More than a game chapter 4

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Today was Eli first official football practice. Coach Johnson had provided him with old black basketball shorts, worn out white sneakers and the blue and yellow helmet. Eli walked to the football field. The grass was a nice shade of green and was well-cut. Eli continued walking till he saw Coach Johnson standing by the sideline shouting advice to the linebacker. Eli stood next to Coach Johnson getting nervous by the minute.

"Don't worry son you'll be great!" Coach Johnson said. He was still looking at the field. The Quarterback just got brutally tackle by the defensive end. Eli flinched by the contact.

Coach Johnson looked down at Eli." Are you ready?" Eli nodded.

Coach Johnson Nodded and Eli put his helmet on." What the call?"

"No play. Just throw the ball around."

Eli jogged over to the guys. They all huddle."What the play Goldsworthy?" it was Drew smirking at him." Just run around" Replied Eli. They all nodded. And all got to their position. Eli stood a few yards away from the center and the guard. Eli looks at the defense. Owen Milligan was smirking at him, He clenched his hand and stuck out his thumb, he slowly dragged his finger to his neck. Eli pays no attention but he knows he should keep an eye on him.

Eli took a deep breath "Hut"

Everything happens quickly. Eli backed up. He was now at any open guys and making sure none of the defensive was coming to his direction. He looks around and suddenly panics when he saw Owen managing to escape from the center and the guard blocking. He was running toward Eli who manages to find wide receiver running left. Eli took a stepped and threw the ball before he was tackle by Owen.

Eli quickly recovers and saw the ball was thrown to the deep left where the Wide receiver caught it and ran all the way to the end zone. TOUCHDOWN!

Eli felt someone picking him up." Eli bro that was amazing!" Drew said. And soon Eli was surrounding by the football team and Coach Johnson Beaming at him.

For the rest of the practice went well; Eli had made four more touchdown before Coach Johnson had called practice officially over. Eli walked to Coach Johnson to retrieve his clothes and bag. He opened the door and saw Coach Johnson smiling." Goldsworthy well done today"

"Thank you sir I must admit I had fun." Said Eli

"I'm glad you had fun. But remember football practice isn't always going to be fun" Said Coach Johnson as he got up from his seat and walked over to a Small cabinet. He unlocks the door and opened the door. His eyes darted the inside the cabinet as he was looking for something. He grab a hold of something and locked the cabinet behind him, and walked over to Eli he hand him a what it seem one of those sport bag. Eli looks at Coach Johnson and then the bag that lay in his lap." Well open it"

Eli unzipped the bag. The first thing that he saw was two jersey well fold. The first one was a blue one with the number # 8 and his surname was stitched in yellow; the second one was a white one but the number 8 was in blue and as well as his last name. The next thing Eli picked up was shoulder pads and other important equipment. Eli didn't know what to say!

"Thank you Coach." Said Eli he put everything back in the bag and swung the bag around his neck. He got up but Coach Johnson stopped him." Hold on Goldsworthy I few more things I got to discuss with you." Eli nodded and set himself back to the set.

Coach Johnson hand him a package of paper." The first page is all the stuff you will need" Said Coach. "The rest just read it over." Eli looks at the paper and read the list." You may leave now!" said Coach Johnson returning to his desk. Eli got up from his seat and left the place.

Hope you like this short chapter. I’m working on chapter 5 now!

Please review!


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