Chapter 19 Alaska

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Clint's POV
We made it to Alaska late in the evening, and the entire way there Cap was talking strategy nonstop. I think it's great that we can always rely on him if we need a plan, but if you give him too much time he starts to overthink. His first plan is always the best, but he somehow finds a weakness someone could exploit and keeps adding on. He was in the middle of describing an elaborate plan when I cut him off. "Take a breath Cap, jeez. You're overcomplicating this. It's hard to fly a plane when you're frying my brain with complicated strategies."

He sighed and put a hand on his forehead. "I know. I just..." He didn't finish.

We all were feeling a little antsy, I mean these guys had the tesseract. It's like we were all expecting a repeat of New York. 'If there is a huge alien army waiting for us, I'm just done.'

"I could use a few extra eyes looking for this ship." I hint, scanning snowy ground below. "Because I don't really know what I'm supposed to be looking for."

"Look for large vehicle tracks, they've got to be getting supplies to their ship somehow. Or fire, they've got to keep warm too." Bruce suggested.

"This is going to take forever." Nat complained. "You couldn't have gotten more specific coordinates?" 

"I'd like to see you do better." Tony retorted. "At least I narrowed it down to one state."

Nat sighed. "I'm gonna get real sick of this Quinjet real fast."
*                                  *                             *
Tony's POV
I felt a hand on my shoulder and jolted awake. We had been flying around Alaska for most of the night, so eventually we all had fallen asleep. I looked up to find Amanda shaking my shoulder. She had insisted on trading places with Clint so that he could sleep, because he would be going out with the rest of us while she stayed here. 'I wish she was coming with, but no! Apparently it's "not safe" for us and will "give our location away." Like I give a crap!' I rub my eyes. "What do you want Amanda?" Then I remembered that she was flying the plane. "Wait who's flying the plane!" I burst out in alarm.

"Tony, I landed the plane. Did you seriously think I would just walk away from the pilot's seat while we were in the air?" Amanda reasoned.

My outburst seemed to have woken up Cap and the Hawk, because those two were up in seconds, heads on a swivel. Clint rushed to the controls while Cap ran over to us. "Is everything ok?" Cap asked.

"Oh, you landed." Clint stated, walking away from the controls. "Woke me up for nothing." He grumbled, starting to lay back down.

Amanda stopped him. "You might not want to do that, I think I found our criminals."

Clint went back to the pilot's seat to recheck the window. He squinted. "You mean that tiny orange dot in the distance?"

"Yeah, they've got a bonfire going. I could see that thing from miles out."

"And you're sure these are our guys?" I ask skeptically.

She gave me a look. "There was a big blue and orange spaceship right next to the fire."

I sighed. "Well, that would do it."

"Did you get a good look at their camp?" Steve asked, ready for something to do.

"I turned on the invisibility and flew right over it. It looks like they are sleeping in the ship, which would probably mean that the tesseract is in there too. They'd be idiots to leave it unattended. They don't have that much there, a few large trucks of equipment, the giant bonfire, their ship, and a small igloo which probably has food supplies stored."

Steve tilted his head in thought. 'Here comes his perfect master plan, as always.' He cleared his throat but before he could relay the plan I stopped him. "Don't you want to wake the others? Or just hope they can improvise?"

"Yeah, yeah." Steve muttered as he got up to wake up Bruce. Clint went over to wake Natasha and Amanda woke Thor. Clint and Steve gently shook people awake while Amanda jolted Thor and screamed "THOR" in his ear. I just sat back and laughed as Thor jumped up in surprise, then playfully hit Amanda.

"Did you find it?" Bruce asked anxiously.

"Yeah, we found it." I reassured. "Cap was just about to come up with a brilliant plan." I don't know if I meant to put that much pressure on Cap or not, we always relied on him for our plans and he always delivered. 'I don't know how he does it, he hasn't slipped up yet.'

We were all sitting on the ground except for Cap, who stood up to tell us his plan. "So here's what I was thinking," He started speaking in his normal voice than he transitioned into his 'Captain voice,' which I can't really describe. It was just different somehow. "According to the news report we saw on the bank robbery, there are five of them and seven of us. Now Amanda is staying here to watch over the coms and because we can't risk her powers malfunctioning at the wrong time. So that leaves five on six. We have no idea what they can do or who we would have two men on, so our first priority should be getting the tesseract as opposed to fighting through them."

"How are we supposed to get the tesseract without fighting through them?" Natasha questioned skeptically.

He glared at Natasha. "I'm getting to that." He turned back to the majority of us. "Now where was I... Oh right. To minimize confusion on the field I'm going to take it down to five on five, so everyone decide who you are going to fight when we get there. Our sixth man that won't be there with us will be Thor. We will fly Thor to the other side of the base in the Quinjet under the cloak of its invisibility, then fly back here and walk to the base. But we have to make them believe there are only five of us. Thor will hide out near their base while we fly back to this side, so we can draw them out in the opposite direction of Thor." Steve turned to Thor. "Don't enter the ship until we have drawn out all five of them, and as soon as you get the tesseract forget about us and return to Asgard immediately. No matter what condition we are in. Ensure that the tesseract is safe before you come back." When Thor nodded he continued. "We need to try to draw the battle as far away from the ship as possible, if they see Thor then we are done. If we need backup we can call Amanda in and hope she doesn't hit us while trying to take out the enemy. I'm not planning on this being a code green but just be ready Bruce, we don't know how powerful these people are. Is everyone clear?" Steve's explanation was complete with hand gestures throughout the whole thing that had almost no connection to what he was talking about. 'Maybe he thinks moving his arms makes his plan seem more together.'

"I am clear." Thor responded in a low voice.

Clint got up and unstrung his bow. "Got it."

"Yes." Bruce said quietly.

"Whatever you say Cap" Natasha put in.

"Yup." Amanda responded.

I was the last one to speak. "Then let's suit up." I say dramatically.

"We're already suited up, you blind idiot." Clint murmured.

"Wow, you just... There was a moment there Legolas. And you ruined it. You bloody ruined it."

"When did you become British?" Natasha raised her eyebrow.

"It's the more elegant way of insulting people." I remark defensively. "When did you become a hater?"

"Let's go Tony." Clint grumbled.

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