Chapter 3

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Aly's POV

"Ok. Now. For touring! Lads! Could you be kind and bring her bags in her room?" Louis poshly asked, "Sure." They chorused with a smile, "Can I bring my skateboard? Sometimes i'm lazy at walking." I said with a hint of Please let me in my voice. "Sure." Louis said and smiled. "C'mon then." Louis said showing the way. I skated to the way he pointed and my eyes widened. "No way! You have a pool!" I almost screamed. "You like it?" He asked scratching the back of his head. I nodded my head with a smile, "There's more though." I stared at him, "More?" "C'mon, I'll let you see the tourbus." He said and we walked  to the parking lot, apperantly, I left my skateboard there at the poolgaped at the two story tourbus in front of me.

"Uhuh.. Let's go to the kitchen." Louis continued with a wide smile, loving the way the place is letting my saliva drop to the ground. "Okay." Was all I said. "The cooking place is there.. The frig. There.. Dishes.. Over here.. Cooking materials , plates.. cups.. mugs.. over there.. and coffee machine here." Louis pointed to every direction and I followed his pointer finger with a nod. "TO YOUR ROOM!" He shouted and I laughed. While walking, he asked something.. weird. "Do you like carrots?" He asked with his eyebrows knitted. "No, I despise it. I'm allergic to it too." She shrugged. "Good that you don't like it but bad that you have an allergy but, eh. You hate carrots so." Louis smiled. "You hate carrots?" I asked with my eyes wide. "OF COURSE!" He shouted as I laughed at him, we're ow upstairs and I'm looking at my new door but then I noticed it was silent.

"Where are the boys?" I asked, They're nowhere to be seen, I took the chance to look at each door.
"Maybe in there rooms? I'll check the theater rooms first though. You.. Go get ready.. Okay?" Louis asked with a warm smile. I nodded as he went down. "Yeah, thank you." I said and looked at the arrangement of the doors. My door was all white.

The rooms Arrangement is that Louis' room was at my right I noticed because there was a big 'superman' letters on the wall, I rolled my eyes, to my left was obviously Zayn's because it has different kind of arts, spray painted or plain painted is there. Next was Niall's, I knew because he has this little leprechaun 'Do not disturb' on his doorknob. It's ridiculous because it's like none of them are 20-22. I saw Liam's door who has 'knock first' on his door. Simple. Harry was the last one. He has this kind of.. party spray all over it and little cat pictures at the end, it was a carrot memory, he loved pussy cats. Getting tired of what I'm looking at, I went in my room and my jaw dropped completely.

This is my time to silently fan girl. I screaming silently, Jumped up and down and I looked at my notebook that  has the only thing I love, The picture of the boys. there was a knock, "Come in." I said and Zayn walked in, I raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you unpack?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay, sure." While we were unpacking, "Do you want to have a facebook or twitter?" He asked and I bit my lip, "Yeah, that'd be fun, when are we going to make it?" I asked and he smiled. "Maybe later?" I nodded. "Okay." I smiled when I placed the last thing in place. "Done." I smiled, Louis shouted "DINNERR!" And damn, he's loud. "He cooks?!" I asked shocked because I knew he doesn't cook. Was it all a lie? "No, Harry went to the kitchen after you and Louis went in, we've been up here for a while." He said and I nodded, "Come on! I'M HUNGGREEEEHH!" I shouted and started pulling him, he chuckled, "Alright, love. Calm down. You remind me so much of Niall." I chuckled and let go him before rushing downstairs and bumped into Niall into one chair.

"MINE!" We both screamed and playfully glared. "Please, I got here first." I used my worst puppy eyes and damn, we're fighting over a chair. I like this chair though, it's the one at the very end and you can see all of them. "Louiissss.." Niall whined and I rolled my eyes, "Don't be such a baby! I'm fourteen years old, almost fifteen! Be a gentleman." I huffed and pushed him abit, but no work, he's all muscle. Louis pulled a bitch face. I huffed again and pulled my puppy eyes again. "Pwetty Pwease?" I asked in a baby voice, he pushed my off and I fell on my butt. I laughed softly. "Nope. You're cuteness is not affecting me, for tonight." He challenged and I accepted. They all seemed surprised. "You've never cooked this before." Liam said, "Start of something new, I guess." Harry smiled at me and I smiled back.

