"Hey Coach Johnson hold up"
Eli tries to walk faster without causing any pain to his ankle. He saw Coach Johnson smirk. "Not used to walk this slowly I assume Goldsworthy."
"Funny Coach!" said Eli smirking back. He then remember the reason why had called Coach Johnson at the middle of the hallway.
"Say Coach Johnson has you found anyone to fill the Quarterback position" asked Eli
"Sadly nobody had caught my attention Goldsworthy."
"Great because I know this guy and he have an amazing arm." Said Eli gleefully "he's Drew brother Adam"
Coach Johnson rubs his chin." And you say this kid have an arm?" Eli nodded. "Yes sir. I saw it myself."
Eli had a good feeling; since Coach Johnson looked impress enough to give Adam a chance." Very well tell your friend to meet me at the football field at 4 o'clock sharp."
Eli nodded eagerly." Will do Coach, and thank you" they shook hand and Eli made his way to his classroom smirking.
Eli was Trailing behind Adam, making sure that Adam doesn't chicken out and try to escape from Eli; Adam was nervous no doubt about it! But at the same time he felt confidence. Eli led Adam to Coach Johnson who was making up new plays from his clipboard. Eli cleared his throat and Coach Johnson shot his head up.
"Aww... You must be Mr. Torres I assume?"Said Coach Johnson; looking at Adam behind his sunglasses "I am Coach Johnson."
"Adam sir" They shook hands.
"Well Mr. Torres I was told by your friend that you have a good arm?" Coach Johnson pops the gum he was chewing.
"Well I was told as well sir."
"Show me what you got son!"
Adam nodded and ran over to the offense team. Drew smiled and claps his hand on Adam back. They all went to their position. Adam looked around making sure none of the Defense was trying to sneak an attack. "Hut, Hut!" Adam screamed out loud. There were movements everywhere. The defense was roughly trying to get to Adam, and the offenses were trying to get empty space to get the ball passed. Adam looked and found his brother faking a left, making Guthrie almost trip from his own feet. Drew stay on the left side of the field but ran deep. Adam step back and threw the ball to his brother direction. Everyone had stop doing what they were doing and watch the ball being thrown high; Drew caught the ball and took the advantage that everyone was still looking in shock and ran all the way to the end zone. Drew smash the ball in the ground did a little victory dance. And ran to hug Adam; meanwhile at the sideline Eli was clapping while Coach Johnson was looking like a miracle just happen to him. But soon joined clapping along with Eli; Adam smirk at Eli direction and went back to his position. He said hut one more time and Adam immediately saw Finnegan open he was about to throw it until he was thrown to the floor. Adam felt like a train just ran him over. Drew run to Adam direction and help him up to his feet. "Are you okay Adam?" Adam grabs Drew shoulder making sure he could have balance with his own two feet. "I'm good" said Adam." Who tackle me anyway?"
"It was Owen, he grab a hold of Oliver facemask and drags him to the floor and then ran to you and tackles you."
They both at Owen direction; He was being praise by the other defense, but Adam and Drew both saw the smug smirk behind his helmet. "I'll take care of him, Adam grab a hold of Drew Jersey." No. let me take of this." They all went back to their position. Adam was watching Owen at the corner of his eyes. Owen step closer from his position." Hut, Hut" Adam didn't move from his spot, he was going to let Owen come to him; Adam had something up his sleeve.
Owen was charging at Adam direction. As he got closer, Owen jumped in the air, trying to tackle Adam upper body. Adam ducked and heard an "Hpm..." Adam then threw the ball to Finnegan. Adam looked back at Owen and saw that he was now being help up to his feet by the defender. Eli clapped. "Whoa….Way to go Adam" Eli look at Coach Johnson and Coach Johnson nodded in approval. At this moment he knew Adam got the Quarterback position. Adam looked at Eli direction and Eli gave him thumbs up!
After practice Eli decide to stay to help Coach Johnson picking up the football. He grab the football that was on the floor and threw it on the bag with the rest of the others football. "You know Goldsworthy that was very generous of what you did for your friend Torres" said Coach Johnson.
"I just thought he was a good enough to be the Quarterback." Coach Johnson nodded.
"That's understandable. C'mon I'll give a ride home!" Coach Johnson led Eli to his car. Coach Johnson placed the bag of Football at the back seat. The ride to Eli house was quiet. When they had arrive to Eli house Coach Johnson Parked and turned down the volume of the radio.
"Can I ask you for a Favor Goldsworthy?"
"Yes sir. What's the favor?"
"I would much appreciate if you can Coach Torres."
Eli looked at Coach Johnson confuse." I don't understand what you mean sir."
"I want you to look out for Torres, teach him all the plays, and once your ankle get better train him."
"Yes sir."
Okay guys hope you enjoy this chapter. Even though that Eli is injured I still wanted him to be part of the team, so I choose that he can help Adam...
Hope you guys like this chapter, please review

More than a game( Degrassi Fanfic)
RomanceAn incident in the hallways gets Eli called to Degrassi's new footbal coache's office. there he is asked to join the team.