More than a game chapter 5

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"Mom where are you? I got something to show you!" called Eli as he closed the door behind him. He walked over to the kitchen knowing that where his mom spent most of her time. Eli was indeed right as he saw his mom reading the newspaper. "Hey Ma" said Eli as he sat down across from her.

"Hey baby boy. How was your first practice?" she said setting her newspaper down.

"It went great. The Coach say I did well" he said. "And look what I got." Eli unzipped his bag and pulled out the blue jersey and handing it to his mom who was smiling."Congratulation Eli." They both stood up and shared a hug.

"Thanks Ma. I'm going to take a quick shower and then head out to the stores." Said Eli picking up his bag and walked upstairs. He took his shower and now was walking back downstairs and kissed his mom cheek.

"Eli holds on!" said Cece.

Cece hand Eli a green Credit card." You left the list make sure you get everything you need." She said hugging him.

Eli got in Morty and turned the engine on. Eli pulled out his cell phone and text Adam;

Hey bro, do you want to come with me to get a few stuff for football


Eli turned the corner and stopped at the red light. His phone was vibrating. He flipped his phone and saw the text message.

Sure pick me up in ten!


Eli decided to text Clare to see if she would like to join them. She text back seconds later saying she would love to. Minute later Eli parked across from Clare house and walked out of Morty. Clare walked out of her house and walked to morty and slides herself inside.

"Hey" Clare kisses Eli quickly. Eli drove off to Adam, when they arrived, Adam was already outside waiting. He jumped inside Morty and drove off to dick's sporting goods…

They manage to find a good parking and Eli got a cart, which Adam starting begging Eli to let him sit on the cart. They continued this argument until they were greeted by a man with a polo blue shirt with the place logo. There first stop was T-shirts Adam was still begging but Eli still was refusing. Finally Eli gave in when Adam pulled the puppy face.

Half an hour later the cart was full with clothes, Eli new cleats and basketball shorts. Adam thinking it would be cute he started to pretend to drown on the clothes, he raised his hand and Eli and Clare could hear several muffled "Help". Eli took a hold of Adam wrist and pulled him up.

"Hey Eli I got to get something real quick." Said Clare." Make sure Adam doesn't drown again." She kisses Eli and walked away.

Clare return moments later and they pay for their stuff and drove off. Eli dropped off Adam first after waving Adam goodbye. During the drives to Clare's Eli couldn't keep his eyes away from the bag that Clare was holding tightly. They parked by the drive way.

"So are going to tell me what you got in that bag?" Said Eli

"Nope" Said Clare. She got out of the car

"Can I at least get a kiss?" Eli called as Clare walked away.

Clare walked back to Eli and leaned in to kiss. The kiss didn't last long but it was a kiss that both Clare and Eli will remember. Eli waited till Clare was inside the house then he drove off to his house. Eli park Morty at the drive way and walked inside with the four big bags in his hands. He entered inside his house and took of his jacket.

"Mom where are you? Shouted Eli

"In the living room sweetie" Cece voice rang at the living room. Eli walked over and saw his mom sitting down at the sofa folding clothes." Hey ma, thanks for letting me use the credit card!" Said Eli as he returns the credit card to his mom." It's no problem baby boy I'm just happy that you are playing football."

"Thank Ma; I'm going to take the bags upstairs." Said Eli

Cece nodded her head." Okay sweetie but get back downstairs soon dinner is almost ready and your father had taken the rest of the night off.

Eli stabbed pasta and pops it to his mouth, as he listens to the conversation between his parents. He was waiting for the right moment to mention football to his dad. He continued to eat his pasta. He didn't notice that his dad was looking at him."

"So Eli what's new?"

"Um I'm on the football team" said Eli. "Short and simple"

"That's great son!" Said Bullfrog." When is your first game?"

Eli smile." I might start Friday game!"

Bullfrog clapped his hands together and smiles again." Well Me and your Mother will be there cheering you on!"

The rest of dinner went well, for the first time in a while they ate like a regular talking. Bullfrog asked a lot of question about football. After Dinner Eli was getting tired and ask to be excuse. He walked upstairs to his room, got change and to his pajamas and fell asleep.

Hey guys I know this story is short as well as the last one but the next chapter. The next chapter will take place the first football game...

P.s I’m thinking of a new story to write, I would normally wait till I’m done with this chapter but I don’t want to forget...well I’m writing my other stories now’s don’t have a title.. The story is about Eli and Clare kids and many others...keep in mind that story got nothing to do with this one,

- Jellybean

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