbing his nose to mine. "Just. Get. Out. Or. Else I will throw away all your things. Every single thing." I spat. "Okay. Calm down." He said and left shaking his head. "All right. Go out. All of you. I will get ready." I said and pushed them all away. "We'll breakfast in a second."

Louis' POV

When we were downstairs, I huffed. "Niall, Liam, Harry, You go eat. I'm going to talk to Zayn for a while." I said and they all nodded. "Why?" Zayn asked. I raised an eyebrow. "Why did you look at her like that?" I asked as he tilt his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "Who?" He asked again. "Oh you know who I'm talking about," I challenged as my blood is getting higher. Breathe Louis. Breathe. "Who? El? No way man, I have a girlfriend." Zayn raised both of his hands up. "No. Aly." I stated. He gulped and looked around except me. "Why are you staring at her like that?!' I screamed. Good thing the boys know that when I say "I need to talk to someone" I'm mad. 

"Answer me!" I shouted, "I LIKE A THIRTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL ALRIGHT?! IT'S JUST LIKE! OK?!" Zayn finally exploded. He looked at someone behind m, making me turn around. My eyes widened, "Al, Did you hear anything?" I asked in a hush voice. "No. "OK" was all I heard." She smiled. ".Go and eat." I smiled softly as she nodded and walked to the kitchen. "Don't mention anything." I said to Zayn. "Okay, yeah." He whispered. As we were eating, the silence is so awkward I'm going to kill myself. "What time is it?" Liam thankfully asked, "Ten fifteen, why?" Niall asked back. "WE HAVE A MEETING AT RADIO ONE AT ELEVEN THIRTY!" He shouted. We all rushed except Aly, she was playing with her food. "You're coming with us." I whispered and she nodded going straight up. I sighed and went up too. I already took a shower so I only changed into my old striped shirt and tight black jeans. I wore my vans and that was it. I brought my phone out and tweeted.

Louis Tomlinson @louis_Tomlinson
Going somewhere with my mates and Alyssa. FIND US!!  
-Tweet sent-

I kept my phone and sighed.

Aly's POV

Zayn FREAKING Malik likes me?! No, I don't believe any of what he said.  He's just having some hard time, I guess. I rolled my eyes and changed into my striped shirt and black jeans. I wore my converse and some jean-like jacket. I think they bought these. I tied my hair in a messy bun and smiled. I got out and closed my door, I bumped into Louis and we both stared at each other. He stared at me up and down. "Oh my gosh! A female version of me!" He screamed rather girly. I smiled a bit. "Niall!" Louis screamed, I jumped.  "YEAH?!" Niall shouted running to us. His eyes widened and stared at both of us. "C'mon mate.. Take a picture of us!" Louis brought his phone out and gave it to Niall. "Alright. One. Two," We posed and he clicked. "There, Done." Niall laughed out and I smiled. 

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