Chapter 32 Surviving

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Steve's POV
I opened my eyes to the slick smooth ice covering the inside of the cave we were making shelter in. I sat up, and was greeted by freezing cold air that forced my to lie back down in Amanda's warm fur coat. I wasn't exactly dressed for the weather, my suit isn't very insulated. The only reason why Koda and I survived the cold night was because of Amanda's warm fur that she has as a Sabertooth.

My familiar hunger pain came as it has been every morning lately, and my stomach began to grumble. I just realized that Koda was gone, which I was grateful for. Last night was the weirdest night that I've ever had, snuggling up to another grown man and a Sabertooth tiger to stay warm. I felt Amanda's breathing become uneven, signifying that she woke up, so I sat up and faced the cold like a man.

Amanda stood up and stretched her long legs, trying not to put any pressure on her injured one. When we first made it to the cave Amanda laid down and went to sleep immediately, and had been that way till right now. 'It must've taken a lot of energy for her to transform. I wonder when she will be able to turn back.'

"Oh good, you're up." Koda said as he walked into the cave. "How's Amanda's wound?"

I looked over at the piece of clothing covering the bullet hole, which used to be Koda's sleeves. I scooted over and gently moved the bandage just enough so I could see the injury. "It's not bleeding anymore, but it looks like she lost a lot of blood."

Koda nodded slowly. "Let's find out how to get out of here, you got any ideas?"

I looked at his shivering bare arms sympathetically. "I think first we should deal with getting a fire going." My stomach growled. Then I added "And some food."

"Well that fire's not gonna happen," Koda announced, teeth chattering. "No wood. Unless you can find a way to burn snow."

'Amanda can create fire, maybe... No. If she had enough strength to turn back into a human and make a fire with her powers she would've done it by now.' Amanda stood up and limped towards the door.

Koda stepped in front of her. "Where do you think you're going A? You need to rest."

Amanda growled, as if trying to say something but remembering that she can't. "Koda's right Amanda, you need to rest. We might need help from your powers later but you need to rest up first."

Amanda shook her head, then tilted it towards the door. "What?" Koda asked. "Do you have to pee or something?" Amanda growled and shook her head, frustrated that she couldn't communicate. "Then what?" Koda asked, desperately trying to find out what she's trying to say.

My stomach growled again. Amanda's ears perked up and she ran to my side, gesturing her head toward me. Koda looked confused. "Steve? Steve needs to pee?" Amanda shook her head again.

I gave Koda a look. "Why would she say I had to pee?"

"I don't know." Koda exasperated. Amanda touched her nose to my stomach. "I'm pretty sure that's Steve." Koda said, trying to decode Amanda's angry growls.

Amanda covered her face with her paws, which I'm guessing was her equivalent to a face palm. She got back up and walked to Koda, gently pushing her nose to his stomach this time.

"Steve and I need to pee?" Koda guessed.

"I'm pretty sure no one needs to pee." I reason.

"You don't know that."

Amanda dug her face into the snowy ground in frustration. Then she sat back up suddenly. She walked to the nearest icy wall and began to carve with her long tooth. Koda said the letters aloud as Amanda wrote them.

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