Chapter 15

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Luke's POV

Okay. I have feelings for Aly. She's just so beautiful and simple. She's changing now, she's going out with us. Just in case. "Alright guys. Lets go." She said and ran downstairs. We floated and got there before she can. She tripped and we all started laughing. "Shh. Guys. Okay! Dad. I'm going to the park! I'll text you!" She screamed and walked outside. "What are you going to do in the park?" I asked her. She looked at me.To meet with my boyfriend. She said. I frowned so did James.We looked at her, she was biting her lip. "ALY! I thought it was real! You got me real good!" I stated loudly. Sorry guys. I'm just going to explore. So. Yeah. She said again. I nodded. When we reached the park, she immediately ran into the woods. Explore. Couple of minutes passed. Uh. Guys. I think I'm lost, oh no! Please help me. Dammit. I should have drag you with me! Come on please. I hear someone or something. Help. 

We popped somewhere in the forest. "ALY! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted. Oh man. Zayn and Harry will re-kill us. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A frightened girl screamed. I ran. Yes. RAN there. I saw Aly laying on the grassy ground. "JAMES! COME HERE! HELP ME!" I shouted. He popped in front of Aly. "Oh my.. Come on. Help me. We'll teleport." I said, his eyes widened. "NO! W-we can't. It's dangerous. What if her soul.." He stopped. "Trust me. Please. We need her to be alive and come to the hospital. Please." I begged. He just nodded and carried her. James held my shoulder then we closed our eyes. I opened them. Then we're in her room. I laid her down and told James to check everywhere.  "Luke, you need to see this." He said still looking at her. I came beside him and my jaw dropped. "SHE'S A VAMPIRE NOW? What the hell is happening in this world?!" I screamed pacing in her bedroom. Soon. Harry and Zayn came in. "What happened?!" They asked in a hushed tone. "W-We think-she's a vamp-vampire." James stuttered. Their eyes widened and rushed to her side.

Harry sat on the ground, eyes widened and Zayn kept staring at Aly's bite on her neck. "Le-Let's just wait for her to-um-wake-up. Get ready for everything because when I watch vampire movies. They're wild with people." Harry said, I snickered and they glared at me.

Aly's POV (From the start)

I heard clicking sounds, then, this very cute guy came from nowhere. He eyed me up and down. I gulped and stepped back but I was cornered. "Shh. Please, I won't hurt you, Trust me." He said in a soft voice. I nodded, I can't believe I NODDED! He smiled at me. WAAA! KILL ME NOW! HE'S SO CUTE! Hey Aly!  "W-What..A-are yo-ou g-g-oing t-to do-o?" I asked stuttering. He put his lips on my neck. I'M FIFTEEN! HOW OLD IS HE?! HOW DOES HE KNOW THINGS?!  "I'm going to turn you into a vampire. Don't be scared, Trust me. Please?" He asked. I nodded. Why on earth am I trusting him?! He's turning me into a va-VAMPIRE?! WHAT IN THE- "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed while his fangs is going inside me. Seconds later he let go and laid me on the ground gently. "I'll come for you. I promise. Okay?" He asked. I can't help but nodded, just then he swoosh away. Then I heard screaming and murmuring. Then It went black.


"I. WANT. BLOOD. BRING ME BLOOD BEFORE I DRINK YOURS!" I shouted, my eyes opening and my fangs burning my mouth. They all jumped, bumping into one another. "Uh. Yeah. W-WAIT." Harry stated, shaking. Luke told me to calm down and I tried. I really did but I couldn't help glare at them. "Sorry, I don't want to drink your bloods though..*Cough* Am I a monster, now?" I asked as I use my free arm to cover my eyes. "A beautiful monster that is." I was about to ask who said it but Harry came inside again. "Um. Aly, is chicken blood okay?" He asked coming inside the room with chicken in his hand. I felt and see my eyes turn red. I grabbed the chicken from Harry and drank it's blood. Soon, I can see clearly and I came back to my real self. "Yum." I said as I clean my mouth.

I hugged Harry. "You smell good." I whispered. "My blood or my cologne." I let go of the hug and smirked. "Both." Luke cleared his throat. "Did you see who did that and why aren't you attacking us?" Luke asked. Do I have to tell them that HE'S coming back? No. "N-NO. I don't and I think.. I can control myself? I don't know. I need blood. I'll be back." I told him and ran vampire speed away. I can't believe how capable I am to do this. Great! You can do everything yourself. Meet me in the same forest. I'll be there." The guy who made me a vampire. I ran to the park then to the forest. I heard something then I turned around. "We meet again. I'm Matt, Nice meeting you. I'm sixteen by the way." HE introduced himself. "I-I'm Alyssa, I'm fifteen. Nice meeting you too. Can I ask a question?" I asked, he nodded. "Why? Why'd you turn me like you?" I asked looking in his eyes. He looked deeply in mine. "I like you." It shocked me. "I don't know how to respond to that." He smiled. "I'll give you time." For sometime, we just stared. Then, our fangs came out. I smell deer, I ran vampire speed and pounced on the deer.

"Yummy." I added. "You're already great at hunting. I think I don't have to teach you already." Matt said. I nodded and wiped the blood on my mouth. "Want to meet the others?" He asked. I nodded again. Wait.. Others? As I think of it. "There are more of.. you? U-US?" I asked still backing away. He looked at me curiously. "Yes.. Why?" He asked, I stopped backing away. "I think.. I-I can't. I'm not comfortable with OTHER people." I said. "You can do this, we're only four. Me, Jordan, Jerome and Moriss. Moriss is the oldest. We're brothers and our parents died because of the fight of the ware wolves." He told me and I frowned. "I'm sorry and why does every UN-ORDINARY humans that come in my life is hot! cute! and have a bad past?!" I shouted . He has a confused look on his face. "I have best friends who's spirits. James and Luke. Now, I have to meet you and your brothers. Don't worry. It's okay with me." I told him. He nodded, understandingly but he stopped.

"Spirits?!" He shouted.. I backed away a little. "Yes." I simply answered him. I had a vision, I saw dad leaving the house with the rest of the guys. "I have to go. I'll see you around." I told him before I ran vampire speed to the swing. GUYS! Why didn't you tell me my dad is coming here? We got distracted! James told me. Oh. Hey Aly. I want to tell you something when you get home. Luke said. Then my dad's figure started to grow, he stopped in front of me. "Aly. We have to go." He said and I nodded. "Okay."


Thanks for reading silent readers! I love you! :*

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