Chapter 22 What if?

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Amanda's POV
I ran my hands through my hair anxiously. "It's been four whole days Jarvis, four! Who knows what's happening to them." I sat on the couch and started tapping my fingers on my leg.

"I'm trying my best, Miss Amanda. The base that they are at is blocking the tracking signals from Mr. Stark's armor. I suggest you get some rest, you haven't slept since you got back." The A.I replied.

"I told you to call me Amanda. Miss Amanda isn't any better then Miss Odinson." I muttered, annoyed. "And there is no way I can sleep knowing that it's my fault that they were captured by HYDRA."

"I apologize Amanda." Jarvis corrected. "But I insist that you get some rest. There is a 88 percent chance that Hydra is using the Avengers as bait to get you, so clearly I advise against going in with no sleep."

I wave Jarvis off. "What's it gonna change? It's still just me against an entire base, I won't make it past the front door whether I'm well rested or not. So I'm counting on them just wanting me, then I can make an exchange."

"That is the reason why I also advise that you wait till Thor gets back to attack."

"No, I'm going as soon as you get the coordinates. I got them into this mess, and I'm getting them out as soon as I can, with or without Thor."

"Of course, Ma'am."

"It's Amanda." I say through gritted teeth. He didn't respond. 'Stupid computer.' I've had nothing to do for four days except for talk to Jarvis, and it's hard to keep conversation with a computer. Especially when you know people are out there somewhere, probably suffering, and it's all your fault. 'How could I have let this happen? I should've... Ah, I don't know what I should've done. Something. Anything. But I just sat in the Quinjet, safe and sound while my friends were being kidnapped because of me.' I sat back in my chair. 'Friends. It's been a while since I've had those. How did this group of people grow on me so quickly? I've had trouble making friends, well not trouble exactly. I just didn't want friends, I avoided having close connections with people. I've lost so many people I care about in my lifetime, so I do everything I can to make sure I don't have to go through that process again. So I'll never have to lose anyone ever again...'

Just as I thought of that it hit me that I may never see them again. My breath quickened. 'What if HYDRA kills them?  What If I can't find them and have to give up? What if...' I stood up and started pacing. It was getting hard to breathe. The only thing I could hear was my heartbeat. 'My fault, all my fault.' I tried to control my breaths but they just got worse.

I picked up one of Tony's vases, hoping that breaking it would somehow relieve some stress. As soon as my fingers touched the vase a thin layer of ice formed on the surface.

"Amanda, can you please unfreeze the Tower?" Jarvis called from the nearest speaker. "I think Mr. Stark would appreciate coming back to his building in one piece."

I looked around the tower. The whole room was coated in ice, with icicles starting to form on the ceiling. 'I really need to pay attention to stuff around me when I'm stressed.' I think as a command the ice to recede.

"If I may, it does seem that you are making progress on controlling your powers. You have only caught on fire five times since you got back and you can control your other powers just fine." Jarvis' robotic voice echoed.

"Yeah, I guess. But it's not good enough. I can make sure I don't burst into flame too often, but I can't use that power to my advantage yet. That's not exactly what I call control."

"I'm sure you will get there." Jarvis replied.

"Yeah, whatever." I mumble. I walked to the window and looked out to the city below. I watched all the people scurrying from place to place, everyone seemed to be in a rush. 'And they have no idea what's going on. Or that I see them.' It was hard to believe that there was an alien invasion here a few years ago, the city looked to be as it always was. I guess no matter what happens, life goes on.

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