Chapter 13

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Zayn's POV

"What's with her?" I asked the lads after she left. They shrugged and continued eating. I didn't finished mine. I just stood up and went to her room but then I heard her talking,WITH A GUY?!

"So.. Where are you staying?" She asked this mystery lad. How did she get a guy in her room? "Here I guess, because someone understands me and well, someone who I can talk with and don't worry. I won't bother you next time."

Moment of silence then she spoke.

"Shut up." She said. What the actual hell? "Just, go and sleep. Just not on MY bed. It's weird to lay next to a, spirit." She said. When I was going to my room, I realized what she said. SHE'S TALKING TO A SPIRIT?! I rushed to her room and knocked. "Uh-Um-come in!" She called. "Who are you talking to?" I asked not saying that I heard that SPIRIT thing. "He can hear me." Someone said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Uncle Zayn. Please close the door." She said, I did what I was told. "James. Show him the real you." Aly said looking at the air. Then a boy popped in front of my face. I backed away a little. "Hey dude. JAMES." He said, I smiled weirdly. "Zayn." I introduced. I'm seriously in a weird situation right now. "Aly, how long?" I asked not looking at her but a him. "Just minutes after we ate." She said mimicking my tone. I glared at her as she raised her hands up. James chuckled. "What now? I can do what she can." I asked, they looked at each other and shrugged.

I groaned. "Let's just talk about this tomorrow. Okay? Now you two, go to bed and James, don't lay down beside her." I said sternly. He nodded and laid down on the floor.  SPIRITS SLEEP?! "Yes Zayn. I can sleep. Now please. Sleep. I need peace." He said in my brain. "Rest in peace bro." I said and chuckled, I heard him laugh. "TALK TO YA SOON BEAUTIFUL PEASANTS!" I cheered, I jumped when Louis yelled back."You can't say peasants!"  "DUDE! WAKE UP!" Someone screamed. It's not very familiar though. "Shut up! Who are you?" I said and covered my head with the pillow. *Scary tone* I will haunt you in your dreams. *Normal* "That does ring a bell?" James asked. "ALY! JAMES KEEPS ON BOTHERING MY BEAUTY SLEEP!" I screamed. "Who's James?" Someone asked, I can tell it's Louis. I removed the blanket and I saw James making faces in front of him, I laughed and tilt my head backwards. "Why are you laughing Zayn? And who's this James you speak of?" Louis asked. I smiled, "Nothing." I said and got up. Well, I need to get ready for today.

Aly's POV

I was awoken by my uncle screaming. "ALY! JAMES KEEPS ON BOTHERING MY BEAUTY SLEEP!" I laughed and got up but I didn't go out. I need to be, uh, presentable?

You're always presentable..

Oh shut up James and don't go in my room. I need to get ready.


I took a shower, after my long shower, I step outside and grabbed my DIRTY OUTFIT as I call it. "ALY!" Uncle Zayn shouted. "SINCE WHEN ARE YOU LOUD?! I THOUGHT IT'S DAD'S THING?!" I shouted before getting my hat. "SINCE, UH,OH YOU KNOW WHEN!" He screamed. Well, I actually know, I ran downstairs. "Why are you two screaming?" Uncle Harry asked, rubbing his eyes. When he opened it, it went big. "And when did Zayn woke up early? And why do we have another boy in house? Aly is that your boyfriend?" He whispered to me. "You can see James?! Uncle zayn!" I panicked. "How many boys can see you?!" I asked in my head. OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! Stop screaming Aly. Only three of you can. Sorry, forgot to tell you and he said I'm your boyfriend  James said in my brain and I can see him winking, I rolled my eyes. "Aly. Baby? Who did you rolled your eyes on?" Dad asked. "Uh. No one." I said. "Mmhhmm.." Dad eyed me suspiciously as I chuckled. "Can I speak to the two of you?" I asked but before they can answer, I dragged them to my room and James is in there. 

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