Chapter 51 Brilliant Plan

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Sam's POV
"This was your brilliant plan!" I whisper to Tony. We were hiding outside a Hydra base, the same base we just broke into. "They have the advantage."

"The systems are still down, we can break in no sweat." Tony explained, then under his breath he mumbled "Probably."

"How do you know that the enhanced twins will even come?" Steve asked.

"Hydra wants us dead, they will send their best weapons to kill us. Which is the twins at the moment." Bucky murmured quietly. He's been talking a bit more lately, but not much.

No one really likes the idea of Bucky being here, the man is a highly trained assassin with short term memory loss. Who wouldn't be uncomfortable? But we had to bring him along, we didn't have anywhere else to put the guy.

"So we're just going to sit in there and wait for them to come and kill us?" Koda asked.

"I have a feeling we won't have to wait that long." Clint stated, pointing to the base. A small grey streak ran up the side of the hill.

I shook my head. "Nuh uh. Nope. There is no way that's a coincidence right there. They know we're coming."

Tony looked at me strange. "Of course they know we're here, I told them we were coming yesterday."

"Oh phew. You know for a second there I thought we were actually going to use the element of surprise and catch them off guard." I say sarcastically. "Did you give them a specific time too? Are we staying for dinner? I'd hate to show up too soon."

"You know what? It worked so back off." Tony defended.

"What is our plan of attack?" Thor asked. "We cannot just run in there blindly."

"Why would we run in blindly?" Tony questioned. "No, that'd be stupid. I'm going to fly in blindly."

"That's not much different." Koda muttered.

"It's very different so shut up." Tony fired back.

"Wait, you said you were flying in." Amanda frowned. "What are we gonna do?"

Tony rolled his eyes. "I'm the bait. You're the trap. It's not that hard."

Steve nodded in understanding. "Ok we'll spread out on all sides and slowly advance in. Bruce will stay back unless we call a code green. Once we are in place Tony will fly in, distract them long enough for us to get inside the room with him, then we will gang up on the twins. Any questions?"

"Are you sure we don't want to scope it out first? That place could be crawling with Hydra agents." Clint suggested.

Amanda shook her head. "We can't risk getting caught before we attack. They need to think Tony's the only one there. Plus we don't have long, Hydra's probably already setting up their next attack."

"How do we plan on neutralizing them? We can't kill them, we need them for information." Natasha pointed out.

Steve sat back as he realized he didn't think that through. I laughed. "I'll admit you're faster than me, but that speedster is a little faster than even you."

"Let's go over their powers. First, like you said, we got speedy who can run really fast. He will be pretty difficult to catch but I'm more worried about the girl. You said she could mess with our minds? Does that mean mind control?"

Bruce shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is all the reports of people who came in contact with her weren't good. Plus she has telekinesis."

"Koda and I will take her." Amanda volunteered. "We were trained how to withstand attacks from a person like that. For a little bit anyways."

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