Chapter 27 Falling Apart

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Natasha's POV
"What are you doing here?" I asked, straying in disbelief at Sam Wilson. 'I thought Sam was busy trying to find Bucky.'

"Somebody's got to keep Rogers alive." Sam replied.

"How much do you know?" Clint asked.

Sam shrugged. "Not much, just he was captured by Hydra. And I'm gonna kill everyone responsible."

"So we're all on the same page then." Tony confirmed with a smile.

"Sure but, who was that creepy guy with brown hair?" Sam questioned. "Cause I just saw him sniffing around where all your suits are..."

It was at that moment I realized that Peter had left. Tony ran out of the room, muttering words under his breath. I could already tell where this was going. "You don't think Peter will actually..." Bruce began.

One of Stark's suits flying around just outside the tower, arms flailing wildly, answered Bruce's question. As soon as Peter got control of the suit we saw another suit come out to meet him.

"Jarvis, turn on the coms." Bruce ordered, staring out the window at the unfolding event.

Tony's voice rang out throughout the room. "Are you stealing my suit?"

Peter's voice came next. "That depends on how you define stealing." I could almost hear that guys smirk, if that makes any sense. Then the suit Peter was wearing took off in one direction, Stark at his tail.

"I'm giving you one last chance Quill, I will blow you out off the sky." When no answer from Peter came back Tony continued. "I was hoping it would come to this."

It was silent for a few minutes, we were guessing it was because they were fighting. "Well this is exciting." I mutter sarcastically.

"I was actually looking forward to them fighting." Clint said, disappointed.

"But seriously, who is that guy." Sam asked, laughing awkwardly. "Should we be worried or..."

"Oh this was bound to happen." Clint stated. "There is no way this tower was ever big enough for both of their egos."

"So this is actually happening? We are just going to let them fight?" Sam asked.

I shrugged. "I don't see why not. I doubt Quill will know how to work the suit, and we can just track them when their done."

"Alright, alright, but seriously. Who is he?" Sam asked again.

"It is too long a story to tell at the moment." Thor said, still not answering Sam's question. "But he is from outer space, we tried to kill him a few days ago." Thor stated, as if that was nothing.

Sam seemed slightly frustrated, not really knowing what was going on. "Fine, but at least tell me if he's on our side."

"Honestly, at this point I don't really know." Clint admitted. "He's just kind of just... here. We tried to kill him, he got kidnapped with us, then he got saved with us, but then his friends are still kidnapped along with Steve and Amanda, so here we are."

"Thanks, that's... So helpful." Sam muttered sarcastically. "Is there anything I can know? Like what we are up against? Or who the heck Amanda is? What about what any of this is about?"

I laughed at his frustration.'Same old Sam, I forgot how much fun it was having him around.' I walked past him. "Come on, follow me. I'll fill you in on everything while they deal with Tony and Peter."

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