Chapter 4

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Louis's POV

"Where'd she go?" Zayn asked, Last night I thought she was asleep, but she wasn't. "Maybe she's in her room?" I suggested and he nodded as we walked there. Zayn's a bit different, woke up eary, cleaned the living room from the snacks we ate and well, he hasn't fixed himself. When we went upstairs, we already saw the door, it was beautiful. "Remind me to say "NICE JOB" to her later okay? Her door is amazing." He said with a smile, I raised an eyebrow. "What happened to you Zayn? Is that really you? First you woke up early, second you cleaned up the mess, third you're not awkwar anymore." He shrugged and knocked on the door. No one opened it so I did.

She was asleep, we decided to leave but we heard her shuffle. "Where are you going mom?" We both lookde at each other and chuckled. We walked out but she shuffled again. "Mom! Mom!" She screamed, we rushed to her. "NO! PLEASE! DON'T! I-I.. I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE! TAKE ME HOME!" She screamed and I shook her, "Aly, wake up! Wake up honey. I'm here." She opened her eyes and tears fell on her cheeks. "Dad.." She whispered and hugged me tightly. "Yes sweet heart. I'm here, shh.." I whispered and rocked us a bit. "Dad, don't send me back." She whimpered and hugged me tighter, I was out of breath but I didn't puled her off. "I won't. I swear, I promise." I whispered to me than herself. I won't send her back. "WHAT'S GOING ON?" Harry and Liam came in and we all looked at them. "Nightmare." I said, "It's a kind-of-flashback." She said and wiped her cheeks. "Can you guys give us privacy?" They nodded and left, closing the door.

Aly's POV

I sighed, "Dad.. Louis .. Uncle.. What should I call you?" I asked scratching the back of my head. "Dad." He smiled and held my hand. His hand is soft and rough that made me smile. "All I remember is that My real parents always fighting." I stopped, I feel something in my throat, it was the thing you feel when you want to cry. "Then?" He asked as I sighed. "Then one day when I was seven, my dad was trying to kill us, my mom took me to the adoption center which where you found me, then when I was nine, someone adopted me. At the first two weeks with them, I had all what I wanted the past two years being there, a family, gifts, friends. But that's all he did to me. Then my adoptive father turned into a drunken man," I paused again, closing my eye and sighing. I opened my eyes again. "He slaps me, and almost raped me but my adoptive mother quickly pulled me in her car and went back to the adoption center. I said I can handle everything but she only shook her head, she said 'I know you can, but you need to stay here. It's the best for you.' I cried that day." I finished with a big sigh. I'm surprised that I can handle this. I looked at him and he has tears running down his face.

"I'm sorry for everything you've been through, But I promise you that I won't leave you nor hurt you." He said and pulled me in a hug, I hugged back. "I will never going to send you back to the adoption center." He added, "Thanks dad." I said. The door opened loudly. "HARRY!" Zayn screamed. "That was sooo touching." Harry whispered. "You've blown everything." Liam shook his head in amusement. "Why am I not shocked?" He asked himself. "I'm sorry, we should've left." Zayn added. "It's okay, I'm going to tell you guys anyway. And please be the one to tell Niall?" They nodded. "WAIT, Where is he?" I asked. "GUYS?" We all looked at each other. "

"HIDE." Zayns aid in a hushed tone.


Chapter four done 
Sorry for the short chapter.. :3
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