Chapter 8 Stories

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Steve's POV
The day was finally winding down, and I had time to process all that happened that day. It was 8:00pm so I did what I normally did at this time. Sit on the couch and watch the news. But most of the time I'm thinking of the good old days, and wished I was there. I was laying across the entire couch that was on my floor, one of the perks of not having anyone in the guest room on my floor.

"Any room on that couch for two?" Amanda asked.

Oh crap! I forgot Amanda was staying in the guest room across from me. I quickly sit up. "Oh of course, sorry."

"It's cool." She responds, plopping down on the couch. The way Tony set up the tower, there was two rooms a floor. Clint and Natasha were across from each other, and so was Thor and Bruce. Tony of course was with Pepper when she came to the tower, and I got put with the guest bedroom.

"So what's your story Cap? I seem to know about everyone else except for you."

"You want the long version or the short version."

She thought for a minute. "I've got time."

"Long version it is." I start to tell her the story of me, and what my life was like, what happened. She listened intently and made a few comments relating to her own life. After I was finally done I turned the attention to her life. "So what about you? What's your planet like? How did you meet Thor. "

"My planet? It was amazing!" She smiled fondly because of happy memories. "It looked a lot like earth, green grass, tall mountains, rolling hills. But we didn't use cars or wear shoes. We didn't need them, many of us had powers to help us get around. When you would step the grass would turn blue under your feet. And everyone has amazing powers. You could go on a walk and see people flying over your head and turning invisible." She sighed. "At least that's what I remember. When I was seven I, um, well I left" Her face was a mix of emotions, I couldn't pick out a solid one. But my guess would be mostly sadness, maybe regret.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No it's ok I can suck it up."

What a personality.

She took a deep breath. "Long story short, the planet was destroyed and I was the only one to make it to an escape pod." She spoke as if she was talking about the plot of a random book or something, not her own life. She shrugged as she added. "It was a long time ago, it doesn't really effect me anymore."

If I'd ever seen a lie, that was it. I'm surprised she could lie so well with something so tender. I wanted to put an arm out to comfort her, but I think she might break it so I refrained. Plus I barely know her.

"How did you meet Thor?" I say, changing the subject.

"When I got in the escape pod I didn't make it to a safe enough distance before the planet destroyed, so the pod took on a lot of damage, along with me. My species can go into space without dying or exploding, so a few holes in the pod didn't kill me, but man I had a rough landing. I crashed right into a rocky cliff, and managed to crawl up huge rocks with a broken leg and blood dripping down from my entire body. Luckily Thor and Loki were out playing by the rocks and saw me. Thor went to get help while Loki stayed behind and comforted me."

Wow Loki was kind and caring? I must've looked surprised because Amanda seemed to read my thoughts.

"Loki was different when he was a child. He wasn't taken over by jealousy, he was kind and optimistic. We were best friends. We would play pranks on Thor..."

"You played pranks on Thor?"

"All of the time! It was the best. We would always compete against each other and had the most fun in the world."

"What happened?" I was intrigued.

"He all of the sudden got spiteful. He would talk about being in 'Thor's shadow.' Now Thor was a little showboat and got a lot of attention, but it was always that way. That's how Thor was. I don't know what clicked but something changed. He was never the same." Her eyes seemed unfocused.

"So, you heard about New York, right?" When she nodded I continued. "What would you have done? Do you think capturing him was right?"

Her eyes hardened "I would've killed him."

"I thought you and Loki were close, you would just kill him?"

"The Loki I knew died a long time ago. A mad monster had taken his place." Her expression was sad and I could tell she missed the old Loki. "I don't know who's fault it was, it might've been Odin's, might've been Thor's, might've been mine. Either way something changed him, he definitely was the victim of something from someone. How else could he have changed so much?"

That's deep. Time to change the subject. Again. I scramble to find something to talk about. "What kind of pranks did you play on Thor?"

"Only the best." Her old smile came back. Ugh her smile lights up the sky. Wait no, you don't like her, you can't. What if I lose her? Like I lost Peggy. That can't happen, I'm not in love. I can't put my heart out on the line again, it's been broken too much. But I can still be her friend. Yes, I'll be her best friend. I'll be there for her whenever she needs me. And she can be there for me.

"Tell me some."

"Well there was this one where Loki would morph into the girl Thor liked and Thor would make a fool of himself. Or sometimes we would loosen the floorboards by Thor's bed so when he would climb in or out of his bed he would fall into the moat around the castle."

The subject changed and we ended up talking for a few hours about different topics. We really got close in those few hours of talking, and if you walked in there you would think we knew each other all of our lives. It was almost midnight when Clint told us to shut up and go to bed, and that's how we ended the night. I lay in bed thinking about all that happened. I was surprised to find that my heart started racing whenever I thought about her. 'She is such a good person to be around. Selfless, kind, caring, a little stubborn at times. I chuckle at that thought. But the best part is she's understanding. I'm so glad I met her. I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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