More than a game chapter 16

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ung the double door open; he looked around and found the whole football team, Adam's parent, Clare, And Drew and Fiona. He saw Clare running to him; Eli dropped his crunches and caught Clare mid air. "What happen all Coach told was to come here?" Asked Eli. Eli saw tears cascade down her face. He grabs a hold of her face and look at her." Clare what happen?"

"Adam was stabbed." She whispered.

Eli eyes darken. His best friend was stabbed. He couldn't think straight. Thousands of questions float to his mind."Who did this?" his voice iced cold.

"Nobody knows a bunch of guys from the football team brought him and few minutes ago." Replied Clare; Eli stumble toward the team; he look at each them, knowing that one or more could led his best friend closed to death.

"Who brought Adam here?" he asked calmly.

He saw Finnegan, Bean, Jacobs, and Granger stepped forward. He felt his check rising with angered. But he tried to control it.

"What happen?"

None of them talk until Finnegan was the first one to speak; "We're planning to get revenge on Barnwell and this blond guy saw that we were messing up his car, so he call his friends and ran outside, we told Adam to run and the blond guy caught up with him and stabbed him." Finnegan said shaking.

Eli clenched his teeth. He was afraid that he won't be able to control his anger no more. He tightens his hand and punches the yellow wall. "Eli bro calm down!" said Finnegan. Eli turned around and everyone say tears cascade down his own cheek. "You want me to calm down?" Eli said slowly. He grabs a handful of Finnegan shirt and pushed him to the wall.

"My best friend could be near to death and you want me to calm down!" barked Eli. Clare grabs his hands behind his back and spun him around. "Eli please relaxes."

Eli covers Clare hands with his big one." I'm sorry I promise I will try to calm down."

He kissed Clare quickly and led her to two empty seats.

Everyone was quiet. Nobody dare to speak, they didn't wanted to start another close fights. They all looked at the doors as it was open once again. This time Coach Johnson Walked inside, he look pissed. He walked over to his team and his eyes daggers to Finnegan, Bean, Jacobs and Granger." I am disappointed at you four, I had ask everyone to not get back at Barnwell and you four did something worse than disobey my orders, you led one of your own football players to get stabbed. I'll deal with you fours later."

He turned his attention to Mr. and Mrs. Torres and his facial expressions soften. Everyone sat down. A few minutes later, Doctor Williams stepped out of the doors, and everyone stood up. Mr. and Mrs. Torres hurried toward Doctor William." Doctor how is our son?" asked Mrs. Torres as she laid her head on her husband shoulder." He's fine but there is something you all need to know!

"What's it doctor?"

"Adam suffers a severe spinal cord; he is paralysis in his lower body."

The hospital stood quiet. Mrs. Torres was crying on Mr. Torres side. Clare held Eli hand and was running her thumb softly on Eli's knuckle. Eli heard the announcement even though that he was in far distance. Eli heard, but didn't believe. His best friend is and will always be paralyzed. He pressed his face into Clare shoulder, his nostril filled with Clare familiar vanilla scent and he somehow felt safe but that didn't stop him from feeling a bit scared. He didn’t want to see everyone reaction, he all he wanted was to wake up in his bed and pretend this was just a nightmare.

"He's resting at the moment, but you'll be able to see him tomorrow!" announced Doctor Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Torres nodded. The doctor turned and started to make his way back to the Emergency room, but Mrs. Torres grabbed his shoulder and turned him around." Can we spend the night with him?"

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