Chapter 16 Results

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Steve's POV
I just had come in from my morning jog to find everyone was hanging out in the main area of the tower... Except Amanda. Tony was sitting by the counter, fiddling his fingers. 'Wonder what's gotten into him?' I looked to the couch to find Bruce acting just as anxious as Tony. I shrugged it off for the moment. Natasha, Clint, and Thor were on the couches with Bruce being lazy. I took a seat next to Thor and cleared my throat. "So where's Amanda?"

"She still sleeps." Thor replied.

'She's still asleep? That's weird, she normally doesn't sleep in... Did she have a nightmare again? I hope not, I'd feel bad if she did and I didn't comfort her.' I pretended Thor's answer didn't bother me.

"Oh, that reminds me," Tony started nervously. "Can I see your shield for a minute Cap?"


"You'll see in a minute." He said, his voice full of dread.

I got up and went to my room to get my shield. I came back and Tony snatched it out of my hands. I sat back down, staring at Tony. He was grabbing the handle and looking towards the door. Everyone else seemed just as confused as I, except Bruce. We sat there in silence, expecting something to happen.

"You expecting trouble?" Clint asked.

Tony laughed anxiously. "Yes." Just then the smoke alarm went off and, as a response, Tony shrunk behind the shield. "Here it comes."

"WHAT THE CRAP TONY!" Amanda screamed. Amanda stormed into the room and she was on fire. Literally, her whole right arm was on fire. A ball of fire went flying in Tony's direction with so much force when it hit the shield and he went flying backwards. We all jumped out of our seats except for Bruce, he just shrank lower into his seat mumbling. "Tony you idiot, you did this one?" Under his breath.

The sprinklers kicked on and we were all drenched in water in seconds, and once Amanda's flaming arm was out the water stopped. But Amanda didn't stop advancing toward Tony. She grabbed him by the neck and pushed him against the wall. "What did I tell you not to do?" She barked. She threw him to the ground but before he could get up he was covered in ice up to his neck.

"Let's just talk about this." Tony spluttered.

"Oh yes, let's just talk about this like civilized people who INJECT RANDOM THINGS IN EACH OTHER FOR 'SCIENCE' " Amanda roared. "Do you think I would tell you not to do it if I didn't have a REASON?!?"

I had finally come to my senses after Amanda walked into the room in flames and was by her side in seconds. "Hey, Amanda. Take a breath, there's no need to kill Tony just yet." I reached over to grab her arm, but when I touched her arm it felt like I just stuck my hand in some fire. I yelped in pain and pulled my burned hand away. "Ow!" My first reaction was to stick my burnt fingers in my mouth, which burned my tongue. 'Jeez, her arm was hot! Yup, that was professional. Mr. Macho came to shut things down, that didn't work.' Amanda didn't move an inch, she just stood there staring Tony down.

Amanda's POV
'I can't believe Tony did that! I should've seen it coming. And now I've probably just severely burned Cap's fingers without even trying!' I resisted the urge to ask Steve if he was ok, and stood my ground.

"I don't see what the big deal is Amanda..." Tony began.

"The big deal? THE BIG DEAL!" I was furious. "Well 'the big deal' is that I'll probably burn down your little tower before HYDRA has time to plan their next attack." Tony looked at me, confused. 'He is an ignorant little...' I took a deep breath. "The reason I didn't want you to test me is because of the effects that a new power brings."

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