Chapter 46 Sorry

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Steve's POV
I opened my eyes. My head throbbed and my throat was bruised. I assumed Tony had a worse headache, though he hadn't woken up yet. Amanda clocked him pretty hard. 'What was I thinking? Why would I say that?' I had just gone through a very traumatic experience with Amanda and what do I do? I remind her of it. Not only remind her, but I accuse her of all the things John was. I'm just as bad as him. I was just frustrated and mad, I wasn't thinking. It just... came out.

I put a hand to my head and groaned. 'In supposed to be on her side. She was just trying to bring us back together.' I scanned the room. Everyone was giving Tony and I dirty looks, and Thor and Koda were just downright furious.

"Where's Amanda?" I asked, rubbing my hand.

Koda couldn't help it. His anger was boiling. "You know what Steve? I DON'T KNOW!" He picked my off the ground by my shirt. "She went running out of the tower last night when you two decided to tell her that all she caused was death and that she should be dead!"

'Last night? How long was I out? Wait, how long has Amanda been missing?' "Koda I..." I started.

"She was starting to really like it here. She has tried so hard to not stay somewhere long so she doesn't hurt anyone. I just got her back and you're driving her away! Why would you say those things? You don't think it still hurts her? You don't think she has nightmares every night because of it? You don't think she's already had enough!" Koda let go of my shirt and stormed out of the room to get some fresh air.

Thor came up into my face. "Fix this." He growled. Then he left too, making me feel even more guilty than before.

'I need to make this up to her or I'm going to lose it.' I stood up and made my way to the door, determined to find her. "Where are you going?" Natasha asked.

"I need to find her." I respond, not turning around.

She ran after me. "Steve, I bet she doesn't want to see you right now. Give her some time."

I met her eyes. "I can't. I said awful things to her. I need to fix this or I'll..." My chest just dropped by thinking of how she felt right now. Betrayed. Stabbed in the back. She confided in me and I took advantage of it. "She doesn't feel she fits anywhere in the world. For once she was finally thinking of staying with us awhile, but I made her feel that same feeling again. I can't live with myself if I don't help."

After a minute of checking me for sincerity she whispered, "Go."

I quietly thanked her and turned around. Before I left I heard Sam's voice call from behind. "Be careful. I have a feeling she might just snap your neck." It was meant to be a joke but came out more serious than expected.

I was almost to the door when I saw a small strip of leather. Her bracelet she always wore on her left hand. It had strange lettering on it I couldn't understand. I quickly pocketed it and marched out of the doors. I needed to find Amanda, and I had a feeling I knew where she would be.
*                                  *                                *
Still Steve
It was early morning in the city. I guess Amanda hit me harder than I thought if I was asleep for that long. I rounded the corner and sure enough there she was. Sitting on the railing by the graveyard. When I first saw her there I didn't think she'd be visiting anybody, who could she know? But now that I know about Drake, and odds are that's the name that's going to be on the grave in front of her. I saw a small tear slip down her cheek. A huge pang of guilt stabbed at my chest. I almost turned around. I was almost to scared to confront her.

I took a deep breath and quietly approached her. She was holding a white flower in her hand. I cleared my throat. "Go away Steve." She hissed, her voice cracking.

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