We ate and they told me about everything they've experienced from their tour. After eating, I asked what to do next.

Louis's POV

"MOVIE!" Nial and Harry chorused. "I'll get the popcorn." Liam simpy said with a smile and went to the kitchen, "Blankets." Niall added and stood up, "Pillows too. The rest of you get changed since you don't look comfortable with what you are wearing." I nodded, yup. I'm not. "I'll change in my Pajjy." I said with a smile. "Me too." "Me too." Zayn and Louis said with a smile. We looked at each other and laughed. "Alright. I'll see you here." I smiled. I went upstairs to my room and opened my new closet. A white big t-shirt my boxers and socks. I smiled and changed, I tied my hair in a messy bun and removed my contacts. Yes, I have contacts but I also have glasses so I'm going to wear it.

Zayn's POV

After changing into my boxers, I went on twitter.

Zayn Malik @ZaynMalik
Going to watch a movie with my lads @harry_styles @louis_tomlinson @Real_Liam_Payne and @niallofficial .. With our new girl ALYSSA ^_^

-Tweet sent-

I got a reply like:
LeslyLoves1D @lesly_loves_1D
@zaynmalik : Who is she ? Who's her boyfriend ? Niall ? Harry?

I replied:
Zayn Malik @ZaynMalik
@lesly_loves_1D : None of them.. She's louis's new sis.. I think. Well. This is my last tweet. Take care love.

Then I paced my phone down and went downstairs.

Aly's POV

I went downstairs and I asked what we were going to watch. "We don't know, love. What do you like?" Harry asked me, "Scary movies. Horror!" I smiled, I remember the time I thought I had a cool friend but it turns out he was a ghost kid. Everyone thought I was crazy. "Why do you like Horror movies?" I raised my eyebrows, "Because I love it. It gives me chills and besides, I'm used to it." I simply said. "What's wrong?" Zayn walked down with his bare chest and I almost had a waterfall but I stopped. He's somehow related to me plus! He's six years older than me. "She likes scary movies! Can you believe that?" Niall said to Zayn as if it's really different. "You what?! You like scary movies? Horror?" I nodded and faceplamed at their reactions. "Is there something wrong with it?" I asked and he shook his head. "How can you handle those scary stuff?" Harry asked.

"Back at the adoption center, I always see, feel and sometimes talk to um, you know, ghost or spirits. I told you, I'm used to it." I shrugged it off. "You're joking right?" Zayn chucked a bit. "Nope. I can do all that wierd stuff." They all shivered. "Enough of this things. Let's just watch what she wants." Niall said with a slight smile as he kneeled in front of the player and CD's, "PA4!" I screamed and they raised an eyebrow. "Paranormal Activity four! MY FAVORITE!" I screamed and jumped up and down the couch not bothering if I fall down, there were a lot of pillows and cushion. "Calm down, we have the food." Liam came and Louis followed him, he was wearing his shirt and boxer. We all settled down and I sat between Louis and Zayn, I was sooo near Louis, when I say near, I was one inche away from Zayn, he's freaking shirtless, what do you want me to do? Throw myself over him? No thank you. Niall, Harry and Liam was on the pillows and cushion all snuggled up as we watched.

It was half part of the movie where the ight thing fell almost at her and well, "AHHHH!" Zayn, Harry and Niall screamed covering their ears. We all laughed at them. "That really scared me." Niall said, "Almost had a heart attack." Zayn said bringing his hand on his chest. Harry was still covered up. I laughed.

The movie ended and they all fell asleep, it's only ten fourty, I guess I'll design my door now. I'm too pumped I need to do something. I slowly got up and rushed to Zayn's room to get his spray paints and his mask. "Need to borrow Zayn." I whispered as I got his stuff even though he wasn't there. First I used a pencil to draw a cartoon reggae-like version of the boys. It had me in twenty minutes before I wore the mask and started spray painting on them, he has the perfect colors. So the boys were at one side and the other was filled with different things I enjoy. Music notes, skating, singing and dancing. Once I knew I was done, I carried the bottles of paint inside my room and placed them on the newspaper and I lied down on the ground. "What a day." I murmured with a smile.


Chapter three done
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